This zip file contains source code and windows executables for carrying out face detection on a gray scale image. The code implements Viola-Jones adaboosted algorithm for face detection by providing a mex implementation of OpenCV s face detector. ...
Low frequency NXP hitag2 encryption cipher
This the low frequency NXP hitag2 encryption cipher.
The package hitag2.zip contains the following files:
hitag2.png - Cipher overview
hitag2.c - Source-code
1. APIByName.zip,3KB
2. 01UseAPI.rar,17KB
3. 03CWinThread.rar,11KB
4. 03CThreadLocal.rar,5KB
5. 05OutputDebugString.rar,10KB
6. 06CreateExample.rar,8KB
7. 04Win32AppDemo.rar,11KB