资源说明:Don't like waiting for your turn? Then this real-time tic-tac-toe game is for you.
!http://github.com/jaymcgavren/atactoe/raw/master/screenshot.jpg! h1. ATacToe A "real-time" Tic-Tac-Toe game, meaning both players move at the same time. Block your opponent before they can complete a line, then go for the win yourself. First to win 10 games wins the match! h1. How to Run Just grab the application for your platform (Windows or OS X), decompress, double-click, and play! As long as you have Java installed, it should work out of the box. h1. Controls * Player 1 ** A/S/D/W - move cursor ** Left-Shift - place mark * Player 2 ** I/J/K/L - move cursor ** Space - place mark * Other ** Escape - exit Or plug in a gamepad and use the D-pad and buttons. XBox 360 controllers are officially supported for now, with more to come. h1. Legal Copyright 2009 "Jay McGavren":http://jay.mcgavren.com. Released under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.