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Installation Guide
1) You can check out the source files of our project moviz at
2) Our repository is at : 
3) You can download the entire repository as Zip. 
4) Once downloaded (it might take time as there are a lot of files ).
5) Make sure you have Eclipse (> 3.5) with Java configured. 
6) Install latest Google Web Toolkit and Google App Engine (> 1.5.5) 
7) Restart your eclipse instance.
8) Import the project from the zip file (movie.mash.up) into your workspace. 
9) Run the project as Web application ( Check for  build path / compile configurations if errors reported on the console). 
10) You should be able to access the application on local host.


1) We have deployed our project on Google App Engine. 
2) In Google App Engine, there is a notion of Data store which the way we understand is a simple service which we can
use to do basic CRUD operations at the database layer.
3) There is an issue of  migration of local to remote data store and hence there will be very few movies available(We
have been deploying our code frequently and what we have noticed is sometimes datastore gets erased for no reason . This
can be a issue and you might not not have any movies to check ) 
4) You can check our project here :
5) We have mostly used Google Chrome for all our UI testing and we would strongly recommend to use this browser. 

*Note : Please let one us know if you have any hurdles during any of the steps , we should be able to give some pointers. 
