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资源说明:Final Project for CS 262 - Distributed Grading, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Scores My Peers Give Me
Distributed Grading

CS262 Group
Kenny Yu
Tony Ho
Jim Danz
Stefan Muller
Rob Bowden
Willie Yao
Leora Pearson

To import into Eclipse:
1) Make a directory (e.g. cs262) that will be your eclipse workspace directory.
2) cd into that directory, and execute:
      git clone git@github.com:kennyyu/cs262project.git
3) Open up eclipse and set the workspace to be the cs262 directory.
4) Go to File > Import... > General > Existing Projects Into Workspace
5) Select root directory to be the current directory.
6) 'cs262project' should show up on the bottom. Hit OK.

* Every time you pull new changes, click on the project's name on the left side 
  (containing the directory tree), and hit 'refresh'

* MongoDB (http://www.mongodb.org/)
* Apache Tomcat (http://tomcat.apache.org/)
* Java SDK 1.6

To compile:
To compile, execute:
    $ make

To run tests + generate code coverage report:
Tests require JUnit installed. To compile and run the JUnit tests, execute:
    $ make test

Note: mongod must be in your PATH, and you must have Java SDK 1.6
The code coverage report will be generated as html files in the coverage/ directory

To run tests on the SEAS cloud, use:
   $ make seastest

To run the services:
0. Place the hostnames of all replicas into the config/services.config file, and
in WebContent/WEB-INF/lib/config/services.config. 

1. Start the rmi registry:

     $ rmiregistry &

2. Launch the appropropriate service. The update flag forces the rmi registry to
bind the name of the service to this current running instance.

     $ ./GradeStorageService [--update]

3. Copy the WebContent directory to the Apache Tomcat webapps/ directory.

4. Copy the compiled project directory classes/ into webapps/WebContent/WEB-INF

Note: For persistent storage services, also start the MongoDB instance.

To congif MongoDB replica set:

To setup each database, use "mongo_setup" located in the project root. Usage:

./mongo_setup [database name] [port #]

A sample valid command:

./mongo_setup graded 28001

The script will setup a database with that name and localhost:port #

To config the databases so they work as a replication set, use "mongo_config":

./mongo_config [database name] [port #1] [port #2] [port #3]

Currently it only supports exactly 3 distinct port numbers for 1 primary
and 2 secondary databases. We may change it.. but it's of little consequence.
Note that 3 folders with the port name will be created in the same directory
as the script for storing the databases.

Valid set of commands for setting up a fault tolerant database would be
(and this would be done once per database):

./mongo_setup graded 28001
./mongo_setup graded 28002
./mongo_setup graded 28003
./mongo_config graded 28001 28002 28003

Be sure to set your path to mongo.

It would also be trivial for these 2 script to take ip address + port number if we don't
want to set up these databases locally.

Detailed instructions (that can be ignored) below:

1. Create data directory

mkdir /node1
mkdir /node2
mkdir /node3

2. Starting Mongod 

./mongod --replSet  --port 27017 --dbpath /node1
./mongod --replSet  --port 27018 --dbpath /node2
./mongod --replSet  --port 27019 --dbpath /node3

3. Config the Replica Set

./mongo localhost:27017

Execute the following command to define the configuration members within your replica set:

> config = {_id: '', members: [
               {_id: 0, host: 'localhost:27017'},
               {_id: 1, host: 'localhost:27018'},
               {_id: 2, host: 'localhost:27019'}]
Once you have the configuration defined, you need to initial your configuration by executing: 

> rs.initiate(config);

To check everything is running as expected execute:

> rs.status();

More info here:
