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资源说明:Zazl Server Utilities
Dojo Zazl Server Utilities

The Zazl Server Utilities contains server side modules that provide support for other Zazl components such as the Optimizer and Zazl Server-Side Templating. 

These utilities include:

1) Resource Loader (
2) Rhino ClassLoader (
3) V8 Java Bridge (
4) A commonjs compliant loader that runs in Rhino and V8 via java.

See for more details

Setting up a Development Environment

NOTE: This step is also required for setting up a development environment for the optimizer and zazl components too.

1) Make a directory called "zazldev" and cd into it.
2) In the "zazldev" directory create a new directory called "workspace"
2) Download the Zazl Eclipse Target Platform from the Zazl download page ( and unzip into the "zazldev" directory. 
3) Clone the Server Utils git repo (git clone from within the "zazldev/workspace" directory.

To develop and build with Eclipse:
1) Download a copy of Eclipse 3.7 (
2) Start Eclipse and point it to the "zazldev/workspace" directory. 
3) Import the projects found in the "zazldev/workspace/serverutils" directory via "File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace".
4) Initially you will have some compile errors
5) Open the "/org.dojotoolkit.server.util.feature/" file and click the "Set as Target Platform" link in the top right-hand corner. This should make the compile errors go away.

Zazl Eclipse Target Platform

The Zazl Target Platform zip file ( contains the prereqs that Zazl requires to run and build.
