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资源说明:Treadmill management system
PiTech Treadmill Simulator Software

PiTech Software Treadmill is a software that mimics the operations of a
treadmill. The user can walk, jog, and run by changing the speed and inclination
and may stop or pause at any time. The user has the ability to manually adjust
the settings to target specific goals, such as a specific amount of calories,
time, or a certain distance. The software monitors and calculates distance,
calories, and time throughout the workout. The user can have a better estimate
of calories burned by inputting age and weight at any time during the session.
The user has the choice to select a pre-designed program to work out on a
specific fitness goal such as weight loss, endurance, or cardiovascular fitness.
The software saves data and creates a history file, which includes the user's
time, distance, and calories per workout. Treadmill messages are displayed in
the message display section, and the treadmill's user guide can be viewed at any


If you use the [Eclipse][1] IDE, then to import and run the project with our zip
file, you need to:

1. Select File > Import
2. Expand "General", then select "Existing Projects into Workspace" and click
3. Choose "Select archive file" and navigate to the zip file. Alternatively, you
   can choose "Select root directory" and navigate to the directory that you
   extracted from the zip file.
4. A project called PiTech will appear. Make sure it is checked, and then click
5. The PiTech project will appear in your Project Explorer, which can then be
   run in the usual manner.

Compiling the program into a jar-file on the command line is easy:

    javac *.java
    jar cvfe PiTech.jar DisplayInterface *.class rsc/*

This creates a jar-file called `PiTech.jar` which can be run by executing
`java -jar PiTech.jar`, or by double-clicking on the icon. The included shell
script `build.sh` will automate this in a POSIX environment.

A third alternative, if you have [Apache Ant][2], you can compile and create the
jar-file by simply executing `ant`.

[1]: http://www.eclipse.org/
[2]: http://ant.apache.org/
