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资源说明:Something Awful Forums browser for iOS
# Awful

[Awful][App Store] is an iOS 9.0+ app that's *Better Than Safari* for browsing the [Something Awful Forums][forums]. Its story is told in [its thread][current thread] (and the [thread before that][third thread] (and [the thread before that][second thread] (and [the thread before that][first thread]))).

Not sure what to work on? There's a [list of issues](, or just post in the thread and someone will share their pet peeves for your amusement!

Screenshot of Awful as it appears on an iPhone

[App Store]: [forums]: [current thread]: [third thread]: [second thread]: [first thread]: [project.log]: ## An unofficial app This app is not endorsed by Something Awful. ## Build Please drop by [the thread][current thread] if you could use a hand with any of these steps! You need Xcode 13 to build and run Awful. You can [download Xcode for free from Apple]( Then: 1. Clone the repository: `git clone --recursive Awful-app` 2. Open the Xcode workspace and build away: `xed Awful-app` You may see build warnings of the form "Unable to find included file '../Local.xcconfig'". You should still be able to build and run, just with a couple of features turned off. If you'd like to enable those features, or just make the warnings go away, please scroll on down to the "Local build settings" section below. The only required dependencies for building Awful that are not included directly in this repository are those managed by Swift Package Manager. Files generated by other utilities are included in the repository. The only submodule is the [thread-tags][] repository, which is not strictly needed for building; if you don't need it, you can leave off the `--recursive` part from step one. If you'd like to build to your device, set the `DEVELOPMENT_TEAM` build setting as mentioned in the Local build settings section below. ### Optional dependencies There are optional dependencies for building Awful. You only need them if you're working on the relevant part of the app. * Swift Package Manager is the preferred way to add dependencies. If at all possible, please use it. * Manual installation is totally fine. Drag the files or xcodeproj on in. * [CocoaPods][] manages some of our dependencies. * There's a `Gemfile` nearby if you want to use a known working version of CocoaPods. * **No matter how you add a dependency**, please update `App/Templates/Acknowledgements.html.stencil` with the name and license of the dependency. We do not use CocoaPods-generated acknowledgements. * [LESS][] helps us write CSS. If you're modifying the themes for displaying posts (these are files like `posts-view*.less`), please [install LESS][LESS]: 1. [Install homebrew]( 2. Open Terminal and install node: `brew install node`. 3. In Terminal, install less: `npm install less -g`. 4. Now build the Xcode project and the CSS files will be regenerated. [CocoaPods]: [LESS]: [thread-tags]: ### Local build settings There are some local build settings that can be useful to include but should not be committed to a public repo. Store those in an Xcode configuration file at `Local.xcconfig`; see [Local.sample.xcconfig](Local.sample.xcconfig) for an example. You'll get a build warning until you put a file at that location; it can be an empty file if you just want Xcode to be quiet. Awful uses an App Group to communicate and share data with the Smilie Keyboard. Unfortunately, App Group identifiers must be unique, so we can't simply set it up in this repository and have it work for everybody work. By default, Awful builds without an App Group configured, which means that the Smilie Keyboard won't be able to download new smilies, remember recent smilies, or store favourite smilies. If you like, you can: 1. Create an App Group in your iOS Developer account. 2. Copy `Local.sample.entitlements` to `Local.entitlements`. 3. Copy and paste your App Group identifier into `Local.entitlements`. 4. Set the `CODE_SIGN_ENTITLEMENTS` build setting in `Local.xcconfig` for the targets `Awful` and `SmilieKeyboard` (see `Local.sample.xcconfig` for a suggested setup). 5. After a build and run, full keyboard functionality should be yours. ### Tests There are unit tests, that don't cover much, running continuously via [GitHub Actions]( [![Build Status](]( ### Updating dependencies Dependencies not managed via CocoaPods or Swift Package Manager are placed in the [Vendor](Vendor) folder and manually kept up-to-date. They include: * ARChromeActivity and TUSafariActivity assets. We've implemented our own `UIActivity` subclasses but continue to use the libraries' images. ### Version scheme Bump the major version when changing the minimum required iOS version (deployment target). Otherwise, bump the minor version. Also, when changing the iOS deployment target, please tag the last commit that supports any no-longer-supported deployment target(s) and update the table in the section "iOS deployment targets" below. ### Handy utilities If you peek in the [Xcode](Xcode) folder you'll find: * `beta`, a script that bumps the build number and then runs `xcodebuild` to create an archive suitable for uploading to App Store Connect. See `beta --help` for more, including how to set up automatic uploads to App Store Connect. * If you've released to the App Store, it's time to bump at least the minor version number by passing the `--minor` parameter, e.g. `beta --minor`. * `bump`, a script that can increment the build, minor, or major version number throughtout the project. See `bump --help` for more. And in the Xcode workspace itself you'll find: * `SmilieExtractor`, an iOS app that takes `showsmilies.webarchive` and extracts resources for Smilie Keyboard. To update smilies, first save a fresh `showsmilies.webarchive` from the Forums, then run `SmilieExtractor`. * `CopyMarkdownApp`, a macOS Safari App Extension that adds a "Copy Awful Markdown" context menu item to the Forums. The copied markdown is ready to be pasted into a GitHub issue. ### Loading fixtures into the app and/or working offline If you've stashed some .html files from the Forums, you can load those into a debug build of the app. And if you forgot to stash some, you're in luck: we've stashed some as test fixtures. See [FixtureURLProtocol](Core/Networking/FixtureURLProtocol.swift) for more info. ## Contribute You can help! See our [contribution guidelines]( and please come visit [the thread][current thread] to say hi. ### Project Structure Awful is broken down somewhat: * `Awful` is the iOS app. * `AwfulCore` is a Swift package that does the scraping and networking with the Forums. It's meant to be compatible with all Apple platforms, but nobody's really tried beyond iOS. * `Smilies` is a Swift package that downloads smilies and presents them as a keyboard. It's meant to be compatible with all Apple platforms, but nobody's really tried beyond iOS. ### Theming Awful's [posts view][] is fully customizable using CSS. There's a [default theme][], as well as themes for specific forums such as [YOSPOS][YOSPOS CSS theme] and [FYAD][FYAD CSS theme]. Internally, we use LESS to generate our CSS, so if you are editing built-in themes please edit the `.less` files. (LESS installation instructions are above.) Then commit both the modified `.less` files and any resulting changes to `.css` files, so others don't need LESS to build Awful. The rest of Awful is themed in a a [big plist][theme plist]. If you can't find a theme key you'd like to use, ask and we'll add it! [posts view]: App/Posts/PostsView.swift [default theme]: App/Theming/posts-view.css [YOSPOS CSS theme]: App/Theming/posts-view-yospos.less [FYAD CSS theme]: App/Theming/posts-view-fyad.less [theme plist]: App/Theming/Themes.plist ### Thread Tags [Diabolik900][] and [The Dave][] have largely fashioned Awful with its own [set of thread tags][thread tags] that look great on the iPhone and the iPad. They're distributed with the app. New thread tags can also [appear in Awful][AwfulThreadTags] without us having to send an update through the App Store. This is done by hosting the icons via [GitHub Pages][]. To add a new thread tag you just made: 1. Add it to the [thread tags repository][Thread Tags.git] and push. 2. Update the [ repository][] repository per [its README][ README]. 3. In this ( repository, update the `App/Resources/Thread Tags` submodule and push: ```bash cd path/to/awful-app/repo cd App/Resources/Thread\ Tags git pull origin master cd .. git commit -am "Updated thread tags." git push ``` [AwfulThreadTags]: App/Thread%20Tags/ThreadTagLoader.swift []: [ README]: [Thread Tags.git]: ### Alternate App Icons Alternate app icons go in `Assets.xcassets`, in the "App Icons" folder. To add a new alternate app icon, create a new iOS App Icon image set in that folder and drag your images in. There's no Info.plist changes required. ## URL schemes Awful answers to a couple URL schemes: * `awful:` opens Awful directly to various screens. This URL scheme is documented at and at [Launch Center Pro]( * `awful://forums` opens the Forums tab. * `awful://forums/:forumid` opens the Forums tab to the identified forum. * `awful://threads/:threadid` opens the first page of the identified thread. For example, `awful://threads/3510131` opens Awful's thread. * `awful://threads/:threadid/pages/:page` opens the given page of the identified thread. For example, `awful://threads/3510131/pages/15` opens the fifteenth page of Awful's thread. * `awful://posts/:postid` opens the identified post's page of its thread and jumps to it. For example, `awful://posts/408179339` opens the OP of Awful's thread. * `awful://bookmarks` opens the Bookmarks tab. * `awful://messages` opens the Messages tab. * `awful://messages/:messageid` opens the identified private message. (I guess the idea is to handle a link from one message to another?) * `awful://settings` opens the Settings tab. * `awful://users/:userid` opens the identified user's profile. For example, `awful://users/106125` opens pokeyman's profile. * `awful://banlist` opens the Leper's Colony. * `awful://banlist/:userid` opens the identified user's rap sheet. For example, `awful://banlist/106125` opens pokeyman's rap sheet. * `awfulhttp:` and `awfulhttps:` handle Forums website URLs by opening the corresponding screen when possible. * The idea is you take your `…` URL, put `awful` in front, and now it opens in Awful. ## iOS deployment targets For iOS | Check out tag/branch ------- | -------------------- 15 | main 14 | main 13 | main 12 | ios-12 11 | ios-11 10 | ios-10 9 | ios-9 8 | ios-8 7 | ios-7 6 | ios-6 5 | ios-5 ## License [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License]( ## Credit Awful development is led by [pokeyman][] aka [Nolan Waite]( Awful includes contributions from: - [awesomeolion]( - [carry on then]( - [CLAM DOWN]( - [commie kong]( - [Diabolik900][] - [enigma105]( - [Froist]( - [hardstyle]( - [JamesOff]( - [Jose Valasquez]( - [Malcolm XML]( - [OHIO]( - [pokeyman][] - [spanky the dolphin]( - [Subjunctive]( - [tanky]( - [The Dave][] - [ultramiraculous]( - [xzzy]( [Diabolik900]: [pokeyman]: [The Dave]:
