资源说明:Wrapper around the airline simulator components, so as to ease their building
MetaSim - Umbrella project for the Travel Market Simulator (TvlSim / AirSim) ============================================================================ [![Docker Repository on Quay](https://quay.io/repository/tvlsim/metasim/status "Docker Repository on Quay")](https://quay.io/repository/tvlsim/metasim) Development helpers for the simulator components. The `metasim` project itself is an umbrella, allowing to drive all the other components from a central local directory, namely `workspace/`. One can then interact with any specific component directly by jumping (`cd`-ing) into the corresponding directory. Software code can be edited and committed directly from that component sub-directory. [Docker images, hosted on Docker Cloud](https://cloud.docker.com/u/tvlsim/repository/docker/tvlsim/metasim), are provided for convenience reason, avoiding the need to set up a proper development environment: they provide a ready-to-use, ready-to-develop, ready-to-contribute environment. Enjoy! # References * Travel/Airline Market Simulator (TvlSim / AirSim): + Source code on GitHub: https://github.com/airsim + Docker Cloud repository: https://cloud.docker.com/u/tvlsim/repository/docker/tvlsim/metasim + Official Web site: https://travel-sim.org # Run the Docker image * As a quick starter, some test cases can be launched from the [one of Docker images (_eg_, CentOS, Ubuntu or Debian)](docker/): ```bash $ docker run --rm -it tvlsim/metasim:centos bash [build@c..5 metasim]$ cd workspace/build/tvlsim [build@c..5 tvlsim (master)]$ make check [build@c..5 tvlsim (master)]$ exit ``` # Meta-build The [Docker images](https://cloud.docker.com/u/tvlsim/repository/docker/tvlsim/metasim) come with all the dependencies already installed. If there is a need, however, for some more customization (for instance, install some other software products such as [Kafka](https://kafka.apache.org) or [ElasticSearch](http://elasticsearch.com)), this section describes how to get the end-to-end travel market simulator up and running on a native environment (as opposed to within a Docker container). An alternative is to develop your own Docker image from the [ones provided by that project](https://cloud.docker.com/u/tvlsim/repository/docker/tvlsim/metasim). You would typically start the `Dockerfile` with `FROM tvlsim/metasim:`. ## Installation of dependencies (if not using the Docker image) C++, Python and Ruby are needed in order to build and run the various components of that project. ## Docker images The [maintained Docker images for that project](docker/) come with all the necessary pieces of software. They can either be used _as is_, or used as inspiration for _ad hoc_ setup on other configurations. ## Native environment (outside of Docker) ### CentOS/RedHat * Install [EPEL for CentOS/RedHat](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL): ```bash $ sudo rpm --import http://mirror.centos.org/centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-7 $ sudo yum -y install epel-release ``` * Install a few useful packages: ```bash $ sudo yum -y install less htop net-tools which sudo man vim \ git-all wget curl file bash-completion keyutils Lmod \ zlib-devel bzip2-devel gzip tar rpmconf yum-utils \ gcc gcc-c++ cmake cmake3 m4 \ lcov cppunit-devel \ zeromq-devel czmq-devel cppzmq-devel \ boost-devel xapian-core-devel openssl-devel libffi-devel \ mpich-devel openmpi-devel \ readline-devel sqlite-devel mariadb-devel \ soci-mysql-devel soci-sqlite3-devel \ libicu-devel protobuf-devel protobuf-compiler \ python-devel \ python34 python34-pip python34-devel \ python2-django mod_wsgi \ geos-devel geos-python \ doxygen ghostscript "tex(latex)" texlive-epstopdf-bin \ rake rubygem-rake ruby-libs ``` ### MacOS * Install [Homebrew](https://brew.sh), if not already done: ```bash $ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)" ``` * SOCI. As of end of 2018, SOCI 4.0 has still not been released, and `soci-mysql` is no longer available. Hence, SOCI must be built from the sources. The following shows how to do that: ```bash $ mkdir -p ~/dev/infra/soci && cd ~/dev/infra/soci $ git clone https://github.com/SOCI/soci.git $ cd soci $ mkdir build && cd build $ cmake -DSOCI_TESTS=OFF .. $ make $ sudo make install ``` * C++, Python and Ruby: ```bash $ brew install boost boost-python boost-python3 cmake libedit \ sqlite mysql icu4c protobuf protobuf-c zeromq doxygen $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zeromq/cppzmq/master/zmq.hpp -O /usr/local/include/zmq.hpp $ brew install readline homebrew/portable-ruby/portable-readline $ brew install pyenv $ brew install rbenv ruby-build ``` ### All * Install Python [Pyenv] and [`pipenv`](https://pipenv.readthedocs.io): ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv.git ${HOME}/.pyenv $ cat >> ~/.bashrc << _EOF # Python pyenv export PYENV_ROOT="\${HOME}/.pyenv" export PATH="\${PYENV_ROOT}/bin:\${PATH}" if command -v pyenv 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then eval "\$(pyenv init -)" fi _EOF $ source ${HOME}/.bashrc && pyenv install 3.7.1 $ pip3 install --user -U pipenv ``` ## Clone the Git repository The following operation needs to be done only on a native environment (as opposed to within a Docker container). The Docker image indeed comes with that Git repository already cloned and built. In the following, ` ` may be one of `centos`, `ubuntu` or `debian`. ```bash $ mkdir -p ~/dev/sim && cd ~/dev/sim $ git clone https://github.com/airsim/metasim.git $ cd metasim $ cp docker/ /resources/metasim.yaml.sample metasim.yaml $ rake clone $ rake checkout $ rake offline=true info ``` ## Interactive build with `rake` That operation may be done either from within the Docker container, or in a native environment (on which the dependencies have been installed). As a reminder, to enter into the container, just type `docker run --rm -it tvlsim/metasim: bash`, and `exit` to leave it (` ` may be one of `centos`, `ubuntu` or `debian`). The following sequence of commands describes how to build, test and deliver the artefacts of all the components, so that a full simulation may be performed: ```bash $ cd ~/dev/sim/metasim $ rm -rf workspace/build workspace/install $ rake offline=true configure $ rake offline=true install $ rake offline=true test $ rake offline=true dist ``` ## Interacting with a specific project Those operations may be done either from within the Docker container, or in a native environment (on which the dependencies have been installed). As a reminder, to enter into the container, just type `docker run --rm -it tvlsim/metasim: bash`, and `exit` to leave it (` ` may be one of `centos`, `ubuntu` or `debian`). ```bash $ cd ~/dev/sim/metasim $ cd workspace/src/airinv $ vi airinv/bom/LegCabinStruct.cpp $ git add airinv/bom/LegCabinStruct.cpp $ cd ../../build/airinv $ make check && make install $ # If all goes well at the component level, re-build the full simulator $ cd ~/dev/sim/metasim $ rake offline=true test $ # If all goes well at the integration level $ cd workspace/src/airinv $ git commit -m "[Dev] Fixed issue #76: C++-20 compatibility" $ cd - ``` ## Batched build and Docker image generation If the Docker images need to be re-built, the following commands explain how to do it: ```bash $ mkdir -p ~/dev/sim && cd ~/dev/sim $ git clone https://github.com/airsim/metasim.git $ cd metasim $ docker build -t tvlsim/metasim:centos --squash docker/centos/ $ docker push tvlsim/metasim:centos $ docker build -t tvlsim/metasim:debian --squash docker/debian/ $ docker push tvlsim/metasim:debian $ docker build -t tvlsim/metasim:ubuntu --squash docker/ubuntu/ $ docker push tvlsim/metasim:ubuntu $ docker images | grep "^bom4v" REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE tvlsim/metasim centos 9a33eee22a3d About an hour ago 2.16GB tvlsim/metasim debian c5f1ea63a79b 2 hours ago 1.95GB tvlsim/metasim ubuntu d5f1ea63a79c 2 hours ago 2.66GB ```