Amplify Shader Editor 1.5.7
文件大小: 64558k
源码售价: 10 个金币 积分规则     积分充值
资源说明:The Editor will continue to be improved in future updates, there are a lot more features currently in development. Notable Features • Full source-code • Support for Xbox One/PS4/Switch • Custom Node API • Shader Templates • Shader Functions • Multi-window Support • Intuitive, familiar node interface • Extensive node library • Instancing Support • User Contributed Nodes and Shaders • Growing sample collection Amplify Shader Editor (ASE) is a node-based shader creation tool inspired by industry leading software. An open and tightly integrated solution, it provides a familiar and consistent development environment that seamlessly blends with Unity’s UI conventions and Shader use. Affordable quality and flexibility with the responsive customer support you can expect from Amplify Creations. INTUITIVE and UX-focused, the workspace is familiar, clean and flexible. Dock it, or use it in a second monitor, it’s prepared to fit your layout requirements. MINIMALISTIC toolbars and menus have been optimized to maximize workspace area without large intrusive nodes or menus. Creating nodes or new Shaders is as intuitive as creating a new Unity Material in the Project Explorer window. OPEN to customer contributions like nodes, improvements, bug fixes or third-party support. We aim to provide a robust and flexible tool that can be easily adapted to existing art production pipelines. FLEXIBLE shader creation options. While in the current version you can create and extend Surface Shaders, upcoming updates will include dozens of additional shader types, custom lighting models and extended options to help unleash your creativity while adapting to your production's technical specifications. Check out the Overview Video Learn more at our Product Page Guide: ASE Manual Make the change, use the professional tools you crave. Our products are developed by industry professionals and our support team always goes one step beyond to resolve any possible issues our clients might have. Get in touch, we would love to hear your story, help promote and feature your work.