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`collective.spaces` is a simple way of creating mini-sites within the Plone
CMS, with each mini-site based on a fully-customisable template.  
This product deploys a light-weight Dexterity-based content type
(called a ``Space``) within Plone and provides various additions that would
be useful in a self-managed, collaborative environment.  For instance:

* Ability for users to self-create Spaces
* Each Space appears as a sub-site
* Customisable logo per-Space
* Ability for site administration to customise a template used for new Spaces

What this offers

* Simple Dexterity-based content type
* Web-based forms built using ```` and friends
* Leverages existing Plone tech (such as authentication, INavigationRoot and
  Dexterity behaviours)
  on offer.
* Other options (such as ``collective.lineage``) provide unnecessary features 
  or else introduce extra dependencies

Use Case (aka when-to-use-this)

#. Desire to allow various groups of users to collaborate but without
   administrative overhead/intervention
#. Users should be able to create new sub-sites at the Plone root, without
   the need for administrative intervention
#. Each workspace should be able to be self-managed
#. Each workspace can be allowed limited customisation
#. Workspaces should be all contained within a single Plone site
#. Desire for a template to be easily customisable, with arbitrary content
   attached within Plone.



``collective.spaces`` is compatible with recent version of Plone and is 
tested with Plone 4.2 and Dexterity 1.2.1.  Add this egg to your Plone
instance in your buildout like so -- it's highly recommended that
you utilise a Known Good Set (KGS) for pinning versions of the form
libraries and Dexterity::

    extends =

    eggs =

ZCML registration is not necessary as this egg includes a 
``z3c.autoinclude`` entry point.  Once you have added this to your buildout,
re-run your ``./bin/buildout`` script.

Activation within Plone

* Once buildout has completed, restart your Plone instance.
* Load and login to your Plone instance, and go to `Add-ons` under `Site Setup`.
* Locate ``collective.spaces`` in the add-ons list and `Activate` it.
* Once complete, notice that:

  * There is `Create new Space` in your personal tools menu
  * A `Space Template` exists at the root of your portal
  * Site Administrators and Managers can manually add `Space` content anywhere

Security defaults

By default:

* All logged-in users (``Authenticated``) have the ability to create new Spaces 
  via the `Create a new Space` form (``/@@create-space``). 
* Only Site Administrators and Managers can manually create Spaces via the
  `Add new` menu. Regular users, including `Contributor` users, cannot do this.

To change these defaults, load the `Manage Access` ZMI page 
(for instance, ``http://localhost:8080/Plone/manage_access``) and change the
roles associated with the relevant ``collective.spaces`` permissions. You can
also use a GenericSetup profile in an extension product to modify these 
permissions (``rolemap.xml`` in your profile).


Whilst this product is opinionated regarding aspects like default security
permissions, a configurator can use the rest of Plone's functionality
to enhance Spaces (and reduce administration overhead). Some examples are:

    Enable user self-registration on Plone or enable
    another authentication mechanism to reduce administrative input needed
    (or both). Intertwining mechanisms like local authentication, LDAP, CAS, or 
    Shibboleth can easily mean that users can self-manage collaboration with 
    local and external users.

    If users are expected to be creating many Spaces, then the Plone portal
    tabs will quickly consume lots of space. To combat this, simply either turn
    off the ``Automatically generate tabs`` option in the ``Navigation
    settings`` control panel, or else de-select the ``Space`` content type from
    the ``Displayed content types`` option. If using this latter strategy, then
    consider how users will actually access their Space - hiding from
    navigation entirely likely means users need directly access their URL.

*Email notification*
    A common situation may be where a site administrator
    wants to keep track of the Spaces being created. A Plone Content Rule is
    provided with this add-on to satisfy this use case.  Using this Rule is 
    completely optional -- it is installed but not enabled by default.


Source code is available within the `collective GitHub` at for submission of issues, 
fixes, and improvements.


* Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow is currently incompatible due to policy
  traversal leading to an infinite loop when performing actions like adding
  or modifying comments on content. This issue is present with version 1.5.9
  and caused by this loop: Products/CMFPlacefulWorkflow/ (line 71)

To Do

* Tests for email notification content rule (when enabled)
* Handle issues with displaying ID field - can we sanely present users
  the ability to change their Space ID?  In standard Plone machinery, being
  able to rename content in a context depends upon having the ``Copy or Move``
  permission on the folder context. 
