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Enabling Services on top of CCNx Protocol.


1. Download the latest CCNx code from :-
    Latest source should work fine, we tested our design on 0.4.0 release.
2. Build and install CCN. Include ccn/bin into your environment PATH.
3. Create a folder which will act as your local repository eg. /home/columbia/repo
4. Create a symbolic link, /node-repo for the above created folder - 
            $ sudo ln -s /home/columbia/repo  /node-repo
   [You may have to do "sudo su" then create sym-link] 
3. Clone two projects from github in your workspace:-

4. Copy all the jar files from lib folder to /node-repo folder for both the
   above projects.
5. Build both the project, both projects use ant build scripts and create jar files
   in the /node-repo folder.
   ~CCNServices $ ant
   ~NetServServiceCore $ ant
    [This creates ccnservices.jar and netserv-service-core.jar files in /node-repo]
6. With ccn deamon in you PATH, you should be able to give ccnd command.
    $ ccnd
   This will start ccn deamon, with log level=verbose.         

7. Now we can run ccnservice in another terminal. Issue following command with 
   your directory being CCNServices project.
   ~CCNServices $ ant run-ccnservices -DCCNX_PREFIX=ccnx:/ -DFILE_PREFIX=/node-repo 
   This should start listening to ccnx content requests with ccnx:// namespace, 
   effectively all the requests. You can change this to suit your needs. Eg.
   ccnx://columbia/irt  etc. 

8. In a new directory, kind of scratchpad, you can issue ccnx get commands to fetch
   ~scratchpad$ ccngetfile ccnx://test.txt temp.txt
   Note: test.txt is a file that is already present in the repository, this 
   command will only return the file if it is present.
   For executing services.
   ~scratchpad$ ccngetfile ccnx://test.txt+service temp.txt
   This command executes "service" on test.txt content and returns result in 
   temp.txt, You can do more exotic stuff as
   ~scratchpad$ ccngetfile ccnx://test.txt+service1+service2 temp.txt
   This command will execute services in a chain. 


   clone repository
   This repository has two examples services, linenumber & nextservice.
   a. linenumber.jar : appends a linenumber for each line in a text file 
   build linenumber.jar using ant
   $CCNServiceExamples/Linenumber/: ant
   [creates linenumber.jar in /node-repo]
   You can apply this service on an exiting text file in the repository. 
   [simply copy paste any text file into /node-repo]
   ~scratchpad$ ccngetfile ccnx://text.txt+linenumber text.txt
   b. nextservice.jar : appends a line "ADDED BY NEXT SERVICE" in the end of a text file.
   build nextservice.jar using ant
   ~CCNServiceExamples/NextService$ ant
   [creates nextservice.jar in /node-repo]
    ~scratchpad$ ccngetfile ccnx://text.txt+nextservice text2.txt
    ~scratchpad$ ccngetfile ccnx://text.txt+linenumber+nextservice text3.txt

9. You need to create OSGi bundles the usual way. When creating a CCNService,
   you need to implement CCNService interface present in the NetServServiceCore
   jar file.
   When creating service jar you need to add "CCN-Service" manifest attribute
   with the value as the above class's path, this step is important as it
   tells the framework which class acts as a CCNService at runtime.
   Note: Compiling requires eclipse-osgi & netservservicecore jar in the classpath,
   make sure the jar file has the same name as the project, lowercases, this keeps
   things simple when issuing commands on ccnx. 
