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资源说明:Humans++ Bluetooth Framework.

Humans++ Bluetooth Framework for Hapwear.


1) Make a folder for this, and go inside that folder, lets call this folder {1}

2) git clone https://github.com/thanhhaimai/IcyRain.git . (with the dot, and without this note)

3) Open eclipse

4) File | Import | Existing Projects into Workspace

5) Select the Root folder = folder {1} created above

6) Connect your android phone to your computer with an usb cable

7) Press F11 (if you're on Mac, let me tell you how sucky the hotkeys scheme is, find the run button then).

8) Profit!

This is the UI for our Android app. It relies on the MapQuest API. Most of the code that will need to be looked at is in `src/com/mapquest/android/samples/RouteItineraryDemo.java`. 

## Notes:
- If testing on phone, set `useOnPhone` to `true` in `RouteItineraryDemo.java`.

- This is based off of the MapQuest samples, so we need to change the app's icon and titles. There may still be some code that we can strip out. 

- The "Set Time" button does not work because of an issue with having to extend `FragmentActivity` (`RouteItineraryDemo` extends `SimpleMap`, so it can't extend `FragmentActivity` as well). Will ask Sharad for workaround.
  - [This article](http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/controls/pickers.html) explains how date/time pickers work. It mentions that our activity has to extend `FragmentActivity` so that we can call `getSupportFragmentManager()`. From what I understand, if we only target Android 3.0 or above, this is not an issue (because we can call `getFragmentManager()` from any activity). I don't entirely understand this issue, but this is the general gist of it. 
  - Other helpful links
    - [StackOverflow: How to get around an activity requiring to extend both mapactivity and another activity](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8525147/possible-to-get-around-an-activity-requiring-to-extend-both-mapactivity-and-anot)
    - [StackOverflow: How to create datepicker/timepicker dialogs in fragment class](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6668619/how-to-create-datepicker-and-timepicker-dialogs-in-fragment-class)
