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资源说明:A massively parallel pentago solver
A massively parallel pentago solver

This project implements a strong solution of the board game pentago, which means
that perfect play can be efficiently computed starting from any position.  The
results can be explored at  Some high level details
are described at

In the quest towards a strong solution, a total of five separate engines were
implemented, three forward tree search engines and two backwards endgame engines.
The final strong solution uses only the backwards engines, but the strongest
forward engine was essential in developing and testing the backwards engines.
Descriptions of the various engines are given below.

The easiest interface to the strong solution is the website at, implemented in the `web` directory.  To compute perfect
play for a given position, the backend server looks up the answer in a 4 TB database
for positions with 17 or fewer stones or computes the answer from scratch using the
small scale backwards engine.

The pentago code is released under a BSD license, and the 4 TB data set has been
released into the public domain for anyone who wants to tinker around.  The data set
is generously hosted by Rackspace.  If you want links to download the data, see below.

For background on the complexity of pentago and the applicability of a variety of
solution algorithms, see Niklas Buscher's 2011 thesis
["On Solving Pentago"](,
which analyzed the game but did not solve it.

I will be writing up additional details of the application in paper form soon.

### Dependencies

The code is C++, with node.js for the backend server.  The main dependencies are

* [bazel]( Build system
* [mpi]( OpenMPI, MPICH2, etc.
* [node.js >= 8.9]( Asynchronous javascript framework

Bazel handles a few extra dependencies automatically (see `WORKSPACE` for details).

### Installation

On Mac:

    # Install dependencies
    brew install bazel openmpi node

    # Build and test C++
    bazel test -c opt --copt=-march=native ...

    # Build and test node.js server
    cd web/server
    npm install
    node unit.js all

    # Build frontend webpage
    cd web/client
    make public

On Ubuntu: to be written once I have clean Bazel handling of MPI.

### Website

The website is a static Firebase frontend that
talks to a node.js Google Cloud Function.  To test and deploy the server:

    cd web/server
    node unit.js all

To deploy the client:

    cd pentago/web/client
    brew install llvm
    npm install
    npm run deploy

## Algorithm summary

### Forward engines

The first forward engine was a naive alpha-beta tree search code, plus a few pentago
specific optimizations.  Performance was dismal: the code reached only to 4 or 5 ply
(here one ply means the combination of stone placement and quadrant rotation).
The problem was branching factor, which starts out at a frightening 288 possible
first moves (36 empty spots times 8 rotations).

Based on a belief that pentago was likely a tie (wrong!), I modified the solver so
that the second player always reversed the rotation of the first player.  This can't
be any better for the second player, so if the result was a tie the game would be
solved.  Unfortunately, this "simple" solver declared the game to be a first player
win after 15 moves, providing no information about the real value of the game.

The key to the speed of the simple solver was eliminating the branching factor due
to rotations.  The final forward solver accomplished the same thing without weakening
the second player.  Instead of computing the value of one board at a time, this
"super" solver operated on 256 different rotated version of a given board in parallel
using SSE instructions.  This also allowed the transposition tables to take advantage
of the full 2048 element symmetry group of all global+local transpositions.  With
rotations eliminated, the supersolver managed to compute out to 17 ply, declaring the
game up to that point a tie.  See `pentago/search/superengine.{h,cpp}` for the core

What next?  Parallelizing the engine would get further, but I still thought the
game was a tie, and no forward engine would reach all the way to move 36.  The similar
games gomoku and renju were solved using threat space search, but it was unclear how
to combine this technique with a rotation abstracted solver.  So much for going forward.

### A massively parallel backward engine

What about backward?  Typically, backward (or retrograde) analyses are used to solve
convergent games, where the number of positions decreases towards the end of the game.
The canonical examples are chess and checkers, where fewer pieces near the end mean
fewer positions.  Pentago is divergent: the number of positions increases exponentially
all the way to ply 24, but the total number of positions is only 3e15.

Unfortunately, the computation required 80 TB of memory at peak.  Since the arithmetic
intensity of computing pentago positions is fairly low, shuffling all of this data in
and out of disks would have destroyed performance.  Therefore, the endgame solver was
implemented in-core, parallelized using MPI for use on a supercomputer.
Like the final forward solver, the endgame solver takes advantage of symmetry
by operating on 256 positions at a time and eliminating symmetric positions.  The code
for the massively parallel endgame solver is contained in `pentago/end` and `pentago/mpi`.

This backward engine was sufficient to strongly solve the game, requiring
about four hours of time on 98304 threads of Edison, a Cray supercomputer at NERSC.

Like endgame solvers for other games, the backwards engine starts at the end of the game
and walks backwards towards the beginning, computing the value of each position.  Unlike
previous endgame solvers, nearly all of the data is discarded once it is used, and only
positions with 18 or fewer stones are kept and written to disk.  To my knowledge, this is
the first use of an endgame solver to directly compute an opening book for a nontrivial game.

### A tiny backward engine

Since the massively parallel computation discarded all positions with more than 18 stones,
the game isn't strongly solved unless the missing values can be quickly recomputed.  Before
the massively parallel computation, I tried the forward solver on a variety of 18 stone
positions and got satisfactory performance: the solver was capable of reaching forwards to
the end of the game.  This turned out to be naive: random positions are much easier than
interesting positions, and I quickly found interesting positions once I began exploring the
results.  The first time I came across one of these the solve took an hour; I managed to
get it down to 10 minutes, but this was still much too slow for an interactive website.

To solve the problem, I implemented yet another backward engine, this one specialized to
traverse only positions downstream of a given root board with 18 or more stones.  In addition to
tackling a much smaller problem than the massively parallel engine, this "midgame" engine
is also much simpler: since rotations are abstracted away, the set of empty positions is
fixed by the root board.  As a perk, we can use parity to operate on only 128 different
rotated positions instead of 256, as rotating the board flips the parity of the local
rotation group.  Conveniently, the performance of the midgame engine is about 15 seconds
for *all* 18 stone positions; unlike the forward solver performance does not vary with the
board.  The code for the midgame engine is in `pentago/mid`.

Together, the 4 TB data set and the midgame engine comprise a strong solution of pentago.
Go to to see the results.

### Code structure

The code is organized into the following directories:

* utility: Thread pools, memory allocation, and other non-pentago-specific utilities
* base: Pentago boards, moves, scores, symmetries, counts, etc., used by the various solvers.
* search: Forward search engines
* data: File formats and I/O for the backwards engine
* end: Everything in the backwards engine that doesn't directly touch mpi
* mpi: Everything in the backwards engine that does touch mpi
* high: High level interface used in the website backend
* mid: "Midgame" backward solver used to complete the strong solution for 18 or more stone boards.

Most files have summarizing comments at the top, but otherwise documentation is fairly scant.
Email me if you have questions at !

### Data

**Update**: For some reason CDN bandwidth costs went above my open source limit, so I've temporarily
disabled access to the data.  This is probably due to a bug in the server, and I'll hopefully open
it back up once I find time to diagnose the bug.  If you want the data in the mean time, please email

The computed data set of perfect pentago results up to slice 18 can be downloaded directly from
Rackspace.  If you do download it and play around, I'd love to get an email, but you should feel
no obligation to do so.  Also available are sparse sample files and win/losss/tie counts for all slices,
which would be useful for cross-validation.  The data is all in custom formats, so the easiest way
to access it is via compiling this repository.

Warning: The total size of the data is 3.7 TB.  If you want something more manageable, you can download
only the first few slices (say up to move 12).  To see the sizes of all slices before downloading, look
at [data/edison/final.txt](  If
you've gotten past this warning, you can download the data via

    # Base url

    # Download a sparse sample or count file.  Replace  with the desired slice in [0,35].
    wget $url/sparse-.npy
    wget $url/counts-.npy

    # Download a slice file.  Replace  with the desired slice in [0,18]
    wget $url/slice-.pentago

Slices 12 through 18 are chunked into 5GB-1B chunks on Rackspace, so if you have difficulty downloading
them all at once you can do it one chunk at a time.  Chunks look like `slice-.pentago.`,
where `` is 1-based and zero padded.  Thus, all the chunks look like

    12:  slice-12.pentago.1    to  slice-12.pentago.2
    13:  slice-13.pentago.1    to  slice-13.pentago.8
    14:  slice-14.pentago.01   to  slice-14.pentago.13
    15:  slice-15.pentago.01   to  slice-15.pentago.55
    16:  slice-16.pentago.01   to  slice-16.pentago.86
    17:  slice-17.pentago.001  to  slice-17.pentago.275
    18:  slice-18.pentago.001  to  slice-18.pentago.365

Once you have all the chunks, just cat them together.
