文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:RPM-package for kde-plasma-mail-checker
# LANG=en_US.UTF-8

	kdebase-workspace-python-applet (Fedora14 package name)

Paths and files:
	Error log file: $HOME/.xsession-errors
	Debug log file: /tmp/outMailChecker_%Y_%m_%d_%H:%S.log
	Configuration file: $HOME/.config/plasmaMailChecker/plasmaMailChecker.conf
	Filter files: $HOME/.config/plasmaMailChecker/filter.from,

Path for your POP3 accounts uidl cache:
	temporary cache:

Start/stop mail checking in plasmoid.
	Click on mailers icon to start or stop checking.
M@ilChecker uses default wallet or an alternative, if specified.

	Plasmoid should periodic check for new messages in configured accounts.
	Supported protocols: POP3/POP3S/IMAP4/IMAP4S + IMAP4_IDLE.
	Passwords for accounts stored in encrypted container.
	Plasmoid use KDE-notification for events about new mail.
	It one maybe contain in plasma workspace and in plasma panel.
	Support Akonadi (mimeType : "message/rfc822") resources monitoring
	(getting new mail).
	Support integrated mail viewer (for non-Akonadi accounts).
	Command line of Akonadi account must be used for execution of console command
	(different from plasmoid process) - "View" in notification of some mail.
	See for : EXAMPLES.
	In Plasmoid built Translator with autodetect of locale. Installation
	new language simply by adding the appropriate *.qm file.
	(For example: ru.qm, de.qm, ge.qm). By default, the language is English.

Known issues:
	If you internet connection is too slow, you need increase time value in "Autoexit of connect" parameter.

Tested on Fedora14 (kdebase-workspace-python-applet-4.5.3-3.fc14.x86_64) -- Fedora18
