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资源说明:Real-time FFT power spectrum display for MicroManager or ImageJ.
author: Sunny Chow 
sponsor: Direct Electron (

Live_FFT is an ImageJ plugin that dynamically performs a FFT transform on every image updated.  This plugin is particularly useful when a user wants to see the FFT of an image stream that is updated continuously in  ImageJ and Micro Manager.

This project is built with Eclipse and expects the following packages to be installed.
1. ImageJ (
2. ParallelFFTJ (
3. Parallel Colt (

Build instructions:
-- Adding downloaded files into Eclipse --
1. Start a new workspace in Eclipse.
2. Extract files into the directory selected for the workspace
2. From the main Eclipse menu, select:
  File > Import > General > Existing Projects Into Workspace
	and when prompted, select the "Live_FFT" folder

-- Setting the Build Path --
4. In the Package Explorer, Right click on "plugins".
5. Select "Properties". Go to the "Libraries" tab.
6. Set the correct path to the java libraries: 

-- Building --
9. Edit "build.xml"  Change the pluginsDir property to location of your ImageJ plugins folder.
10. Main Menu > Window > Show View > Ant 
11. Add file: "build.xml"
12. Double click on "compress" to begin build
