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资源说明:Adobe AIR based Adnroid client for Kaisy Taxi
ADOBE AIR Launchpad 2.5.0 Beta Readme

The result of the Adobe AIR Launchpad application generation is a complete Flex project in
the form of both an expanded project folder and a compressed project zip file. To import
your project into Flash Builder, choose the File | Import Flash Builder Project option.
From there you can import either the zip file or the project folder by pointing to the
location where it was generated. You can also use the File | Import | Other | Existing
projects into Workspace option to import your project.

Once imported, your project will run out of the box with the options and samples chosen
and show the application name along with a set of tabs showing sample code options to
include, if any. The code can then be modified as needed. The samples are each stored in
the src/samples/ folder and can be copied and pasted from then removed as needed. Icons
chosen at generate time were placed in the assets/ folder.

Adobe AIR Launchpad assumes you are running Flash Builder 4.5 with either Flex 4.5.1 SDK
or Flex 4.5 with AIR 2.6 overlay. If you are running Flash Builder 4, you can still generate
your project but will need to update the app-descriptor XML to use a namespace of 2.0 instead
of 2.6, such as:

and the  tag to just , such as:

Download Flash Builder 4.5 from here: 
************************ IMPORTANT NOTE FOR MOBILE DEVELOPERS *************************
If you are using Adobe AIR Launchpad to generate a mobile application, you will need the
"burrito" build of Flash Builder (preview release).  

INSTALL BADGE GENERATION (desktop apps only)
If you chose to generate the install_badge files, they will be located in the
install_badge/ folder under the root project. You will need to update the
default_badge.html file in that folder to point to your AIR application to include:
	1) The name of your application (as in the Main-app.xml descriptor file in your root 
	project folder in the name property)
	2) The URL to the AIR file that you will export from your app via Flash Builder 4 - 
	File | Export | Release Build command such as in the following two lines (note there 
	are two places to change the URL to the AIR file):

Download My Application now... Note: You may need to put in a full path URL to your air file in the above. Also, If you did not choose an image, the default badgeImage.jpg will be used. The image can be replaced or a new image included and the dimensions changed as desired in the default_badge.html file. If you did select an image to use for the install badge from the Adobe AIR Launchpad, it will be located within the install_badge/ folder with the name of your application, followed by _badgeImage and the extension of the file type (for example: 'MyApp_badgeImage.jpg'). AUTO-UPDATE (desktop apps only) If you chose the auto-update option, a server/ folder will be generated and placed in the src/ folder of your project. This file will point to a URL that will need to be updated with the final URL to where your AIR application will be accessed. ICONS Default icons for the dock icon and other application icons that may be used are included in the assets folder and referred to from the generated application descriptor (Main-app.xml). If you chose icons to use in the Adobe AIR Launchpad, those will be automatically referred to and placed in the assets folder. Note: if you're using Flex Builder, you can still import projects generated from Adobe AIR Launchpad. You will just need to make the necessary changes to your project for the Flex and AIR SDK's currently being used in your own environment. RESIZE SETTING ON MAC If you choose to do minimizing and maximizing but not to do resizing from the Adobe AIR Launchpad, you may notice that your application will still allow you to resize if you're running on Mac. This issue occurs whether or not the app-descriptor.xml is generated from Adobe AIR Launchpad or not. To get around it you can set the maximize value to false as well and then your app should not allow resize either.