文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:This is a fork of the pcsl from phoneme by Sun but it is easier manage using several Git repos (due to the huge size of the svn repo).
# Copyright  2007  Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

How to build pcsl

 2.1. Environment variables to be set: 
      PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR : This is the directory where the output is created. If not set
                        the output directory is created at the top of the workspace. So
                        if /pcsl is the top of the workspace, then  
                        PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR is set to /pcsl/output.
      PCSL_PLATFORM   : This is a triplet of (OS, CPU, COMPILER). For example,
                        linux_i386_gcc, linux_arm_gcc or win32_i386_vc. This has
                        to be set. There is no default ! It can be set either as an
                        environment variable or can be specified on the command line, eg:
                        >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc
                        When output is being generated, a directory based on (OS, CPU) is
                        created beneath PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR, eg: $(PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR)/linux_arm,
                        or $(PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR)/win32_i386. All the object files and libraries
                        will be put beneath this directory.
      JDK_DIR         : This environment variable is needed only for building the JAR file
                        for SOS proxy server. This directory represents the local JDK 
                        directory path

 2.2 Build options 
    Command line options: 

    Each of the four services comes in more than one flavor.
    For example, you can either build the ram file system or the posix file system.
    The available options are:

    File system: ram posix win32 stubs
    Memory:      malloc heap stubs
    network:     bsd/qte bsd/generic sos winsock stubs
    print:       stdout file stubs

    You can choose between the different options by using the command line

    eg: >make FILE_MODULE=ram MEMORY_MODULE=heap

    IF none these variables are defined, then by default the
    posix, malloc, socket/bsd/qte, stdout
    modules are built.

    Debug versus optimized build
    By default you get an optimized compilation, for example, if using
    the gcc compiler, the "-O3 -fexpensive-optimizations", compiler flags are
    If you want a debug build, then use the USE_DEBUG flag on the command line, 
    >make USE_DEBUG=true
    >make USE_DEBUG=true donuts 

 2.3. Build Targets

     There is a GNUmakefile at the top of the workspace and in every source 
     directory beneath. Each GNUmakefile knows how to make its subdirectories
     recursively. All the makefiles, except for the one in the donuts directory,
     have the four targets listed below:

     Description                          target name
     The Software Development Environment all (default)
     Unit Tests                           donuts
     Doxygen                              doc
     Clean                                clean

     Note that the makefile at the top of the workspace will make all the modules and
     libraries, all of the unit tests and the docs for all the modules. The makefiles
     in the individual module directories, will make the library, docs and unit test, for
     that module only.
     The makefile in the donuts directory has only two targets: all (default) and clean.
     'all' will make all the unit tests. Since the unit tests depend on the module libraries,
     they will be made if necessary. 'clean' will remove all the unit test .o files and the
     generated donuts.c file.

    Software development environment, i.e. libraries and include files that other
    applications can use and link against. These are built by the default, 'all'
    The four service libraries: libpcsl_file.a libpcsl_memory.a libpcsl_network.a
    Associated include files: pcsl_file.h pcsl_memory.h pcsl_network.h pcsl_print.h
    Depending on what network module is being built, there might be some more
    network related inlcude files, for example, if the socket based BSD-qte 
    network module is being built, then pcsl_network_qte.h will be present

    All the libraries can be built from the top of the workspace, eg:
    >cd /pcsl
    >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc
    Individual libraries can be built from any of the interior module directories, eg:
    >cd /pcsl/file
    >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_i386_gcc FILE_MODULE=ram
    >cd /pcsl/memory/heap
    >make PCSL_PLATFORM=win32_i386_vc
    In the last case, since we are in the heap directory, MEMORY_MODULE = heap.

    You can optionally set the PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable.
    If you want to generate the libraries with the default modules, then all you
    have to do is type make, at the top of the workspace,
    >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_i386_gcc
    But if you want specific modules, then, for example
    >make  PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_i386_gcc NETWORK_MODULE=socket/sos PRINT_MODULE=file
    To remove a previous build, you can run
    >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc clean
    This will remove the "ouput" directory and all its contents.

    Once make completes, the following directories will be created: (assuming OS=linux,
    and CPU=arm)


    The lib and inc directories are the ones you will need for development.
    If PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR has not been set, it will be set to 
    /output i.e. in the above example

    PCSL test harness. PCSL provides its own unit tests for the different services,
    that can be built and run.

    All the tests can be built from either the top of the workspace, or from
    the donuts directory.
    Individual module tests can be built, from any interior module directory, with
    the 'donuts' target.
    To build the PCSL unit tests

    1. As before PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR can be optionally set
       PCSL_PLATFORM can either be set in the environment or at the command line.

    2. The donuts target will build any required libraries, if necessary.

    3. To build all tests:
       Either go to the top of the workspace or to the donuts directory. If, for example,
       pcsl has been installed at /pcsl directory, and you are building for the
       linux, arm, gcc platform, then
       >cd /pcsl or >cd /pcsl/donuts
       Then type
       >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc donuts
       or, in the donuts directory
       >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc

       To build individual unit tests, go to a specific module directory
       and type, for example:
       >cd /pcsl/file or >cd /pcsl/file/posix
       >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc donuts
       This will build unit test for the file module.

       Once this completes successfully. an executable
       is created.
       In order to run the tests:
       >cd $(PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR)/linux_arm/
       This will run all the tests.
       To list the tests:
       >bin/donuts -list
       and to run individual tests, for example
       >bin/donuts testFile
       will run the file system test.
       >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc clean
       will remove the unit tests.

    Doxygen docs. HTML Documents generated from high level public, 
    and low level porting interfaces. 
    All the docs can be built from the top of the workspace, with the 'doc' target
    Docs for individual modules can be built, from any interior module directory, again with
    the 'doc' target.

    To build the Doxygen docs

    1. As before PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR can be optionally set
       PCSL_PLATFORM can either be set in the environment or at the command line.

    2. To build
       Either go to the top of the workspace or to an interior module directory.

       >cd /pcsl or >cd /pcsl/file
       Then type
       >make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc doc
       Once this completes successfully,
       will be created, with all the content in the html directory. You can view
       the contents in your browser, by going to 

.  As before a ">make PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc clean" at the top of the workspace,
   will remove all docs, and everything else.
   A 'clean' target in one of the interior module directory, will remove libraries,
   objects, docs and unit tests of that module.

 Appendix A

   List of Makefiles:

   (Assuming PCSL is installed at /pcsl)

   1. /pcsl/GNUmakefile

      Makefile at the top of the workspace, will build all libraries, docs and tests.

   2. /pcsl/file/GNUmakefile               - makes named FILE_MODULE/donuts/doc/clean
   3. /pcsl/print/GNUmakefile              - makes named PRINT_MODULE/donuts/doc/clean
   4. /pcsl/memory/GNUmakefile             - makes named MEMORY_MODULE/donuts/doc/clean
   5. /pcsl/network/GNUmakefile            - makes named NETWORK_MODULE/donuts/doc/clean
   6. /pcsl/network/socket/GNUmakefile     - makes named NETWORK_MODULE/donuts/doc/clean
   7. /pcsl/network/socket/bsd/GNUmakefile - makes named NETWORK_MODULE/donuts/doc/clean

   8. /pcsl/file/posix/GNUmakefile        - makes the posix FILE module/donuts/doc/clean
   9. /pcsl/file/ram/GNUmakefile          - makes the ram FILE module/donuts/doc/clean
  10. /pcsl/file/win32/GNUmakefile        - makes the win32 FILE module/donuts/doc/clean
  12. /pcsl/print/stdout/GNUmakefile      - makes the stdout PRINT module/donuts/doc/clean
  13. /pcsl/print/file/GNUmakefile        - makes the file PRINT module/donuts/doc/clean
  14. /pcsl/memory/malloc/GNUmakefile     - makes the malloc MEMORY module/donuts/doc/clean
  15. /pcsl/memory/heap/GNUmakefile       - makes the heap MEMORY module/donuts/doc/clean
  16. /pcsl/network/socket/bsd/generic/GNUmakefile   
                                  - makes the socket/bsd/generic NETWORK module/donuts/doc/clean
  17. /pcsl/src/network/socket/bsd/qte/GNUmakefile   
                                  - makes the socket/bsd/qte NETWORK module/donuts/doc/clean
  18. /pcsl/src/network/socket/sos/GNUmakefile   
                                  - makes the socket/sos NETWORK module/donuts/doc/clean
  19. /pcsl/src/network/socket/winsock/GNUmakefile   
                                  - makes the socket/winsock NETWORK module/donuts/doc/clean
  20. /pcsl/donuts/GNUmakefile    - makes all the PCSL unit tests

  Below is a list of files included by some or all the makefiles above:

  1. /pcsl/makefiles/top.gmk          - included by all makefiles
  2. /pcsl/makefiles/share/gcc.gmk    - gcc (ver. 2.96) specific defines, eg: CFLAGS, LDFLAGS 
  3. /pcsl/makefiles/share/vc.gmk     - Visual C (vc) specific defines, eg: CFLAGS 
  4. /pcsl/makefiles/share/linux.gmk  - Linux specific defines
  5. /pcsl/makefiles/share/win32.gmk  - Windows specific defines
  6. /pcsl/makefiles/share/Docs.gmk   - Doxygen specific defines
                                        included by all makefiles that have a 'doc' target
  7. /pcsl/makefiles/platforms/linux_arm_gcc.gmk 
                                      - Included by top.gmk for the (linux,arm,gcc) platform
                                        Includes gcc.gmk and linux.gmk
  8. /pcsl/makefiles/platforms/linux_i386_gcc.gmk 
                                      - Included by top.gmk for the (linux,i386,gcc) platform
                                        Includes gcc.gmk and linux.gmk
  9. /pcsl/makefiles/platforms/win32_i386_vc.gmk 
                                      - Included by top.gmk for the (win32,i386,vc) platform
                                        Includes win32.gmk and vc.gmk
  Note: Makefiles need include only top.gmk and optionally Docs.gmk. From the PCSL_PLATFORM
  definition, top.gmk will include all the platform specific files.

Appendix B:

 In order to build SOS proxy server, javacomm package must be installed. This package  
facilitates communication over a serial port using Java APIs.  
