the source code is writed by the authot, the susan algorithm to detecte the corner linear and many other features. you can use it in your workspace in windows or linux.
... 有人于2004年底接管过来继续开发,并在gotdotnet上建立了workspace,最新版本包含了一个ADO.NET驱动和Pocket PC版本。
... -to-point trajectory planning for a 3-link robot arm. The objective function for the proposed GA is to minimizing traveling time and space, while not exceeding a maximum
pre-defined torque, without collision with any obstacle in the robot workspace.
loading a text file from a directory to your workspace in matlab
Visual C++ 6.0 Workspace & makefiles for PortAudio (Static Libraries).
2 configurations, one using DirectSound (DS) and one using WMME.
Libraries are output to the Lib folder.