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资源说明:CS169 Project
CS169 Project Messenger

Enabling blind people to SMS silently using only their Android smartphone. App accepts input via the volume rockers, interpreted as morse code. 

Mark Wei
Edmond Lo
Jonathan Tien
Jesse Chen
Woosuk Kim

This project needs the following prereqs:
 * Android SDK Tools v14
 * Android SDK Platform-tools v8
 * Android 4.0 (API 14) (Target SDK version)
 * Android 2.1 (API 7) (Min SDK version)
 * Eclipse ADT Plugin (Android Development Tools v14.0.0.v201110171935-205994)
 * Java JDK Compliance level 1.6
To run this project do the following:
 * Create a new Android AVD. Target [Android 2.1 - API Level 7]
 * Import our Eclipse project into your workspace
 * Right click the project in Eclipse and choose Run As -> Android Application
 * The Android emulator does not vibrate. To test fully, install bin/ onto an Android phone
 * Make sure at least 1 contact exists on the phone. Make sure that contact has a phone number saved
 * Use the VOLUME_UP key to navigate to COMPOSE
 * Use the VOLUME keys to select a contact. Press and release both VOLUME_UP and VOLUME_DOWN at the same time to select a contact
 * Use the VOLUME_UP key to input Morse Code. Short tap for DOT, long hold for DASH, and don't press anything for the end of the character and the end of the word
 * Use the VOLUME_DOWN key to send the message to the selected recipient
 To test this project, first follow all steps above, then do the following:
 * Right click and choose Run As -> JUnit Test. Make sure you run it as an Eclipse JUnit Test.
 How to Setup JUnit testing. (If you're having issues running the test cases.)
 	1.Select an existing JUnit test file
 	2.Go to "Run Configuration"
 	3.Select "Classpath"
 	4.Under "Bootstrap entries", remove everything EXCEPT "JUnit 4" and "JRE System Library" (Has to be JUnit4)
 	5.If you don't have both of these entries, select "Bootstrap entries" and click 
 		"Advanced" -> "Add Library" then add "JUnit 4" or/and "JRE System Library"
