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DreamTeam CDStore project for CSI5380 Fall 2011
Project requirements:
Project grading:
Facebook discussions:

===== Building & Deploying CDStore on Windows (no Eclipse required) =====

1. Tomcat
- Download & unzip tomcat (ex: )
- Set TOMCAT_HOME to the root of the tomcat server (ex: J:\work\apache-tomcat-7.0.22) (this is needed because Tomcat's servlet libraries are required by ant to build the code - in the future we will ideally auto-deploy the jars/wars to the correct folder relative to TOMCAT_HOME through ant, but for debugging it's better to deploy wars manually while watching the server log)
- set up SSL as follows:
	- run the following from command line while in a folder that has write access (PATH environment variable must contain JRE or JDK bin folder):
	keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -keystore keystore.jks  -validity 999 -keysize 512
	- enter the password 'asdasd' (you *must* use this password since it is in the code for accessing SSL-based Web Services)
	- re-enter the password 'asdasd' 
	- for "First and last name" enter 'localhost'
	- for "Organizational unit" enter 'SITE'
	- for "Name of organization" enter  'University of Ottawa'
	- for "City or locality" enter 'Ottawa'
	- for "State or province" enter 'ON'
	- for "Two letter country code" enter 'CA'
	- enter 'Yes' to confirm the information
	- press RETURN when asked to enter the password again
	- move the generated keystore.jks file into yout TOMCAT_HOME/conf folder and modify your TOMCAT_HOME/conf/server.xml file to replace the following commented xml section:
	with the following uncommented XML section:
	- if you run Tomcat and you receive a "SSLCertificateFile must be defined when using SSL with APR" exception, comment out the following line near the top of server.xml:
2. Ant
- Download & unzip ant (ex: )
- Add the ant 'bin' folder to PATH (ex: C:\Program Files\apache-ant-1.8.2\bin) so that you can run 'ant' from command line
- As required by ant, set your JAVA_HOME environment variable to your JDK (ex: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0)

3. MySQL
- Install mysql with TCP/IP support and such that you can type 'mysql' at command line (if the installer didn't do it, ensure PATH contains "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.5\bin" or similar)
- Run 'mysql -u root -p' from command line (if first run, press enter for the password)
- Set the 'root' user password to 'asdasd' by entering the following two lines:
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('asdasd') WHERE User='root';
flush privileges;
- To insert the sample data, run the following from command line (using the correct path to the provided cdstore.sql) and enter the password:
mysql -u root -p < C:\cdstore.sql

4. Build & Deploy
- see "Third-Party Dependencies" section below and complete all steps
- ensure Tomcat is not already started
- Use command line to browse to the 'Utilities' folder and enter 'ant'
- copy the Utilities.jar file from the 'CDStore\antbuild' folder into '%TOMCAT_HOME%\lib'
- Use command line to browse to the 'CatalogService' folder and enter 'ant'
- Copy the CatalogService.war file from the 'CatalogService\antbuild' folder into '%TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps'
- Use command line to browse to the 'OrderService' folder and enter 'ant'
- Copy the OrderService.war file from the 'OrderService\antbuild' folder into '%TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps'
- Use command line to browse to the 'CDStore' folder and enter 'ant'
- Copy the CDStore.war file from the 'CDStore\antbuild' folder into '%TOMCAT_HOME%\webapps'

5. Run
- Start Tomcat by running %TOMCAT_HOME%\bin\startup.bat
- Browse to https://localhost:8443/CDStore/

===== Additional Notes for Developers =====
- Ensure you have TOMCAT_HOME set, JAVA_HOME set to v1.7, MySQL etc. set up as per instructions above
- Download & unzip Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1 (ex: )
- From the "Project" menu, make sure "Build Automatically" is unchecked since we will be using ant to build
- File > Import > Existing Projects Into Workspace
- Provide the location of the 'cdstoreproject' folder obtained from git as the 'root directory' to import from (five projects should appear for import)
- Once imported, right click on build.xml from CDStore (for example) and select Run As > Ant Build to create CDStore.war in the 'antbuild' folder
- While ant should work fine, Eclipse will show errors in the project because it doesn't know where Tomcat's servlet libraries are, so add Tomcat to Elipse (Servers tab at the bottom > right click in white area > New > Server > Apache Tomcat v7 > Next > Browse... > Select your Tomcat folder > Finish)
- the keystore.jks was generated using the following command line, password 'asdasd', and other information as per the table on
keytool -genkeypair -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat -keystore keystore.jks  -validity 999 -keysize 512
- for client-side debugging with Eclipse when Tomcat is started in a separate process:
	- start tomcat using the following (instead of the usual startup.bat):
	catalina jpda start
	(this way it will open port 8000 for Eclipse to connect to)
	- from Eclipse, Run > Debug Configuration, double click "Remote Java Application" on the right side to create a new profile (it should already have localhost/8000 as the defaults) and give it a name at the top
	- start browsing the CDStore jsps to create a session on the server
	- click the bug icon in Eclipse and select the debug profile name you entered before and provide eclipse with the location of the source files by adding the projects

===== Running the Test Scripts/Driver =====
- sample data etc., where see expected vs result - need "Test Data and Expected Results Clearly Defined"
- "Test drivers and test data AND an execution log file to demonstrate unit and system testing"

===== Included Files =====

This assignment submission ( consists of:
- this README.txt
- DesignDocumentation.pdf
- test data (cdstore.sql)
- context.xml for defining the connection pool for Tomcat
- "cdstoreproject" folder containing the source code and build scripts for the different components
- "testscripts" folder containing unit tests and expected test results

===== Project Files =====

Identifying the source code locations:

= DBAgent Project =

In DBAgent/src as part of com.cdstore.dbagent:

In DBAgent/src 

= Utilities Project =

In Utilities/src as part of com.cdstore.entities:

In Utilities/src as part of com.cdstore.shoppingcart:

= CatalogService Project =
	- In CatalogService/src as part of com.cdstore.catalogservice:

In CatalogService/WebContent/WEB-INF:
	- sun-jaxws.xml
	- web.xml

= OrderService Project = 

In OrderService/src as part of com.cdstore.orderprocess:

In OrderService/WebContent/WEB-INF:
	- sun-jaxws.xml
	- web.xml

= CDStore Project =

In CDStore/src as part of com.cdstore.beans

In CDStore/src as part of com.cdstore.catalogservice:

In CDStore/src as part of com.cdstore.controller

In CDStore/src as part of com.cdstore.filter

In CDStore/src as part of com.cdstore.orderservice

In CDStore/src as part of com.cdstore.orderservice

In CDStore/WebContent/css:
	- style.css

In CDStore/WebContent/jspf:
	- footer.jspf
	- header.jspf

In CDStore/WebContent/view:
	- cart.jsp
	- cdstore.jsp
	- checkout.jsp
	- resultpage.jsp

In CDStore/WebContent/WEB-INF:
	- web.xml

In CDStore/WebContent:
	- creataccount.jsp
	- createaccountaction.jsp
	- index.jsp
	- loginaction.jsp

Descriptions of all files are available in the included design document.

===== Third-Party Dependencies =====

In addition to the above, the following external libraries (JARs) are used in this project and are required for building or at runtime:

- JAX-WS Reference Implementation
	- Download the latest distribution from (ex: )
	- From the jaxws-ri/lib folder within the zip, copy the following JARs to your TOMCAT_HOME/lib:
		- ha-api.jar
		- jaxb-impl.jar
		- jaxws-api.jar
		- jaxws-rt.jar
		- gmbal-api-only.jar
		- management-api.jar
		- stax-ex.jar
		- streambuffer.jar
		- policy.jar

- MySQL Connector/J 5.1.18
	- download via (ex: )
	- copy mysql-connector-java-5.1.17-bin.jar from the root of the zip to cdstoreproject/DBAgent/lib

- Apache TagLibs 1.1.2
	- download via
	- copy the two jars from the /lib folder in the zip (jstl.jar and standard.jar) to the cdstoreproject/CDStore/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder

===== Identification of Other Code Used in this Project =====
- The JAX-WS code used is based on the "Hello World" example provided by Mkyong at
- The CDStore project contains concepts and sample code from (Oracle Corporation) that illustrate MVC separation with servlets and a shopping cart  

===== Running the Test Scripts/Driver =====
- Ensure https://localhost:8443/CDStore/ is available from a regular web browser
- Import the "testscripts\Testing" project in Eclipse
- Download JWebUnit 3.0
- From the /lib folder in the zip (, add all JARs to the Eclipse project (right click the project, select Properties, select "Java Build Path" on the left, and in the Libraries tab click "Add External JARs...")
- From the root of the zip (, add jwebunit-htmlunit-plugin-3.0.jar to the Eclipse project using the same process
- Add JUnit4 to the project: right click the Testing project in Eclipse, select Properties, select "Java Build Path" on the left, in the Libraries tab click "Add Library...", the select "JUnit" and click "Next", then select "JUnit 4" from the dropdown and click "Finish")
- Right click the project and select "Run As" > "JUnit Test"
- The provided "testscripts" folder contains a screenshot.jpg of what should be obtained (all tests passing)
- The provided "testscripts" folder also contains TestCaseDocumentation.docx with the test descriptions and expected results

===== Useful Links =====

JSP and Beans
- navigating via jsp:

Web Services:
- Best one:
	- note for step 5 to also put ha-api.jar in the TOMCAT_HOME/lib folder 
	- for the client, see the zip in src/com/../client but update the URL from http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld/hello to http://localhost:8080/HelloWorld-20101123/hello  (as per name of war included in zip)
- In Tomcat:
- In Eclipse (also see step 2):
- Serializing/marshalling objects for passing via WS:
- proper use of annotations:

- Prof's slides on unit testing web apps:
- IBM tool:

- Using @Resource for DBAgent:
- Similar project from past years (cite as source as discussed in class if ends up being useful):

- ConnectorJ:
- add the two jars from the /lib folder in to eclipse project lib folder
- modify web.xml and context.xml and create index.jsp as described on

- For documentation use Visio 2010 - recall you can get it for free as a student via
- And install the following Visio 2010 UML plugin:
- Also make sure to read the following basic usage instructions:
