,2013.12) pdf
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资源说明:Contents Acknowledgments xxxi About the Authors xxxiii Introduction 1 Who Should Read This Book 1 Key Questions Answered in This Book 2 How This Book Is Structured 2 An Overview of Changes in This Edition 3 Development Environments Used in This Book 5 Supplementary Materials Available 6 Where to Find More Information 6 Conventions Used in This Book 7 Contacting the Authors 7 I: An Overview of the Android Platform 1 Introducing Android 11 A Brief History of Mobile Software Development 11 Way Back When 11 “The Brick” 13 Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) 15 Proprietary Mobile Platforms 17 The Open Handset Alliance 18 Google Goes Wireless 18 Forming the Open Handset Alliance 19 Manufacturers: Designing Android Devices 19 Mobile Operators: Delivering the Android Experience 20 Apps Drive Device Sales: Developing Android Applications 21 Taking Advantage of All Android Has to Offer 22 The Android Marketplace: Where We Are Now 22 Android Platform Differences 23 Android: A Next-Generation Platform 23 Free and Open Source 25 Familiar and Inexpensive Development Tools 25xii Contents Reasonable Learning Curve for Developers 26 Enabling Development of Powerful Applications 26 Rich, Secure Application Integration 26 No Costly Obstacles for Development 27 A “Free Market” for Applications 27 A Growing Platform 28 The Android Platform 29 Android’s Underlying Architecture 29 Security and Permissions 31 Exploring Android Applications 32 Summary 36 Quiz Questions 36 Exercises 36 References and More Information 36 2 Setting Up Your Android Development Environment 37 Configuring Your Development Environment 37 Configuring Your Operating System for Device Debugging 39 Configuring Your Android Hardware for Debugging 39 Upgrading the Android SDK 42 Problems with the Android Software Development Kit 42 Exploring the Android SDK 43 Understanding the Android SDK License Agreement 43 Reading the Android SDK Documentation 44 Exploring the Core Android Application Framework 45 Exploring the Core Android Tools 47 Exploring the Android Sample Applications 51 Summary 52 Quiz Questions 52 Exercises 53 References and More Information 53 Contents xiii 3 Writing Your First Android Application 55 Testing Your Development Environment 55 Adding the Android Samples Using the SDK Manager 56 Adding the Snake Project to Your Android IDE Workspace 57 Creating an AVD for Your Snake Project 61 Creating a Launch Configuration for Your Snake Project 62 Running the Snake Application in the Android Emulator 66 Building Your First Android Application 68 Creating and Configuring a New Android Project 69 Core Files and Directories of the Android Application 73 Creating an AVD for Your Project 75 Creating a Launch Configuration for Your Project 75 Running Your Android Application in the Emulator 76 Debugging Your Android Application in the Emulator 80 Adding Logging Support to Your Android Application 83 Adding Some Media Support to Your Application 84 Adding Location-Based Services to Your Application 88 Debugging Your Application on Hardware 90 Summary 92 Quiz Questions 93 Exercises 94 References and More Information 94 II: Android Application Basics 4 Understanding the Anatomy of an Android Application 97 Mastering Important Android Terminology 97 The Application Context 98 Retrieving the Application Context 98 Using the Application Context 98 Performing Application Tasks with Activities 99 The Lifecycle of an Android Activity 100xiv Contents Organizing Activity Components with Fragments 105 Managing Activity Transitions with Intents 106 Transitioning between Activities with Intents 106 Organizing Application Navigation with Activities and Intents 110 Working with Services 110 Receiving and Broadcasting Intents 111 Summary 112 Quiz Questions 112 Exercises 112 References and More Information 113 5 Defining Your Application Using the Android Manifest File 115 Configuring Android Applications Using the Android Manifest File 115 Editing the Android Manifest File 116 Managing Your Application’s Identity 122 Versioning Your Application 122 Setting the Application Name and Icon 122 Enforcing Application System Requirements 123 Targeting Specific SDK Versions 123 Enforcing Application Platform Requirements 126 Working with External Libraries 128 Other Application Configuration Settings and Filters 129 Registering Activities in the Android Manifest 129 Designating a Primary Entry Point Activity for Your Application Using an Intent Filter 130 Configuring Other Intent Filters 130 Registering Other Application Components 131 Working with Permissions 131 Registering Permissions Your Application Requires 131 Registering Permissions Your Application Enforces 132 Contents xv Exploring Other Manifest File Settings 133 Summary 133 Quiz Questions 134 Exercises 134 References and More Information 135 6 Managing Application Resources 137 What Are Resources? 137 Storing Application Resources 137 Resource Value Types 138 Accessing Resources Programmatically 142 Setting Simple Resource Values Using the Android IDE 143 Working with Different Types of Resources 146 Working with String Resources 147 Using String Resources as Format Strings 148 Working with Quantity Strings 149 Working with String Arrays 150 Working with Boolean Resources 151 Working with Integer Resources 152 Working with Colors 152 Working with Dimensions 153 Drawable Resources 154 Working with Images 156 Working with Color State Lists 158 Working with Animation 159 Working with Menus 162 Working with XML Files 163 Working with Raw Files 164 References to Resources 165 Working with Layouts 166 Referencing System Resources 171 Summary 172 Quiz Questions 173 Exercises 173 References and More Information 173xvi Contents III: Android User Interface Design Essentials 7 Exploring User Interface Building Blocks 177 Introducing Android Views and Layouts 177 The Android View 177 The Android Controls 177 The Android Layout 178 Displaying Text to Users with TextView 179 Configuring Layout and Sizing 179 Creating Contextual Links in Text 180 Retrieving Data from Users with Text Fields 183 Retrieving Text Input Using EditText Controls 183 Constraining User Input with Input Filters 184 Helping the User with Autocompletion 186 Giving Users Choices Using Spinner Controls 188 Allowing Simple User Selections with Buttons and Switches 190 Using Basic Buttons 190 Using CheckBox and ToggleButton Controls 193 Using RadioGroup and RadioButton 194 Retrieving Dates, Times, and Numbers from Users with Pickers 197 Using Indicators to Display Progress and Activity to Users 199 Indicating Progress with ProgressBar 199 Indicating Activity with Activity Bars and Activity Circles 202 Adjusting Progress with Seek Bars 202 Other Valuable User Interface Controls 203 Displaying Rating Data with RatingBar 204 Showing Time Passage with the Chronometer 205 Displaying the Time 206 Summary 207 Quiz Questions 207 Exercises 207 References and More Information 208 Contents xvii 8 Designing with Layouts 209 Creating User Interfaces in Android 209 Creating Layouts Using XML Resources 209 Creating Layouts Programmatically 211 Organizing Your User Interface 214 Using ViewGroup Subclasses for Layout Design 214 Using ViewGroup Subclasses as View Containers 214 Using Built-in Layout Classes 215 Using LinearLayout 217 Using RelativeLayout 219 Using FrameLayout 222 Using TableLayout 224 Using GridLayout 228 Using Multiple Layouts on a Screen 230 Using Container Control Classes 232 Using Data-Driven Containers 233 Adding Scrolling Support 238 Exploring Other View Containers 239 Summary 239 Quiz Questions 239 Exercises 240 References and More Information 240 9 Partitioning the User Interface with Fragments 243 Understanding Fragments 243 Understanding the Fragment Lifecycle 244 Working with Special Types of Fragments 247 Designing Fragment-Based Applications 248 Using the Android Support Package 258 Adding Fragment Support to Legacy Applications 259 Using Fragments in New Applications Targeting Older Platforms 259 Linking the Android Support Package to Your Project 260 Exploring Nested Fragments 261xviii Contents Summary 261 Quiz Questions 262 Exercises 262 References and More Information 263 10 Displaying Dialogs 265 Choosing Your Dialog Implementation 265 Exploring the Different Types of Dialogs 266 Working with Dialogs and Dialog Fragments 267 Tracing the Lifecycle of a Dialog and DialogFragment 268 Working with Custom Dialogs 270 Working with Support Package Dialog Fragments 271 Summary 275 Quiz Questions 276 Exercises 276 References and More Information 276 IV: Android Application Design Essentials 11 Using Android Preferences 281 Working with Application Preferences 281 Determining When Preferences Are Appropriate 281 Storing Different Types of Preference Values 282 Creating Private Preferences for Use by a Single Activity 282 Creating Shared Preferences for Use by Multiple Activities 282 Searching and Reading Preferences 283 Adding, Updating, and Deleting Preferences 284 Reacting to Preference Changes 285 Finding Preferences Data on the Android File System 285 Creating Manageable User Preferences 286 Creating a Preference Resource File 287 Using the PreferenceActivity Class 289 Organizing Preferences with Headers 291 Learning about Cloud Save for Android Applications 296 Contents xix Summary 298 Quiz Questions 298 Exercises 299 References and More Information 299 12 Working with Files and Directories 301 Working with Application Data on a Device 301 Practicing Good File Management 302 Understanding Android File Permissions 303 Working with Files and Directories 303 Exploring with the Android Application Directories 304 Working with Other Directories and Files on the Android File System 309 Summary 312 Quiz Questions 312 Exercises 313 References and More Information 313 13 Leveraging Content Providers 315 Exploring Android’s Content Providers 315 Using the MediaStore Content Provider 316 Using the CallLog Content Provider 318 Using the Browser Content Provider 319 Using the CalendarContract Content Provider 321 Using the UserDictionary Content Provider 321 Using the VoicemailContract Content Provider 322 Using the Settings Content Provider 322 Introducing the ContactsContract Content Providers 322 Modifying Content Provider Data 324 Adding Records 325 Updating Records 326 Deleting Records 327 Using Third-Party Content Providers 328 Summary 328 Quiz Questions 328xx Contents Exercises 329 References and More Information 329 14 Designing Compatible Applications 331 Maximizing Application Compatibility 331 Designing User Interfaces for Compatibility 333 Working with Fragments 335 Leveraging the Android Support Library 335 Supporting Specific Screen Types 335 Working with Nine-Patch Stretchable Graphics 336 Using the “Working Square” Principle 336 Providing Alternative Application Resources 338 Understanding How Resources Are Resolved 338 Organizing Alternative Resources with Qualifiers 339 Providing Resources for Different Orientations 345 Using Alternative Resources Programmatically 345 Organizing Application Resources Efficiently 345 Targeting Tablets, TVs, and Other New Devices 347 Targeting Tablet Devices 347 Targeting Google TV Devices 348 Targeting Google Chromecast Devices 350 Summary 350 Quiz Questions 350 Exercises 351 References and More Information 351 V: Publishing and Distributing Android Applications 15 Learning the Android Software Development Process 355 An Overview of the Mobile Development Process 355 Choosing a Software Methodology 356 Understanding the Dangers of Waterfall Approaches 356 Understanding the Value of Iteration 357 Gathering Application Requirements 357 Determining Project Requirements 357 Developing Use Cases for Mobile Applications 360 Contents xxi Incorporating Third-Party Requirements and Recommendations 360 Managing a Device Database 361 Assessing Project Risks 364 Identifying Target Devices 364 Acquiring Target Devices 366 Determining the Feasibility of Application Requirements 366 Understanding Quality Assurance Risks 367 Writing Essential Project Documentation 368 Developing Test Plans for Quality Assurance Purposes 368 Providing Documentation Required by Third Parties 369 Providing Documentation for Maintenance and Porting 369 Leveraging Configuration Management Systems 369 Choosing a Source Control System 369 Implementing an Application Version System That Works 370 Designing Mobile Applications 370 Understanding Mobile Device Limitations 370 Exploring Common Mobile Application Architectures 371 Designing for Extensibility and Maintenance 371 Designing for Application Interoperability 372 Developing Mobile Applications 373 Testing Mobile Applications 373 Controlling the Test Release 374 Deploying Mobile Applications 374 Determining Target Markets 375 Supporting and Maintaining Mobile Applications 375 Track and Address Crashes Reported by Users 376 Testing Firmware Upgrades 376 Maintaining Adequate Application Documentation 376 Managing Live Server Changes 376 Identifying Low-Risk Porting Opportunities 376 Application Feature Selection 377xxii Contents Summary 377 Quiz Questions 377 Exercises 377 References and More Information 378 16 Designing and Developing Bulletproof Android Applications 379 Best Practices in Designing Bulletproof Mobile Applications 379 Meeting Mobile Users’ Demands 380 Designing User Interfaces for Mobile Devices 380 Designing Stable and Responsive Mobile Applications 381 Designing Secure Mobile Applications 383 Designing Mobile Applications for Maximum Profit 383 Following the Android Application Quality Guidelines 384 Leveraging Third-Party Quality Standards 385 Designing Mobile Applications for Ease of Maintenance and Upgrades 385 Leveraging Android Tools for Application Design 387 Avoiding Silly Mistakes in Android Application Design 388 Best Practices in Developing Bulletproof Mobile Applications 388 Designing a Development Process That Works for Mobile Development 389 Testing the Feasibility of Your Application Early and Often 389 Using Coding Standards, Reviews, and Unit Tests to Improve Code Quality 390 Handling Defects Occurring on a Single Device 392 Leveraging Android Tools for Development 393 Avoiding Silly Mistakes in Android Application Development 393 Summary 393 Quiz Questions 394 Exercises 394 References and More Information 394 Contents xxiii 17 Planning the Android Application Experience 395 Thinking about Objectives 395 User Objectives 396 Team Objectives 396 Objectives of Other Stakeholders 396 Techniques for Focusing Your Product Efforts 397 Personas 397 Entity Discovery and Organization 398 Use Cases and Use Case Diagrams 398 Charting Your Application’s Navigation 400 Android Application Navigation Scenarios 400 Launching Tasks and Navigating the Back Stack 404 Navigating with Fragments 404 Planning Application Navigation 404 Android Navigation Design Patterns 405 Encouraging Action 408 Menus 410 Action Bars 411 Dialogs 415 Actions Originating from Your Application’s Content 416 Communicating Your Application’s Identity 416 Designing Screen Layouts 417 Sketches 417 Wireframes 417 Design Comps 417 Reacting Properly with Visual Feedback 418 Observing Target Users for Usability 418 Mocking Up the Application 418 Testing the Release Build 419 Summary 419 Quiz Questions 420 Exercises 420 References and More Information 420 18 Testing Android Applications 423 Best Practices in Testing Mobile Applications 423 Designing a Mobile Application Defect-Tracking System 423 Managing the Testing Environment 425 Maximizing Testing Coverage 427 Leveraging Android SDK Tools for Android Application Testing 434 Avoiding Silly Mistakes in Android Application Testing 435 Android Application Testing Essentials 435 Unit Testing with JUnit 436 Introducing the PasswordMatcher Application 437 Determining What Our Tests Should Prove 441 Creating an Android Test Project 441 Writing the Tests 447 Running Your First Test Using the Android IDE 450 Analyzing the Test Results 450 Adding Additional Tests 453 More Android Automated Testing Programs and APIs 455 Summary 457 Quiz Questions 457 Exercises 457 References and More Information 458 19 Publishing Your Android Application 459 Choosing the Right Distribution Model 459 Protecting Your Intellectual Property 460 Following the Policies of Google Play 461 Billing the User 461 Packaging Your Application for Publication 462 Preparing Your Code for Packaging 463 Packing and Signing Your Application 465 Testing the Release Version of Your Application Package 467 Including All Required Resources 467 xxiv Contents Contents xxv Readying Your Servers or Services 467 Distributing Your Application 467 Publishing to Google Play 468 Signing Up for Publishing to Google Play 468 Uploading Your Application to Google Play 471 Uploading Application Marketing Assets 473 Configuring Pricing and Distribution Details 474 Configuring Additional Application Options 475 Managing Other Developer Console Options 476 Publishing Your Application to Google Play 476 Managing Your Application on Google Play 476 Google Play Staged Rollouts 478 Publishing to the Google Play Private Channel 478 Translating Your Application 478 Publishing Using Other Alternatives 479 Self-Publishing Your Application 479 Summary 480 Quiz Questions 481 Exercises 481 References and More Information 481 VI: Appendixes A Mastering the Android Development Tools 485 Using the Android Documentation 485 Leveraging the Android Emulator 489 Viewing Application Log Data with LogCat 490 Debugging Applications with DDMS 490 Using Android Debug Bridge (ADB) 490 Using the Resource Editors and UI Designer 491 Using the Android Hierarchy Viewer 493 Launching the Hierarchy Viewer 494 Working in Layout View Mode 495 Optimizing Your User Interface 496 Working in Pixel Perfect Mode 497 Working with Nine-Patch Stretchable Graphics 497 Working with Other Android Tools 500Summary 502 Quiz Questions 503 Exercises 503 References and More Information 503 B Quick-Start Guide: The Android Emulator 505 Simulating Reality: The Emulator’s Purpose 505 Working with Android Virtual Devices 507 Using the Android Virtual Device Manager 508 Creating an AVD 509 Creating AVDs with Custom Hardware Settings 510 Launching the Emulator with a Specific AVD 512 Maintaining Emulator Performance 512 Configuring Emulator Startup Options 513 Launching an Emulator to Run an Application 513 Launching an Emulator from the Android Virtual Device Manager 515 Configuring the GPS Location of the Emulator 516 Calling between Two Emulator Instances 517 Messaging between Two Emulator Instances 518 Interacting with the Emulator through the Console 520 Using the Console to Simulate Incoming Calls 521 Using the Console to Simulate SMS Messages 522 Using the Console to Send GPS Coordinates 523 Using the Console to Monitor Network Status 523 Using the Console to Manipulate Power Settings 523 Using Other Console Commands 524 Enjoying the Emulator 524 Understanding Emulator Limitations 525 Summary 526 Quiz Questions 526 Exercises 527 References and More Information 527 C Quick-Start Guide: Android DDMS 529 Using DDMS with the Android IDE and as a Standalone Application 529 xxvi Contents Contents xxvii Getting Up to Speed Using Key Features of DDMS 530 Working with Processes, Threads, and the Heap 531 Attaching a Debugger to an Android Application 531 Stopping a Process 532 Monitoring Thread Activity of an Android Application 532 Monitoring Heap Activity 532 Prompting Garbage Collection 534 Creating and Using an HPROF File 534 Using the Allocation Tracker 534 Viewing Network Statistics 535 Working with the File Explorer 536 Browsing the File System of an Emulator or Device 536 Copying Files from the Emulator or Device 538 Copying Files to the Emulator or Device 539 Deleting Files on the Emulator or Device 539 Working with the Emulator Control 539 Change Telephony Status 540 Simulating Incoming Voice Calls 540 Simulating Incoming SMS Messages 540 Sending a Location Fix 541 Working with the System Information Pane 541 Taking Screen Captures of the Emulator and Device Screens 542 Working with Application Logging 543 Summary 544 Quiz Questions 545 Exercises 545 References and More Information 545 D Android IDE and Eclipse Tips and Tricks 547 Organizing Your Android IDE Workspace 547 Integrating with Source Control Services 547 Repositioning Tabs within Perspectives 548 Maximizing Windows 548 Minimizing Windows 548 Viewing Windows Side by Side 548xxviii Contents Viewing Two Sections of the Same File 550 Closing Unwanted Tabs 550 Keeping Windows under Control 550 Creating Custom Log Filters 551 Searching Your Project 551 Organizing Android IDE Tasks 551 Writing Code in Java 552 Using Autocomplete 552 Creating New Classes and Methods 552 Organizing Imports 553 Formatting Code 553 Renaming Almost Anything 553 Refactoring Code 554 Reorganizing Code 555 Using QuickFix 555 Providing Javadoc-Style Documentation 556 Resolving Mysterious Build Errors 556 Summary 557 Quiz Questions 557 Exercises 557 References and More Information 557 E Answers to Quiz Questions 559 Chapter 1: Introducing Android 559 Chapter 2: Setting Up Your Android Development Environment 559 Chapter 3: Writing Your First Android Application 559 Chapter 4: Android Application Basics 560 Chapter 5: Defining Your Application Using the Android Manifest File 560 Chapter 6: Managing Application Resources 560 Chapter 7: Exploring User Interface Building Blocks 561 Chapter 8: Designing with Layouts 561 Chapter 9: Partitioning the User Interface with Fragments 561 Chapter 10: Displaying Dialogs 562 Chapter 11: Using Android Preferences 562 Chapter 12: Working with Files and Directories 562 Contents xxix Chapter 13: Leveraging Content Providers 562 Chapter 14: Designing Compatible Applications 563 Chapter 15: Learning the Android Software Development Process 563 Chapter 16: Designing and Developing Bulletproof Android Applications 563 Chapter 17: Planning the Android Application Experience 564 Chapter 18: Testing Android Applications 564 Chapter 19: Publishing Your Android Application 564 Appendix A: Mastering the Android Development Tools 565 Appendix B: Quick-Start Guide: The Android Emulator 565 Appendix C: Quick-Start Guide: Android DDMS 565 Appendix D: Android IDE and Eclipse Tips and Tricks 566 Index 567