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资源说明:Simple template for Java web apps using Gradle/Maven.
Getting started with Java Web Development.

1. Install Git. Grab this code with this command:

   $ git clone

2. Install Gradle.

3. Install Eclipse. Set up your project with Eclipse using this command:

   $ gradle eclipse

   Then in Eclipse, File -> Import -> Existing Project Into Workspace
   -> Select root directory -> Finish

4. Compile and test with this command:

   $ gradle build

5. Run test server with this command:

   $ gradle jettyRun

6. Deploy to production:
   $ cp ./build/lib/myapp.war /realserver/deploydir

Alternatively use Maven:

Set up Maven with Eclipse. The very first time you'll need to run this
command so you can have maven set up your Eclipse projects for you:

   $ mvn eclipse:eclipse -Declipse.workspace=$HOME/workspace eclipse:add-maven-repo

Where $HOME/workspace is whatever your Eclipse workspace directory is. You
should only need to do that once.

Alternatively use IntelliJ:

Add "apply plugin: 'intellij'" to build.gradle. More than likely you will be
able to create a project from a gradle file in IntelliJ directly though.
