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资源说明:Renesas RX62N Micrium OS cloud-connectivity projects.
About uCOS-III-ExN
This project contains six Micrium uC/OS-III projects for the Renesas RX62N 
Renesas Development Kit (RDK) system.  Every project includes cloud connectivity
that does the following things:
1) Runs a provisioning routine at startup to ensure the kit is authenticated
2) Writes a "ping" value to the cloud
3) Reads a "ledctrl" value from the cloud to control on-board LEDs
4) Outputs cloud status on the LCD screen when any button held down for >2s
5) Writes other values to the cloud (project specific)
License of all cloud-specific components is BSD, Copyright 2011, Exosite LLC (see LICENSE file)
Tested with HEW version, including:
Compiler KPIT GNURX [ELF] Toolchain v11.02 (7-20-2011)
Renesas Demonstration Kit (RDK) RX62N v3.00 Release 00 (6-15-2011 00:08:55) ======================================== Project Descriptions ======================================== ---------------------------------------- uCOS-III-Ex1 ---------------------------------------- * Blinks the LEDs in different patterns
---------------------------------------- uCOS-III-Ex2 ---------------------------------------- * Reads from the temperature sensor and accelerometer
* Sends data to the cloud as "temp" and "angle"
---------------------------------------- uCOS-III-Ex3 ---------------------------------------- * Runs MuTex, Semaphore and Message Queue tests (TX from one task, RX in other)
---------------------------------------- uCOS-III-Ex4 ---------------------------------------- * Implements a VFD (variable freqency drive) motor controller simulation
* Uses a PWM signal as the motor drive and uses the on-board ADC to sample the resulting sine wave and calculate the frequency.
* Sends the actual frequency and desired frequency to the cloud as "afreq" and "dfreq"
---------------------------------------- uCOS-III-Ex5 ---------------------------------------- * Micro "HTTPs" webserver
---------------------------------------- uCOS-III-Ex6 ---------------------------------------- * Audio playback demo - plays .wav files from SD card /Music folder
======================================== Quick Start ======================================== 1) Install the Micrium exectuable from the RDK DVD
* HINT: updates may be avaiable from www.micrium.com 2) Install the KPIT GNURX Toolchain v.11.02 (if not already)
* HINT: download from http://www.kpitgnutools.com/index.php 3) Copy all files (if not already) into the path:
* C:\Micrium\Software\EvalBoards\Renesas\YRDKRX62N\GNURX\
4) Open workspace "GNURX.hws" and select your desired project as the "Current Project"
* Default directory is: C:\Micrium\Software\EvalBoards\Renesas\YRDKRX62N\GNURX
5) Compile and download -> check https://renesas.exosite.com to see your data in the cloud!
* HINT: Your RDK must be connected to the Internet via the RJ-45 ethernet jack
* HINT: If your network does not support DHCP, you will need to set static values
For more information on this project and other examples, reference the online documentation at http://exosite.com/renesas
======================================== Release Info ======================================== ---------------------------------------- Next... ---------------------------------------- --) Made vendor a parameter for Exosite_Init
---------------------------------------- Release 2011-12-13 ---------------------------------------- --) Added vendor information to the provision function
---------------------------------------- Release 2011-11-09 ---------------------------------------- --) Move all .Mot files to Download page
---------------------------------------- Release 2011-11-08 ---------------------------------------- --) Added Ex1~Ex6 .Mot file for user OOBE download
--) Micrium added support for an Audio Demonstration kit on Ex6
---------------------------------------- Release 2011-10-27 ---------------------------------------- --) minor update to show MAC address on Ex1~Ex5
--) minor update to hide cloud status on Ex6
--) minor update to add key press "SW1+SW2+SW3" for cloud status on Ex6
---------------------------------------- Release 2011-09-19 ---------------------------------------- --) added all 6 Micrium Example projects
---------------------------------------- Release 2011-09-14 ---------------------------------------- --) minor updates to support latest Micrium RX release
---------------------------------------- Release 2011-09-11 ---------------------------------------- --) must push switch buttons to display cloud status
---------------------------------------- Release 2011-09-05 ---------------------------------------- --) added auto device provisioning
--) abstracted library interface
---------------------------------------- Release 2011-08-31 ---------------------------------------- --) initial cloud-enabled version
