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Eclipse Plugin Configurations
This project includes the various plugin configurations I use when developing in Eclipse.  Many people don't know that you can import and export your plugin configuration to save time when setting up a new instance of Eclipse.  To do so, follow these steps from within Eclipse:

1. Click *File*
2. Click *Export*
3. Choose *Install*
4. Select *Installed Software Items to File*
5. Click *Next*, select the plugins you wish to export and *Finish* the wizard.

The import process is simply the reverse of the export process.

Useful Plugins
Here are some must have plugins this configuration includes:

* Eclipse Color Theme
* EGit / JGit for Git
* Subclipse for Subversion
* Glance - Mark occurences anywhere
* Grep Console - Makes working with the console / log awesome
* M2Eclipse and various M2E connectors
* Eclipse MAT for Heap Analysis
* JVM Monitor for profiling
* MoreUnit makes creating and going to test cases simple
