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资源说明:PHP class for building Debian packages
# debbie

PHP class for building Debian packages.

High unit test coverage using PHPUnit.

## API

```$deb = new Debbie($config);```

[addSource]($src, $dst = '')

> Adds a file to the package manifest and an (optional) alternate install desintation.


> Builds the `.deb` file and returns its location.

## Usage

``` php
  'buildId' => '2011-11-10',
  'depends' => array('mysql-server'),
  'description' => 'Meta package for EC2 database master',
  'maintainer' => 'Package Author ',
  'postinst' => file_get_contents($postInstallScriptFile),
  'section' => 'db',
  'shortName' => 'ec2-dbmaster',
  'version' => '1.2',
  'workspaceBasedir' => '/tmp/deb-workspace/ec2-dbmaster'
$deb = new Debbie($config);
$debFilename = $deb->build();

## Requirements

* PHP 5.3+
