文件大小: unknow
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资源说明:This is an android tablet application for taking notes in class. It will use handwriting recognition in real time to digitize your notes as you write. There will also be a free handwriting mode and a math mode, which will allow you to manipulate and solve equations just like you would in a real notebook except it's all digital!
|       ___            _           _     _      |
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|          | |\/| |/ _` | __| '_ \              |
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| | . ` |/ _ \| __|/ _ \ '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| |/ / |
| | |\  | (_) | |_|  __/ |_) | (_) | (_) |   <  |
| \_| \_/\___/ \__|\___|_.__/ \___/ \___/|_|\_\ |

The following instructions describe how to compile and run Android Math Notebook.

     What you Need
1. Eclipse (
	- Any version should work, but Eclipse Standard is recommended.
	- Whatever version you get, you will need CDT installed (Comes with standard).
2. GIT
3. Android SDK (Latest)
4. Android NDK (r8b or higher)
5. ADT Plugin for Eclipse (See

Compilation Instructions
1. Clone the public repository into  (Example: /home/greg/code/AndroidMathNotebook or C:/code/AndroidMathNotebook)
   as shown below:
	git clone git://

2. Open Eclipse
3. Click File->Import
4. Expand General and select Existing Projects into Workspace
5. Click Next
6. Enter  in the Select Root Directory field
7. Click Finish
8. Add the root directory of your Android NDK to your path if it's not already (Contains "ndk-build")
9. Add the platform-tools directory to your PATH (in /platform-tools), which contains "adb".
10. Click the build and run button, and it will either launch an emulator or run on your phone if it is plugged in.
