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资源说明:PLAY WebApp
													  ASCII Art: GlassGiant.com

PLAY Project WebApp
This is the Web frontend for the PLAY Research Project. The PLAY Project will
develop and validate an elastic and reliable architecture for dynamic and
complex, event-driven interaction in large highly distributed and heterogeneous
service systems. Such an architecture will enable ubiquitous exchange of
information between heterogeneous services, providing the possibilities to adapt
and personalize their execution, resulting in the so-called situational-driven
process adaptivity.

The WebApp uses the [Play! framework](http://www.playframework.org) (not affiliated
with the research project of same name). See the installation section on how to get
everything running including Eclipse integration.

1. Install the Play! framework from www.playframework.org. We tested v. 1.2.x. Add the play-x.x.x folder to your system's PATH variable. For details see [INSTALL](INSTALL.md).

2. Clone the WebApp e.g. into your Eclipse workspace:

		$ git clone https://github.com/play-project/WebApp.git

3. Fetch all Maven dependencies for WebApp:

		$ cd WebApp
		$ rm -Rf lib/ (delete old dependencies if there are any)
		$ mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
		$ play dependencies

4. Create your file `conf/application.conf` from the available file `conf/application.conf.dist`. The database (currently Postgres) is configured there.

5. Create Eclipse project files if needed (they are not in Git)

		$ play eclipsify

6. Import the eclipsified project in Eclipse:
`File -> Import -> Import existing projects` (add the path where WebApp was cloned)

7. Run using `--%stable` or `--%unstable` to select configuration options:

		$ play start --%stable

For issues and bug reporting, please go to https://github.com/play-project/play/issues?labels=web+portal&page=1&state=open
