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  • zlib.rar zlibrary compress algorithm
  • ZlibVBExample.rar 调用zlib.dll进行文件夹压缩和解压源码例子,工程用VB编写,代码量少,通俗易懂。
  • mini-archiver.zip Mini Archiver based on Zlib and can create SFX archives
  • Txt2Pdf_WithCompression_NoLIBs.zip ... is a file that I did not write in the project, a freeware ZLIB wrapper by Richard W. Frost (1998). However he used a .lib file while I use a consolidated .c file version of the ZLIB source, that I put together. The core text converter was not written ...
  • delphizlib.125.zip Zlib 1.2.5 ZLibEx.pas for Delphi
  • 2.rar zlib库文件,实现压缩和解压的功能,对处理压缩和解压很有价值。
  • libharu-2.2.0.rar ... 版本 2.2.0,附件中包括所有源码和需要用到的链接库zlib和libpng(这两个库是必须用的,如果直接去官方网站下载,不提供这两个库).zlib和libpng都是最新版本,本人亲自编译,保证能用. 支持中文显示字体方法 ...
  • SmartStorage.rar ... (使用AddUpdateItem函数)和从文件包中删除(使用DeleteItem函数). 你可以选择 zlib/huffman压缩模式进行压缩存储或者不使用压缩进行存储. 它采用了文件索引 ... 。 使用时先把Common\TLBs 目录中的oleguids3.tlb以及WithCompression\Test 目录下的zlib.dll 两个文件拷贝到\system32文件夹下即可打开TestWithCompression.vbg工程。
  • zlib.rar C compression library
  • glfw-2.7.zip ... into existing applications and does not lay claim to the main loop. GLFW has native support for Windows, Mac OS X and many Unix-like systems using the X Window System, such as Linux and FreeBSD. GLFW is licensed under the zlib/libpng license.