文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:Distributed Monte-Carlo Raytracer
Distributed Monte-Carlo Raytracer

Authenticate with Github
1. Create RSA-key if you don't have one already
	- ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""

2. Add public key to Github profile
	- copy everything from (or where ever you stored the key) to Github-> 
	your profile -> SSH Public Keys

3. Configure your local git:
	- git config --global "Your name"
	- git config --global ""

Working with Aptana Studio 3
1. Install Pydev (for frontend, Python coding) and CDT (for backend, C++ coding)
2. File -> Import -> Git
	Address is git@github:Jontte/DMCR.git

3. You should now have one new project:
	The DMCR-project includes the other two, but to make use of Eclipse, C++ and Python
	must be own projects also.
	So we must import them as projects.
4. File -> Import -> General - Import existing project into workspace
	Choose DMCR/frontend or backend
	Don't allow Eclipse to copy project contents
	NOTE: As you import backend, Eclipse builds it automatically. (At least if you have 
	the dependencies.)
5.	Repeat for the other one
	Now you should have three projects:
	- backend
	- frontend
6.	If you have problem with files and folders showing twice in Project Explorer:
	- Click on the drop-down arrow in Project Explorer
	- Select "Customize View"
	- Switch to "Content"
	- Disable "Local Filesystem"
	That should work.

Building the backend

1. Make sure you have the dependencies
   - GCC-compiler (version >=4.6.0 for C++11 functionality)
   - Google protobuf (libprotobuf-dev in Ubuntu)
   - libpng

2. `$ make depend`

3. `$ make`
