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资源说明:A set of custom UI widgets for Android.
This library adds custom UI widgets to your Android application ofthe BIG variety!

Available components

* __ShadedImageButton__: A simple image-button, with a shaded background.
* __BigProgressbar__: A very basic progressbar.
* __BigSlider__: A really simple slider (or seekbar, whichever you prefer) in a similar style as above.

Getting Started

See the wiki... (TODO)

Sample Applications

This library includes one sample application which showcases all the widgets.

* __showcase__: A bare-bones app that shows all widgets off in different activities.

To install a sample application into Eclipse (3.5):

* Create the sample application in your workspace:
2. Select __File__ -> __New__ -> __Project__, choose __Android Project__, and then click __Next__.
  3. Select "Create project from existing source".
  4. Choose __examples/showcase__. You should see the project properties populated.
  5. Click Finish to continue.

* Build the project: from the Project menu, select "Build Project".

* Run the application: from the Run menu, select "Run Configurations...".  Under Android Application, you can create a new run configuration: give it a name and select the simple Example project; use the default activity Launch Action.  See for more details.




Here's a few common errors and their solutions.

* __LayoutEditor Display:__ Currently the visible progress in the LayoutEditor is showing incorrect progress. In "live" mode the progress is shown correctly.

* __Build error: "xxx".__


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