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资源说明:A framework written for iOS which enables drop-in support for iOS-based Indivo apps.
IndivoFramework for iOS

### NOTE  ###
_The framework is now compatible with Indivo 2.0. If you need to run your app against an Indivo 1.0 server, checkout the revision tagged "1.0"._


These are the developer instructions on how to setup the [IndivoFramework][self], an iOS framework to interface with **[Indivo X][indivo]**, an open-source **personally controlled health record** (PCHR) system.

### Requirements ###

- #### Objective-C ####
The Indivo Framework is an Objective-C framework using **ARC** ([Automatic Reference Counting][arc]), requiring **iOS 4.0 or greater**. You can use it as a static library (or directly import the code files into your App project) as documented below.  
The framework utilizes a fork of [MPOAuth][], an OAuth framework by Karl Adam (matrixPointer):

- #### Indivo Server ####
For most operations the framework talks to the [Indivo Server][] directly, however for login and record selection needs to talk to the corresponding [Indivo UI Server][]. You need to have an Indivo 2.0 server running for use against this framework. If you have an Indivo 1.0 server, checkout the revision tagged "1.0".

[indivo server]:
[indivo ui server]:

## Getting the Framework ##

The best way to get the framework is to check out the project via [git][]. Open Terminal, navigate to the desired directory, and execute:

	$ git clone git://
	$ cd IndivoFramework-ios
	$ git submodule init
	$ git submodule update

You now have the latest source code of the framework as well as the subprojects we use, including the Medications Sample App.

To update the framework with the latest code, just pull and update the submodules:

    $ git pull
    $ git submodule update --init --recursive


## Technical Documentation ##

The documentation [is available online here][doc].

This README contains setup and a few basic usage instructions, however the code itself is fully documented using [Doxygen][] and a technical documentation is [available online][techdoc]. A Doxyfile is included so you can generate the documentation by yourself.

The easiest way to do this is to install Doxygen via [Homebrew][] and then just running doxygen:

    $ brew install doxygen
    $ cd IndivoFramework-ios
    $ doxygen

This will create an HTML documentation in `Docs/html` and a ready-to-build LaTeX documentation in `Docs/latex`.

#### Embedding the documentation into Xcode ####
After building the documentation like mentioned above, you can install it so it becomes available from within Xcode:

    $ cd IndivoFramework-ios/Docs/html
    $ make install

After you relaunch Xcode, the documentation should be available in the Organizer and can be accessed like the standard Cocoa documentation by `ALT`-clicking code parts.


## Running the Medications Sample App ##

The framework repo contains a sample application as a submodule ([][meds]), thus if you followed above instructions correctly you should also have the sample app code.

Make sure you open the **IndivoFramework.xcworkspace** file in Xcode and not the lonely IndivoFramework.xcproject file. In Xcode, in the file manager to the left, you see the README at top, the med sample project and below the framework project itself (the latter two in blue). Expand the framework project and the `IndivoFramework` folder inside it.

You should see a red file `IndivoConfig.h` and below the file `IndivoConfig-default.h`; the red file is where the server settings go and required by the framework (though you CAN change these settings in code via properties later). You can simply right-click the default file, select "Show in Finder" and in the Finder duplicate and rename it to `IndivoConfig.h`. Back in Xcode you'll notice that the file is no longer red. You can now edit its contents to hit your own Indivo server or use our public sandbox, for which you use these settings (already inserted in the default config):

	#define kIndivoFrameworkServerURL = @""
	#define kIndivoFrameworkUIServerURL = @""
	#define kIndivoFrameworkAppId = @""
	#define kIndivoFrameworkConsumerKey = @""
	#define kIndivoFrameworkConsumerSecret = @"youriosapp"

After that, choose the target **Medications Sample** and hit the **Run** button and the sample app should run and be ready to connect to the sandbox. If the app does not build, build the `IndivoFramework` target manually first, then try again.


## Server Side Setup ##

The Indivo Server you want to connect to needs to know your app. This means you will have to tell the server to add your app as a **user** app. You will give the server a **consumer_key** and a **consumer_secret** which you will also need during Framework Setup, without these your app will not receive any data from the server. You can read more [about OAuth here][oauth]. Keep your consumer_key and consumer_secret safe in order to prevent somebody posing as your app, for Indivo they need to be put into `indivo_server/registered_apps/user/_your-app-directory_/credentials.json` and look like this:

      "consumer_key": "cr79234hakarg0iaashaop22349ga09gtb8fka",
      "consumer_secret": "atg2o5bo9iboeyjphon235rov98ak8ouwlscwaz"

As of Indivo 2.0, the setup for an iOS app using the framework could look like this in the file `indivo_server/registered_apps/user/_your-app-directory_/manifest.json`:

      "name": "Awesome App (iOS)",
      "description": "This app lets you access your lab data",
      "author": "Cilghal, Jedi Master",
      "id": "",
      "version": "1.0.0",
      "smart_version": "0.4",
      "mode": "ui",	
      "scope": "record",
      "has_ui": false,
      "frameable": false,
      "icon": "",
      "index": "indivo-framework:///did_select_record?record_id={record_id}&carenet_id={carenet_id}"

The `has_ui` setting currently means "show up in the UI Server sidebar", so we want to set this to false. `frameable` tells Indivo whether the app can live in a browser frame, which we also set to false.

Now tell your server about the app by running the following from the `indivo_server` directory:

    $ python sync_apps

For general installation instructions see the [Indivo Installation Instructions][installation]. When the server knows about your App, you're ready to use the framework.


## Framework Setup ##

These are the instructions if you want to add the framework to **your own** app, these steps were already performed for the medications sample app.

1. Add the IndivoFramework project to your Xcode **workspace**

2. Link your App with the necessary frameworks and libraries:  
	Open your project's build settings, under "Link Binary With Libraries" add:
	Do **not** add `libMPOAuthMobile.a` as this will result in a linker error

3. Make sure the compiler finds the header files:  
	Open your project's build settings, look for **User Header Search Paths** (USER_HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS), and add:
	`$(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)`, with the checkbox to the left checked (which means *recursive* search)

4. The linker needs an additional flag:  
	Still in your project's build settings, look for **Other Linker Flags** (OTHER_LDFLAGS), and add:
	This must be added so IndivoFramework can be used as a static library, otherwise class categories will not work and your app will crash.

5. You will have to provide initial server settings in the configuration file, but you can always change the properties in code later on (e.g. if your App can connect to different servers). This step was already covered above in _Running the medications sample app_, here we go again:
	Copy the file `IndivoConfig-default.h` in the **framework** project (not your own app) to `IndivoConfig.h` and adjust it to suit your needs. The setting names should define NSStrings and are named:
	- `kIndivoFrameworkServerURL`  (The Server URL)
	- `kIndivoFrameworkUIServerURL`  (The UI Server URL)
	- `kIndivoFrameworkAppId`  (The App id)
	- `kIndivoFrameworkConsumerKey`  (Your consumerKey)
	- `kIndivoFrameworkConsumerSecret`  (Your consumerSecret)

6. Add `IndivoConfig.h` to the Indivo Framework target. (In the default project Xcode should already know the file but show it in red because it's not in the repository. As soon as you create it, Xcode should find it and you're all good).

7. In your code, include the header files (where needed) as user header files:

		import "IndivoServer.h"
		import "IndivoDocuments.h"

You are now ready to use Indivo inside your app!

## Using the Framework ##

### Instantiating the server ###

Make your app delegate (or some other class) the server delegate and instantiate an `IndivoServer`:  

	IndivoServer *indivo = [IndivoServer serverWithDelegate:<# your server delegate #>];
Make sure you implement the required delegate methods in your server delegate! This **indivo** instance is now your connection to the Indivo server.

### Selecting a record ###
Add a button to your app which calls `IndivoServer`'s `selectRecord:` method when tapped. Like all server methods in the framework, this method receives a callback once the operation completed. If record selection was successful, the `activeRecord` property on your indivo server instance will be set (an object of class `IndivoRecord`) and you can use the activeRecord object to receive and create documents for this record.

Here's an example that shows the record-selection page and upon completion alerts an error (if there is one) and does nothing otherwise:

	[self.indivo selectRecord:^(BOOL userDidCancel, NSString *errorMessage) {

		// there was an error selecting the record
		if (errorMessage) {
			UIAlertView *alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Failed to connect"
			[alert show];
		// did successfully select a record
		else if (!userDidCancel) {

### Retrieving record documents ###

The methods that send or load data to/from the server all sport a **callback block**. Here's a simple example on how you get a patient's current medications into an `NSArray`:

	[self.indivo.activeRecord fetchReportsOfClass:[IndivoMedication class]
		                                 callback:^(BOOL success, NSDictionary *userInfo) {
		// error fetching medications
		if (!success) {
			NSError *error = [userInfo objectForKey:INErrorKey];
			// handle the error. If error is nil, the operation was cancelled
		// successfully fetched medications, reload table view
		else  {
			self.medications = [userInfo objectForKey:INResponseArrayKey];
			[self.tableView reloadData];

### Adding record documents ###

To create new documents, you create a new instance of a given document type and, once all properties are set, push it to the server:

	NSError *error = nil;
	IndivoMedication *newMed = (IndivoMedication *)[self.indivo.activeRecord addDocumentOfClass:[IndivoMedication class] error:&error];
	if (!newMed) {
		NSLog(@"Error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
	else {
		// edit medication properties = [INCodedValue new]; = @"L-Ascorbic Acid";
		newMed.brandName = [INCodedValue new];
		newMed.brandName.text = @"Vitamin C";
		newMed.brandName.abbrev = @"vitamin-c";
		// ...
		// push to the server
		[newMed push:^(BOOL didCancel, NSString *errorString) {
			if (errorString) {
				// handle the error
			// successfully pushed
			else if (!userDidCancel) {

### Changing status, archiving, updating (replacing) and more

`IndivoDocument` has methods to allow you to archive, void and replace documents in the same fashion. Note that **replacing** is Indivo's process for updating a document since no data is ever destroyed.
	// update the name of our newly created medication = @"L-Ascorbic Acid Tablets";
	[newMed replace:^(BOOL didCancel, NSString *errorString) {
		if (errorString) {
			// handle the error

### Sending Messages to records

You can send messages to a record's inbox like follows:

	[activeRecord sendMessage:@"New Medication"
					 withBody:@"A new medication has just been added to your record"
				  attachments:[NSArray arrayWithObject:newMed]
					 callback:^(BOOL userDidCancel, NSString *__autoreleasing errorMessage) {
						 if (errorMessage) {
							 // handle error message

Of course there's more you can do, see the [technical API documentation][techdoc] for more.


This work was supported by a grant from the **[Novartis Foundation, formerly Ciba-Geigy-Jubilee-Foundation](**.
