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资源说明:Podcast server that manages Harmony in My Head downloads in an iTunes-friendly, podcast-y way.
Disharmony - A Rollins Archive Podcasting server

Henry Rollins' Harmony in My Head is one of the best music shows on the radio. do a great job putting each show online but they don't do it in an Podcasting-friendly way.

This little sinatra app scrapes, downloads, tags & posts in an RSS feed each time a new show is put online.


Install the Bundler gem, clone the repository and run 'Bundle install' from within the directory. You'll need [ID3-Lib installed]( for this. 

web.rb is the Sinatra app, scripts/* will download shows for certain scenarios. The actual downloading of the zip files is done by wget. This app runs on my tiny XBOX server (64MB RAM) so I need to keep tight with memory usage.

All tests are written in Cucumber, I recommend using the rake test command as it will use the bundled cucumber instead ofwhatever you have installed.
