资源说明:The code for an article that was written for MundoJ magazine
Steps 1 - extract to your eclipse workspace 2 - configure the servers JBoss 4.2 and Tomcat 6.0 on eclipse 3 - if you modify the store-ejb project, remember of generate the .JAR and copy for WEB-INF/lib (store-web) 4 - in project store-ws-client, modify the constant PATH_WSDL of class ProductServiceBean_ProductServiceBeanPort_Client.java to: ${YOUR_WORKSPACE_PATH}\store-ws-client\wsdl\ProductService.wsdl 5 - generate the .EAR (project store) 6 - copy the generated file to ${PATH_OF_YOUR_JBOSS}\server\default\deploy 7 - put the configuration of letter A (below) into file ${PATH_OF_YOUR_JBOSS}\server\default\conf\login-config.xml 8 - In directory ${PATH_OF_YOUR_JBOSS}\lib: - leave only the libs: getopt.jar,jboss-jmx.jar e jboss-system.jar 9 - In directory ${PATH_OF_YOUR_JBOSS}\lib\endorsed: - leave only the libs: commons-codec.jar,commons-httpclient.jar,commons-logging.jar,concurrent.jar, jaxb-api.jar,jboss-common.jar,jboss-jaxrpc.jar,jboss-saaj.jar,jboss-xml-binding.jar,log4j-boot.jar, serializer.jar,xalan.jar e xercesImpl.jar 10 - if your don't find any libs mentioned above, find them: ${PATH_OF_YOUR_JBOSS}\client 11 - put the file mysql-ds.xml in directory ${PATH_OF_YOUR_JBOSS}\server\default\deploy 12 - start the application server (JBoss) 13 - type in your browser: http://localhost:8080/store/faces/index.jsp ---- A---- Configurations IDE: Eclipse Application server: JBoss v4.2 Questions Blog: www.rafaelcarneiro.com E-mail: rafaelcarneirob@gmail.com My JUG: www.cejug.org My Linkedin profile: www.linkedin.com/in/rafaelcarneiro java:/StoreDS anonymous SELECT ps_cust as passwd FROM tb_customer t where lg_cust=? SELECT name as userRoles, 'Roles' FROM tb_roles roles inner join tb_customer cust on roles.id_user = cust.cd_cust where cust.lg_cust=?