文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:A demo application that is a simple contact manager I built to learn Flex 4 and to use for my PureMVC presentations.
This is an application I built a few years ago to learn Flex 4 and as a demo application 
when I first started presenting on the PureMVC framework. 

The source code has been available in the ZIP files for my past presentations but I 
didn't have it backed up anywhere so now its on GitHub and updated to work with the 
latest Flex SDK release which as of this writing is 4.5.1.

Once the project is cloned locally just import it as a Flash Builder project into a 
workspace. You don't have to change any settings as long as its running against 
Flex 4.5.1. Make sure to right click on the ContactManager.mxml file and select 
"Set as Default Application" if not already the default.
