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资源说明:A JNLP client for AndroidRemoteServer
Workspace for java project named AndroidRemoteClient.

This project is a clone of the original version placed in

Here we have the Eclipse based project with all the source. Also check or the corresponding github mirror in this account.


This project is intended to be an application to show and manage remotely android phones through its interface. 

most of the vnc visualization is based on 

How to make a new release
To prepare a new build we don't have right now a build system to pack everything together, so just use the default eclipse system.

The way to use it is:
 1.- Go to Eclispe
 2.- Select the project and left click on it.
 3.- Go to the export option and select "Runnable JAR File". 
 4.- Then select the default options and use a Run configuration which is used to execute current client.
 5.- Then try to export it with the default options, and you have a .jar file which can be executed with:
 	java -jar .jar 
 	Where .jar is the name of the jar file you have generated. 
