Geoserver Beginner`s Guide
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资源说明:Preface 1 Chapter 1: GIS Fundamentals 7 What is GIS about? 7 The foundation of any GIS – spatial data 8 Measuring the world 9 Projecting a sphere on a plane 10 Understanding coordinate systems 12 Commonly used coordinate systems 12 Universal Transverse Mercator system 12 Web Mercator 13 Spatial Reference Identifier (SRID) 13 Representing geometrical shapes 14 Modeling the real world with raster data 16 Representing the world 17 Time for action – exploring OpenStreetMap 20 Adding more colors to your maps 23 Choropleth maps 23 Proportional maps 25 Time for action – making your thematic map 26 Summary 29 Chapter 2: Getting Started with GeoServer 31 Installing Java 32 Time for action – checking the presence of Java on Windows 32 Time for action – checking the presence of Java on Ubuntu 34 Time for action – installing JRE on Windows 35 Time for action – installing JRE on Ubuntu 36 Installing Apache Tomcat 38 Time for action – installing Apache Tomcat on Windows 38 Table of Contents [ ii ] Time for action – installing Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu 42 Time for action – configuring Tomcat as a service on Ubuntu 45 Installing GeoServer 48 Time for action – deploying GeoServer on Tomcat 49 Implementing basic security 51 Time for action – improving security settings 52 Summary 53 Chapter 3: Exploring the Administrative Interface 55 Understanding the interface 55 About & Status 57 Server Status 57 Locks 58 Connections 58 Memory Usage 58 JVM Version and fonts 58 JAI usage and configurations 58 Update Sequence 58 Resource Cache 59 Configuration and catalog 59 GeoServer Logs 59 Contact Information 59 About 60 Time for action – manually reloading configuration 60 Data 61 Layer Preview 61 Time for action – OpenLayers preview 62 Time for action – KML preview 63 Workspaces 64 Time for action – creating a workspace 65 Stores 66 Layers 68 Layer groups 69 Styles 69 Services 70 WMS 71 Time for action – limiting the SRS list from WMS 71 WFS 73 WCS 73 Settings 73 Global 73 Verbose Reporting 73 Enable Global Services 74 Table of Contents [ iii ] Proxy Base URL 74 Logging Profile 74 Log to StdOut 74 Log location 74 Time for action – changing your logging configuration 74 JAI 75 Tile Caching 76 Security 76 Settings 77 Users, Groups, and Roles 77 Data 78 Catalog security 78 Services security 79 Demos 79 Time for action – exploring Demo requests 80 SRS List 83 Time for action – filtering the projection list 83 Summary 85 Chapter 4: Accessing Layers 87 Layer types 88 OpenLayers 88 Time for action – exploring OpenLayers options 89 Working with tiles 90 Exploring the Web Map Service output formats 92 AtomPub 92 GIF 92 GeoRSS 93 JPEG 94 KML (Plain) 94 KMZ (Compressed) 94 PDF 95 PNG 95 SVG 95 TIFF 95 Web Feature Service 96 CSV 96 GML (plain text) 96 GML2 (compressed GZIP) 97 GeoJSON 97 Time for action – parsing GeoJSON 97 Shapefile 98 Table of Contents [ iv ] Extra output options 98 GDAL and OGR output 99 TEXT/HTML 99 Time for action – using the GetFeatureInfo freemarker template 99 Using WMS Reflector 101 Time for action – using WMS Reflector 102 Summary 103 Chapter 5: Adding Your Data 105 Configuring your data 105 Configuring vector data sources 106 Adding a properties file 106 Configuring an external Web Feature Service 107 Adding shapefiles 107 Time for action – adding shapefiles 107 Using PostGIS 110 Time for action – installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS 110 Time for action – loading data in PostGIS and publishing them in GeoServer 116 Configuring raster data sources 120 ArcGrid 120 GeoTiff 120 Gtopo30 121 ImageMosaic 121 WorldImage 121 Configuring an external Web Map Service 121 Exploring additional data sources 122 Using Oracle 122 Time for action – adding Oracle support in GeoServer 122 Using MySQL 123 Time for action – adding MySQL data source 124 Summary 126 Chapter 6: Styling Your Layers 127 Understanding Styled Layer Descriptor 127 Editing styles 128 Exploring the standard structure of a style 129 Time for action – viewing GeoServer bundled styles 130 Loading data for styling 133 Working with point symbols 134 Time for action – creating a simple point style 134 Time for action – adding a stroke value 137 Table of Contents [ v ] Time for action – dealing with angles and transparency 140 Time for action – composing simple shapes 141 Time for action – using external graphics 144 Linestring symbols 146 Time for action – creating a simple line style 146 Time for action – adding a border and a centerline 148 Time for action – using hatching 149 Time for action – using dashed lines 151 Time for action – mixing dashing lines and markers 153 Working with polygon symbols 155 Time for action – creating a simple polygon style 155 Time for action – using a graphic filling 157 Time for action – using hatching with polygons 158 Adding labels 160 Time for action – labeling points 161 Time for action – labeling lines 163 Time for action – labeling polygons 166 Thematic mapping 168 Time for action – classifying roads 169 Setting visibility 173 Time for action – enhancing thematic roads map 173 Putting it all together 175 Time for action – grouping layers 176 Summary 178 Chapter 7: Creating Simple Maps 179 Exploring Google Maps API 180 Time for action – adding a GeoServer layer as overlay 180 Time for action – adding a GeoServer layer as a base layer 185 Using pre-calculated maps 187 Time for action – adding a GeoServer cached layer as overlay 187 Time for action – customizing Google basemap 189 Interacting with the user 193 Time for action – intercepting the Click event 193 Using OpenLayers 196 Time for action – integrating GeoServer and OpenLayers 196 Time for action – using GeoRSS with OpenLayers 199 Exploring Leaflet 201 Time for action – using Leaflet with GeoServer layers 201 Summary 203 Table of Contents [ vi ] Chapter 8: Performance and Caching 205 Exploring GeoWebCache 206 Time for action – configuring GeoWebCache storage 206 Time for action – configuring Disk Quota 209 Setting caching defaults 212 Direct integration 212 WMS-C 212 TMS and WMTS 213 Default layers options 213 Default Cached Gridsets 214 Configuring gridsets 215 Time for action – creating a custom gridset 215 Configuring tile layers 218 Time for action – configuring layers and layer groups for caching 219 Time for action – using tiles with OpenLayers 221 Time for action – seeding a layer 227 Using an external GeoWebCache 231 Summary 233 Chapter 9: Automating Tasks: GeoServer REST Interface 235 Introducing REST 236 Using REST 236 Time for action – installing the Requests library 237 Managing data 238 Working with workspaces and namespaces 238 Time for action – managing workspaces 239 Using data stores 246 Time for action – managing data stores 246 Using feature types 252 Time for action – adding a new shapefile 254 Time for action – adding a PostGIS table 256 Publishing data 260 Working with styles 260 Time for action – adding a new style 260 Working with layers 261 Time for action – managing layers 262 Summary 265 Table of Contents [ vii ] Chapter 10: Securing GeoServer Before Production 267 Basic security settings 268 Time for action – enabling strong encryption 269 Time for action – changing the master password 270 Defining users, groups, and roles 271 User definition 272 Group definition 272 User/group services 272 Roles definition 272 Time for action – creating users and groups 272 Time for action – defining roles 276 Accessing data and services 277 Time for action – securing layers 278 Summary 284 Chapter 11: Tuning GeoServer in a Production Environment 285 Tuning Java 286 Time for action – configuring Java runtime parameters 286 Time for action – installing native JAI 288 Removing unused services 291 Time for action – disabling unused services 291 Setting a proxy 292 Time for action – configuring a proxy 293 Avoiding service faults 295 Time for action – configuring a cluster 297 Summary 303 Chapter 12: Going Further: Getting Help and Troubleshooting 305 Going beyond maps 305 Delivering vector data 306 Time for action – retrieving vector data 306 Delivering raster data 310 Time for action – retrieving raster data 310 Getting help 312 Summary 314 Appendix: Pop Quiz Answers 315 Index 319