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#Introduction to Sencha Touch

## Overview

As part of this training Session we are going to create a simple Sencha Touch 1.1 Application. The app will train you in how to build a Sencha touch User Interface and how to navigate within it. You will also learn to use the FeedHenry APIs.


## Step 1 

To begin this tutorial download the boilerplate code from this link and copy to your workspace or use the following git commands to setup the project in your workspace:

    cd my-workspace-folder
    git clone git@github.com:feedhenry/FH-Training-App-Sencha.git.
    cd FH-Training-App-Sencha
    git checkout boilerplate

This represents our basic file structure for the entire tutorial.

## Step 2

You are now setup to begin the tutorial. To begin Part 1 click here. 

## Links to Tutorial Sections & Tags:

* Part 1
* Part 2 & Finished Code Pt1.zip
* Part 3 & Finished Code Pt2.zip
* Part 4 & Finished Code Pt3.zip
* Part 5 & Finished Code Pt4.zip
* Part 6 & Finished Code Pt5.zip
* Part 7 & Finished Code Pt6.zip
* Part 8 & Finished Code Pt7.zip
* Part 9 & Finished Code Pt8.zip

* Finished Code Pt9.zip 
