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  • xbmc-iphone-remote ... ) for the iphone, fork geared towards karaoke features Xbox Media Center iPhone Remote =============================== Introduction ------------ This project aims ... version 2. Unzip it 3. FTP into your Xbox and upload the "iphone" directory to the "web ...
  • PHP-Gamercard-Sig-Generator Generates graphical forum signatures using Xbox Live Gamercard data This is a little something I put together because I wanted to be ... for use in forum sigs, but didn't have access to the XBox Live API. There are two parts to it: the gamercard parsing ...
  • earn_it ... to doing their chores etc. This is based on a cost/rewards system where there are actions that will cost the individual, such as xbox time or having to be told to do their chores, and actions that will reward the individual, such as doing the chores ...
  • xbmckeyboard ... send keyboard events to the virtual keyboard on an xmbc installation. Setup ----- create a file ~/.xbmckeyrc with contents [xbmckey] host=xbox:8080 user=xbmc pass=pass Ensure the XBMC webserver is running (Settings -> Network) Notes: http://developer. ...
  • xblnotify Xbox Live Notification Service == Welcome to Rails Rails is a web-application framework that includes everything needed to create database-backed web applications according to the Model-View-Control pattern. This pattern splits the view (also called ...
  • XboxLiveStatusChecker Checks the status of xbox live users en masse
  • xbmc ... sources -a http://gemcutter.org gem install xbmc h3. Usage rodeo:~ rob$ ruby -rubygems -e "require 'xbmc';x=XBMC.new('xbox');puts x.currently_playing[:artist]" Bibio For examples of usage, check out the spec file or an example of "controlling XBMC ...
  • bx360 Xbox 360 backup burning script for XBMC test
  • Gamepad ... advantage it brings is that the player can "tap" the keys to achieve the effect of a half press on an analog input such as the XBOX 360 thumb-stick. Often, though, you won't actually want to use this. You can easily turn it off by passing in 0, or pass ...
  • xboxlivefriends ... IV? And most importantly, how many points do they have? Making Improvements ------------ Xbox Live Friends is a sort of pet project, built on-and ... me in taking over the project, and making this the best Xbox Live application for the Mac that is possible.