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SearchBadger – Android Messaging Search Application
by Benjamin Frisch, Sarah Gilliland, Theodora Hinkle, Sachin Ravi, and Kong Yang

SearchBadger Dependencies
1. Android SDK r16 or Newer
- See for download and installation
2. Android 2.1 (API 7) SDK Platform
- Install from the Android SDK Manager
3. Android 3.0 (API 11) SDK Platform
- Install from the SDK Manager
4. Android Support Extra
- Install from the SDK Manager
5. Optional: Any Android Emulator
- Install from the SDK Manager

Building and Running SearchBadger Using Eclipse
1. Install the Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin for Eclipse
- See for installation information
2. Open Eclipse
3. Click the File Menu then click Import
4. Expand "General" and then select "Existing Projects into Workspace"
5. Click "Next..."
6. Browse to the MessageSearch Folder under root directory of the SearchBadger
   repository clone
7. Eclipse is probably set to build the project automatically, but if not, 
   you can set this as an option under the Project menu.
8. Click the Project Name in the Eclipse Package Explorer
9. Navigate to the Green Play Button or Click "Run" in the "Run" Menu
- If prompted, select Android Application
10. Select either your connected Android Device or the Android Emulator you want to
   run with

Building and Running the SearchBadger Tests Using Eclipse
1. Install the Android Development Tools (ADT) Plugin for Eclipse
- See for installation information
2. Open Eclipse
3. Click the File Menu then click Import
4. Expand "General" and then select "Existing Projects into Workspace"
5. Click "Next..."
6. Browse to the MessageSearchTest Folder under root directory of the SearchBadger
   repository clone
7. Click "Finish"
8. Eclipse is probably set to build the project automatically, but if not, you
 can set this as an option under the Project menu.
9. Click the Project Name in the Eclipse Package Explorer
- If prompted, select Android JUnit Application
10. Navigate to the Green Play Button or Click "Run" in the "Run" Menu

Note: Do not touch the emulator when it loads. Wait for it to get to the home
      screen, then in the main Eclipse application, a JUnit tab will open and
      begin running the tests. You can easily see which pass and which fail. 
      By double clicking on the failing tests in the Junit tab, you can open the file
      where an assertion has failed and it will be highlighted. In the Failure Trace
      portion of the Junit tab, you can see what the expected and actual values of
      the assertion are. All of the tests will run even if some fail.
