文件大小: unknow
源码售价: 5 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:This is a web project to illustrate how to use Flot together with FlotJF to create graphs.
# About

This is a web project to illustrate how to use [Flot](http://code.google.com/p/flot) together with [FlotJF](https://github.com/dunse/FlotJF) to create graphs.

Check out the running version here: [http://flotjfexamplesweb.appspot.com/](http://flotjfexamplesweb.appspot.com/)

For in-depth walkthrough of the source code, please read this blog article: [http://dsysadm.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/flotjfexamplesweb-how-to-use-flotjf.html](http://dsysadm.blogspot.com.au/2012/02/flotjfexamplesweb-how-to-use-flotjf.html)

# Building


Maven 2+  
**Setup workspace:**
    git clone git://github.com/dunse/FlotJF.git
    git clone git://github.com/dunse/FlotJFExamplesWeb.git

**Build FlotJFExamplesWeb**
    cd FlotJF
    mvn install
    cd ..
    cd FlotJFExamplesWeb
    mvn package

This will create the compiled .war file under _target_ directory which can be deployed to an application server of choice.

To use the application, access it through: [http://localhost:PORT/FlotJFExamplesWeb/index.html](http://localhost:PORT/FlotJFExamplesWeb/index.html)

# Screenshots

## Example 1 - Simple Line Graph


## Example 2 - Two Y Axis, Two lines


## Example 3 - Different Graph Types


## Example 4 - Realtime graph using AJAX (update every 3sec)


## Example 5 - Colour and Opacity gradient


## Example 6 - Tooltip

