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资源说明:A 3d Library interface to the file system; built with Alternativa3d engine on Adobe AIR
Virtual Library 0.2.5
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by James Overton V

The Vision
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The VUI, or Virtual User Interface, IS the next generation user interface.  But the challenges of a 3d user interface have outweighed its benefits from as early as it has been attempted.  No application outside of gaming has been able to breakthrough to the mainstream with a 3D UI, mainly because few programs can:
a) motivate and make good use of the third dimension versus a simpler 2d representation
b) borrow real world semantics
c) advantage computer efficiency and power
d) solve a problem.  Enable!
I believe that this set of qualities in an application could continue the paradigm shift that has been slowly trending dominant computer UX - away from WIMP toward a gesture and voice controlled virtual environment.

The Virtual Library
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The Virtual Library allows for the creation and maintenance of virtual folders - user selected collections of files or folders that are relevant to a workspace or task (i.e. - when I code this program I have these applications open, when researching this I have these tabs/docs/apps open, etc.)

A virtual folder is analogous to and in support of a workspace; it essentially allows you to abstract a 'working set' of files/folders from the actual file system organization.  We typically organize our files in a contextual hierarchy - this might be deemed long term organization; a task-, project- or workspace-based organization is much more relevant in the shorter term.  A workspace might be described as a set of files that experience temporal locality of use.  The Virtual Library allows you to easily create and edit virtual folders, and interact with your files in a natural, intuitive, fun way - one that more closely parallels how one might interact with a book in a library.  Virtual Folders can be used to save the applications you have open that are dedicated to a given task; when you want to resume that task at a later time, you can use the virtual library to open those applications so that you can resume the activity as quickly as possible.

I. Console Output Prototype - 0.1.15
Purpose - get the structure and workflow going before sexying up the view with the 3D engine
1. Simple console view output - output one file's information
2. Simple user interface - add a file browser (text field and button), so the user can select a file and input the directory for search
3. Mapper algorithm - get FileSystemMapper searching a directory recursively, and return proper data structure
   Key - determining the proper data structure.
4. Final console view output - get console displaying 'bookcases'.  Determine a good I/F for the view, as the 3D engine will use the same I/F
5. Advanced user interface - add a search box (text field) so the user can filter the results by simple filename match (contents search is beyond the scope of this project)
6. Basic Menu - view settings and dispatch virtual folder CRUD events
7. Virtual folder basic CRUD in application storage directory
8. Advanced Menu - end to end virtual folder CRUD from the menu
9. Virtual folder open.
10. Initial refactor - abstract general from application-specific classes.
11. More refactor and cleanup - cleaning house & setting the table for the 3D engine.
# 12. Get the bash script working, and add instructions to the README on how to run (make variables so it's easy to change)
13. Webcam navigation dispatching events and catching them only (not responding yet)
14. Webcam motion/display tweaking 
15. Final code cleanup!
Output - program architecture

II. 3D Engine Prototype - 0.2.11
Purpose - replace the console view with a sexy 3D Virtual Library.
Also - touch up the user interface (file browser and live search)
  A. The Basics
    1. Create the room
    2. Room navigation - add controls for navigating the room (disable when control is in the Chrome's search field)
        2.1. Settle on keyboard shortcuts & document them
        2.2. Add a help menu that lists them
        # 2.3. Simple collision detection
    3. Very simple output - circles on a rectangle with text; a circle and text for each file (book), and a large rectangle for the bookcase
  B. 3D Models
    4. Replace circles with file icons
    # 5. Create bookcase models, replace rectangles with bookcases
    # 6. Room model
  C. Virtual Folder CRUD - feature parity with 0.1.7
    5. Click each file to select it, double click to open it (open menu instead?  No, just a prototype!)
    6. Live search effects
    * 7. Adding files to a virtual folder with drag/drop
    8. Viewing virtual folders
  D. Polish
    # 9. Better/smarter room layout (bookcases in better places)
    # 10. Animation effects (zoom to bookcases, bookcase carousel, link into webcam activity)
    # 11. Final polish
        11.1 Add description paragraph to help text
        11.2 More keyboard shortcuts?
III. Analysis
    1. Writeup & reflection
    2. Planning versions 0.3 and 1.0

# later
* in progress
