文件大小: unknow
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资源说明:A web based application (GAE) to generate families of websites for personal recruitment and companies. Software Product Lines
This readme contains practical information to get startd with Web-Line

____ _ _    ____    _    _ ____ ___ 
|___ | |    |___ __ |    | [__   |  
|    | |___ |___    |___ | ___]  |       
 ( #!/bin/bash ls Assignment4)
- readme.txt  : this file
- Product-Lines in Practice.pdf : The case-study (Assignment 4)
- Product1_Example(personalWebsite).zip : Example of personal website generated using web-line (P1)
- Product2_Example(companyWebsite).zip : Example of company website generated using web-line (P2)
- ~/presentations : folder containing presentations of assignments 1, 2 and 3.
- ~/web-line : project source files

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     (Get started with the web-line)           
1)Make sure you have all the ingredients ready:
	a) Eclipse  http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/eclipse-ide-java-developers/indigosr1
	b) Google Plugin for eclipse : (install guide) http://code.google.com/eclipse/docs/download.html
	c) Project files (~/web-line, current folder)

2)Open eclipse
3)File-> Import -> Existing project into workspace 
4)Select the folder ~/web-line
3)Hit "Finish" button
4)You are done! To launch the webline select "Run as -> Web Application 

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|  \ | [__  |    |    |__| | |\/| |___ |__/ 
|__/ | ___] |___ |___ |  | | |  | |___ |  \ 
			 ( don't blame )

Source code is protected under GPL, therefore feel free to modify it.
If you make money out of it or if you need help try to mail us (leg@lize.it)
This code was written during the course of produc line architecture for learning purpose.
We don't guarantee the correct functioning, the project is still beta.


Nicolò Paternoster, Carmine Giardino , Farnaz Fotrousi  

16/01/2012 - Blekinge Institute of Technology - #PA2401 - Product-Line Architecture.
