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Visual C++
- // MainFrm.h : interface of the CMainFrame class
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- #if !defined(AFX_MAINFRM_H__CF4222F3_4FDC_4D02_A7AD_22AE768264D6__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_MAINFRM_H__CF4222F3_4FDC_4D02_A7AD_22AE768264D6__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- #include "PropertyToolBar.h"
- #include "GraphDefines.h"
- #include "MenuEx.h"
- #include "FullView.h"
- class CColorSetDlg;
- class CFillSetDlg;
- class CMainFrame : public CFrameWnd
- {
- protected: // create from serialization only
- CMainFrame();
- // Attributes
- public:
- // Operations
- public:
- void SetPaneText(int index,LPCSTR lpcstr,bool bModify){
- m_wndStatusBar.SetPaneText(index,lpcstr,bModify);
- return;
- }
- // Overrides
- // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- //{{AFX_VIRTUAL(CMainFrame)
- public:
- virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs);
- virtual void ActivateFrame(int nCmdShow = -1);
- // Implementation
- public:
- virtual ~CMainFrame();
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- virtual void AssertValid() const;
- virtual void Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const;
- #endif
- public:
- CToolBar m_wndToolBar;
- CToolBar m_wndTBarGraphOp;
- CToolBar m_wndWindow;
- CFullView m_wndFullView ;
- protected: // control bar embedded members
- CStatusBar m_wndStatusBar;
- CToolBar m_wndTBarGraph;
- CPropertyToolBar m_wndPropertyBar;
- CColorSetDlg *m_pdlgSetColor;
- CColorSetDlg *m_pdlgSetFillColor;
- CFillSetDlg *m_pdlgFillStyle;
- class CUndoDlg *m_pUndoDlg;
- CBitmap m_colorbmp;
- CMenuEx m_menu;
- // Generated message map functions
- protected:
- //{{AFX_MSG(CMainFrame)
- afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
- afx_msg void OnToolbarDropDown(NMTOOLBAR* pnmh, LRESULT* plRes);
- afx_msg void OnClose();
- afx_msg void OnSetColor(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);//user define
- afx_msg void OnSetFillColor(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);//user define
- afx_msg void OnSetFillStyle(WPARAM wParam,LPARAM lParam);//user define
- afx_msg void OnPenwidthFive();
- afx_msg void OnPenwidthOne();
- afx_msg void OnPenwidthSeven();
- afx_msg void OnPenwidthThree();
- afx_msg void OnPenwidthTwo();
- afx_msg void OnSetFillstyle();
- afx_msg void OnDrawItem(int nIDCtl, LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
- afx_msg void OnMeasureItem(int nIDCtl, LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct);
- afx_msg void OnInitMenu(CMenu* pMenu);
- afx_msg void OnFullscreen();
- afx_msg void OnFullwindow();
- afx_msg void OnGetMinMaxInfo(MINMAXINFO* lpmmi);
- afx_msg void OnSelectColor();
- afx_msg void OnEditRedo();
- afx_msg void OnEditUndo();
- afx_msg void OnUpdateEditRedo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
- afx_msg void OnUpdateEditUndo(CCmdUI* pCmdUI);
- //}}AFX_MSG
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
- #endif // !defined(AFX_MAINFRM_H__CF4222F3_4FDC_4D02_A7AD_22AE768264D6__INCLUDED_)