资源说明:Extracts scores from metacritic.com.
Description =========== This is a PHP class to grab scores from [metacritic.com](http://metacritic.com). Currently the class only handles scores from the XBOX 360. More consoles and sections will be added very soon. Usage ===== View the demo.php file. Change Log ========== - 0.2 - [ADDED] Moved project from code.google.com to github.com - [ADDED] Demo page and README files created. - [CHANGED] Changed the library file by removing tons on internal test code. - 0.1 - Internal usage only. - Only used to retrieve xbox game scores. To Do ===== - Allow to get scores for other consoles. - Allow to get scores for movies. - Return an associated array of score from other sites that metacritic uses. - Turn into full php5 class. - Handle cases where metacritic does not respond.