资源说明:scikit-fmm is a Python extension module which implements the fast marching method.
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More specifically, the fast marching method is a numerical technique for finding approximate solutions to boundary value problems of the Eikonal equation: F(x) | grad T(x) | = 1 Typically, such a problem describes the evolution of a closed curve as a function of time T with speed F(x)>0 in the normal direction at a point x on the curve. The speed function is specified, and the time at which the contour crosses a point x is obtained by solving the equation. scikit-fmm is a simple module which provides functions to calculate the signed distance and travel time to an interface described by the zero contour of the input array phi. ```python import skfmm import numpy as np phi = np.ones((3, 3)) phi[1, 1] = -1 skfmm.distance(phi) ``` ```python array([[ 1.20710678, 0.5 , 1.20710678], [ 0.5 , -0.35355339, 0.5 ], [ 1.20710678, 0.5 , 1.20710678]]) ``` --- ```python skfmm.travel_time(phi, speed = 3.0 * np.ones_like(phi)) ``` ```python array([[ 0.40236893, 0.16666667, 0.40236893], [ 0.16666667, 0.11785113, 0.16666667], [ 0.40236893, 0.16666667, 0.40236893]]) ``` --- The input array can be of 1, 2, 3 or higher dimensions and can be a masked array. A function is provided to compute extension velocities. ### Documentation * http://scikit-fmm.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ ### PyPI * http://pypi.python.org/pypi/scikit-fmm ### Requirements * Numpy >= 1.0.2 * Building requires a C/C++ compiler (gcc, MinGW, MSVC) ### Bugs, questions, patches, feature requests, discussion & cetera * Open a GitHub pull request or a GitHub issue * Email list: http://groups.google.com/group/scikit-fmm * Send an email to scikit-fmm+subscribe@googlegroups.com to subscribe. ### Installing * Via pip: `pip install scikit-fmm` * From source: * On Ubuntu 16.04 with Anaconda amd64 give the command `conda install libgcc`. * `python setup.py install` * 64-bit Windows binaries from Christoph Gohlke: * http://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#scikit-fmm * Anaconda linux-64 and linux-ppc64le packages: * `conda install scikit-fmm` * Experimental Windows wheels and exe installers: * These installers are build from `master` after each commit. * Choose your Python version and platform, then click the Artifacts tab. * https://ci.appveyor.com/project/jkfurtney/scikit-fmm * Ubuntu PPA * https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-digits/+archive/ubuntu/dev ### Running Tests * `python -c "import skfmm; skfmm.test(True)"` * When running the tests from the source directory use `python setup.py develop` * Tests are doctests in `skfmm/__init__.py` ### Building documentation * Requires sphinx and numpydoc * `make html` ### Publications using scikit-fmm * Akinola, I., J Varley, B. Chen, and P.K. Allen (2018) "Workspace Aware Online Grasp Planning" arXiv:1806.11402v1 [cs.RO] 29 Jun 2018 https://arxiv.org/pdf/1806.11402.pdf * Bortolussi, V., B. Figliuzzi, F. Willot, M. Faessel, M. Jeandin (2018) "Morphological modeling of cold spray coatings" Image Anal Stereol 2018;37:145-158 doi:10.5566/ias.1894 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01837906/document * Chalmers, S., C.D. Saunter, J.M. Girkin and J.G. McCarron (2016) "Age decreases mitochondrial motility and increases mitochondrial size in vascular smooth muscle." Journal of Physiology, 594.15 pp 4283–4295. * Diogo Brandão Amorim (2014) "Efficient path planning of a mobile robot on rough terrain" Master's Thesis, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Lisbon. * Giometto, A., D.R. Nelson, and A.W. Murray (2018) "Physical interactions reduce the power of natural selection in growing yeast colonies", PNAS November 6, 2018 115 (45) 11448-11453; published ahead of print October 23, 2018 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1809587115 * Joshua A. Taillon, Christopher Pellegrinelli, Yilin Huang, Eric D. Wachsman, and Lourdes G. Salamanca-Riba (2014) "Three Dimensional Microstructural Characterization of Cathode Degradation in SOFCs Using Focused Ion Beam and SEM" ECS Trans. 2014 61(1): 109-120; https://www.joshuataillon.com/pdfs/2015-08-06%20jtaillon%203D%20SOFC%20cathode%20degradation.pdf * Marshak, C., I. Yanovsky, and L. Vese (2017) "Energy Minimization for Cirrus and Cumulus Cloud Separation in Atmospheric Images" IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium DOI: 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8517940 ftp://ftp.math.ucla.edu/pub/camreport/cam17-68.pdf * Moon, K. R., V. Delouille, J.J. Li, R. De Visscher, F. Watson and A.O. Hero III (2016) "Image patch analysis of sunspots and active regions." J. Space Weather Space Clim., 6, A3, DOI: 10.1051/swsc/2015043. * Tao, M., J. Solomon and A. Butscher (2016) "Near-Isometric Level Set Tracking." in Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 2016 Eds: M. Ovsjanikov and D. Panozzo. Volume 35 (2016), Number 5 * Thibaut, R., Laloy, E., Hermans, T., 2021. A new framework for experimental design using Bayesian Evidential Learning: The case of wellhead protection area. J. Hydrol. 603, 126903. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2021.126903 * Vargiu, Antioco, M. Marrocu, L. Massidda (2015) "Implementazione e valutazione su un caso reale del servizio di Cloud Computing per la simulazione di incendi boschivi in Sardegna" (Implementation and evaluation on a real case of Cloud computing service for simulation of Forest fires in Sardinia). Sardinia Department of Energy and Environment. CRS4 PIA 2010 D5.4. * Wronkiewicz, M. (2018) "Mapping buildings with help from machine learning" Medium article, June 29th 2018 https://medium.com/devseed/mapping-buildings-with-help-from-machine-learning-f8d8d221214a * Makki, K., Ben Salem, D., Ben Amor, B. (2021) "Toward the Assessment of Intrinsic Geometry of Implicit Brain MRI Manifolds" IEEE Access, volume 9, pages 131054 - 131071 (September 2021) DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3113611 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9540688 ### Version History: * 0.0.1: February 13 2012 * Initial release * 0.0.2: February 26th 2012 * Including tests and docs in source distribution. Minor changes to documentation. * 0.0.3: August 4th 2012 * Extension velocities. * Fixes for 64 bit platforms. * Optional keyword argument for point update order. * Bug reports and patches from three contributors. * 0.0.4: October 15th 2012 * Contributions from Daniel Wheeler: * Bug fixes in extension velocity. * Many additional tests and migration to doctest format. * Additional optional input to extension_velocities() for FiPy compatibly. * 0.0.5: May 12th 2014 * Fix for building with MSVC (Jan Margeta). * Corrected second-order point update. * 0.0.6: February 20th 2015 * Documentation clarification (Geordie McBain). * Python 3 port (Eugene Prilepin). * Python wrapper for binary min-heap. * Freeze equidistant narrow-band points simultaneously. * 0.0.7: October 21st 2015 * Bug fix to upwind finite difference approximation for negative phi from Lester Hedges. * 0.0.8: March 9th 2016 * Narrow band capability: an optional "narrow" keyword argument limits the extent of the marching algorithm (Adrian Butscher). * 0.0.9: August 5th 2016 * Periodic boundaries: an optional "periodic" keyword argument enables periodic boundaries in one or more directions (Wolfram Moebius). * 2019.1.30 January 30th 2019 * Abrupt change to version numbering scheme. * Bugfix in setup.py to allow installing via pip with numpy (ManifoldFR). * Handle C++ exceptions during fast marching (Jens Glaser). * Accept a zero discriminant in travel time point update. * 2021.1.20 January 20th 2021 * Fix divide by zero bugs in travel_time and extension_velocities * Contributions from Murray Cutforth, f-fanni, and okonrad * 2021.1.21 January 21st 2021 * Minor C++ change (removed the auto keyword) to fix the compile on TravisCI. * 2021.2.2 February 2nd 2021 * Add a pyproject.toml file to specify numpy as a build requirement, this is needed to build with new version of pip (David Parsson). * 2021.7.8 July 8th 2021 * Add a pyproject.toml file to the MANIFEST.in file to fix the numpy build dependency (David Parsson). Fix numpy deprecation warnings and improve source code formatting (Robin Thibaut). * 2021.9.23 September 23rd 2021 * Make the pyproject.toml file specify the oldest supported numpy as a build requirement, to allow using wheels with any numpy version. (David Parsson). * 2021.10.29 October 29th 2021 * Fix for point update discriminant exactly equal to zero * Fall back calculation for point update when discriminant becomes negative * (Joshua Gehre) * 2022.02.02 February 2nd 2022 * Fixes for Python 3.10 compatibility * (Amin Sadeghi, Xylar Asay-Davis, David Parsson) * 2022.03.26 March 26th 2022 * Following the Breaking Changes in setuptools v61.0.0 it is suggested to set py_modules to disable auto-discovery behavior. * (Daniel Ammar) Copyright 2022 The scikit-fmm team. BSD-style license. See LICENSE.txt in the source directory.