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资源说明:A workspace app to introduce web designers (non-programmers) to working with Rails views.
# Rails for Designers

I am having a hard time finding web designers (UI/UX/graphics types) who know
how to work with Rails views. And there are plenty of times I would like to be
working on back end functionality when instead I'm stuck fooling around with
moving something on a web page 10 pixels to the left. 

So I'm trying to make a useful tutorial to help non-programmer designers
feel comfortable with the entire flow of working on the front end of a Rails 
application. Besides this sample app to work on, it will contain screencasts
for the more interesting parts. Hopefully.
This version is Rails 2.3.x-based, because I have legacy apps to deal with :-)
and suspect there's a market for people to work on others as well. Once this
version is fleshed out, though, I'll start on a second version to use 3.1.x and 
introduce asset pipeline, etc.
## Preliminary Outline 

1. what *is* Ruby on Rails and why is working with it different 
   than creating static pages, or using PHP, or ...

2. setting up a local Rails environment
3. introduction to git, the most common version control system

4. checking an example application out of a git respository

5. exploring the standard Rails directories and files

6. introduction to "ERB", the language used in Rails view templates

7. preparing the application to run ; introduction to gems and bundler

8. running the application

9. make a change to a view

10. confirm successful

11. check change into repository

## Participation

If you're interested in contributing, or knowing when the tutorial is ready
to test drive, or anything else, you can contact me at hassan AT webtuitive DOT com .
