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资源说明:NeatlineMaps connects Omeka to GeoServer, a powerful open-source geospatial server.
# Neatline Maps

[![Build Status](](

Working with geospatial data can be difficult. The NeatlineMaps plugin allows
you to upload georeferenced maps to the popular open source
[Geoserver][geoserver], allowing you not only to use your data easily in Omeka,
but also to share it with others.

GeoServer is a Java-based software server that implements the open standards
developed by the [Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)][ogc]. GeoServer works with
many of the popular mapping applications like [Google Maps][gmaps], [Google
Earth][gearth], [Yahoo Maps][ymaps], and [Microsoft Virtual Earth][msve], as
well as with more traditional GIS architectures like [ESRI ArcGIS][arcgis]. And
now it also integrates with Omeka through the NeatlineMaps plugin.

NeatlineMaps allows you to connect to one or more GeoServer instances to easily
create “slippy” maps that you can use with Omeka items and exhibits.

## Installation

> **Note:** You must have access to a GeoServer instance to use this plugin.
> You can download the appropriate [installation package from the GeoServer
> site][geodownload]. And read how to [install and configure it][geodocs].
> NeatlineMaps also requires that the PHP **Zip** and **Curl** modules be
> installed on your server, and it will notify you if you are missing these
> modules.

Once all dependencies are in place, follow the same process for installing any
other Omeka plugin.

* Upload the ‘NeatlineMaps’ plugin directory to your Omeka installation’s
  ‘plugins’ directory. See [Installing a Plugin][plugininstall].
* Activate the plugin from the admin → Settings → Plugins page.

## Usage

### Adding a Server

You can add as many GeoServer instances as you have access to. This is
particularly useful in a situation where you have a testing and production
environment, or working with colleagues from different institutions with a
centralized, shared GeoServer instance.

1. Log on to the Omeka Admin panel
2. Click on the Neatline Maps tab
3. Click on the Create Server link or button ![Neatline Maps
4. Fill out the information to connect to your GeoServer instance. If you have
   a default installation of GeoServer, the username/password combination is
   ‘admin/geoserver’. [We recommend you change this setting][geopassword].
   * **Name**: An internal, non-public identifier for the server.
   * **URL**: The root URL for the Geoserver instance. This should look
     something like `http://localhost:8080/geoserver`.
   * **Workspace**: The workspace on the server where the new GeoTIFF stores
     should be created.
   * **Username**: The Geoserver username.
   * **Password**: The Geoserver password.
   * **Active**: Check this box if the new server should be the active server.
     This can be changed at any time. (See below for more information.)
     ![Geoserver Password](
5. After clicking on the Create button, you will be presented with a list of
   servers which you have defined and the status of each one (green
   *Online* or red *Offline*).

You may create as many sever records as you wish, but at any given point
exactly one of the servers will always be the "active" server. This is the
server that Neatline Maps will use to handle new GeoTIFF files that are
uploaded as files attachments to items.

If you have more than one server record, you can change the active server by
clicking the "Set Active" link in the "Active" column in the Browse Servers
view or by editing the server record.

### Adding Web Map Services to Items 

There are two ways to add a map on a Geoserver instance. 

1. Link to the map directly by adding a [WMS][wms] address and a list of layers
   to include.
2. Upload a [GeoTIFF][geotiff] as a file.

### Using an Existing WMS (Web Map Service)

To link an item to an existing service:

1. In the Add/Edit view of an item, click on the "Web Map Service" in the
   vertical stack of tabs on the left.
2. Enter the WMS address of the server and a comma-delimited list of layers
   in the two fields. ![Add
3. Click the "Save Changes" button (or "Add Item," if you're creating a new

If the WMS address and layers point to a valid web map service, the map will be
displayed along with the regular metadata on all item-specific views throughout
the site.

### Upload GeoTIFFs

To use this feature, you must have set up a server to post your GeoTIFF images
to (see [Adding a Server](#adding-a-server)).  You also must have
administrative access to a [Geoserver][geoserver] instance. Once these are in
place, you can upload a GeoTIFF in Omeka as you would any file, and
NeatlineMaps will communicate with Geoserver to set up the web map service for

1. Create a new Omeka item, filling out pertinant metadata fields;
2. Click on the *Files* tab; ![Add
3. Browse to where you have stored your GeoTIFF; and
4. Click Add/Edit Item. ![Save

Neatline Maps will detect that a GeoTIFF file has been uploaded and attempt to
send the file to the Geoserver instance that is currently marked as "active" in
the list of servers under the "Neatline Maps" tab. If the plugin is able to
connect to the server and the `.tiff` file is a well-formed GeoTIFF, Neatline
Maps will create a new coverage store and generate a layer for the store. In
your Omeka site, Neatline Maps will automatically fill in the information in
the "Web Map Service" tab for the item with the WMS address and layer name of
the new GeoTIFF that was just uploaded to the active server.

What if you try to upload a new GeoTIFF to an item that already has existing
data in the "Web Map Service" tab? If the existing WMS address on the item
matches the WMS address of the currently "active" server, Neatline Maps will
upload the file to Geoserver, and it will add the new layer to the existing
list of layers specified in the "layers" field in the "Web Map Service" tab. If
the WMS address of the active server does not match the WMS address on the
item, Neatline Maps will do nothing: the file will not be uploaded to Geoserver
and the list of layers in the "Web Map Service" tab will not be changed.

#### Preparing and Formatting GeoTIFFs

For an excellent introduction to georectifying maps for use with the Neatline
Maps plugin, see [Creating GIS Dataset from Historic Maps][georectify].

### Integration with Neatline Exhibits

Once you have an item or a collection of items with WMS services attached to
them — either by uploading new GeoTIFFs or pointing the items to existing
services — you can add a map to a Neatline exhibit just by activating the item
in the "Map" column in the editor.

In the Neatline editor, find the listing for the item in the items browser
panel on the left of the screen (depending on how the items query for the
exhibit is configured, you might have to update the query or add tag/collection
metadata to the item to make it appear in the list) and click the middle of the
three activation checkboxes next to the item (in the "Map" column).

Neatline will automatically render the map on the exhibit. In this way, you can
configure any combination of WMS maps in the exhibit by activating or
deactivating the Omeka items associated with that exhibit.

### Migrating Data to Another Server

Often when developing a site, it's useful to be able to work on a separate
server running GeoServer, whether on your laptop or on a staging site. You can
easily migrate this information to your production server. GeoServer keeps all
configuration and data in its [data directory][geoserver-data]. To find where
this is, go into GeoServer and click the *Server Status* link at the top of the
left column. The first item on the status page is the location of the data

![GeoServer Data Directory](

Now after you install GeoServer on the final server, you can copy the data
directory from the old server onto the new server and have access to your data.

## Support

We use an [issue tracker][issues] for feedback on issues and requested
improvements. If you have general questions, you may also post them to
the [Omeka Forums][forums]  or the [Omeka Developers Group][groups].

## Credits

### Translations

* Martin Liebeskind (German)
* Gillian Price (Spanish)
* Oguljan Reyimbaeva (Russian)
* Katina Rogers (French)



[issues]: "issue tracker"
