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资源名称:ERPSYS.zip [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- Attribute VB_Name = "XtsyModule"
- '系统私有模块用来放置一些子系统独有的过程与函数
- 'Public connParaSet As Connection '指定数据库的连接对象
- '列表框项目设置变量
- Public str_ComboCode As String '列表框编码
- Public str_ComboName As String '列表框名称
- Public str_SysCode As String '系统模块编码
- '编码定位用
- Public str_Code As String '编码名称
- Public FormStr As String '图形中判断界面
- Public Sub Drxtztcs() '读入系统帐套参数
- Dim Ztcsbrec As New ADODB.Recordset
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset
- Dim SqlStr As String
- With Ztcsbrec
- '金额总位数
- .Open "Select * From Gy_AccInformation Where SystemCode='cwzz'", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
- If .EOF Then Exit Sub
- .MoveFirst
- .Find "itemcode='cwjezws'"
- If Not Ztcsbrec.EOF Then
- Xtjezws = Val(Trim(Ztcsbrec.Fields("itemvalue")))
- End If
- '数量总位数
- .MoveFirst
- .Find "itemcode='cwslzws'"
- If Not Ztcsbrec.EOF Then
- Xtslzws = Val(Trim(Ztcsbrec.Fields("itemvalue")))
- End If
- '单价总位数
- .MoveFirst
- .Find "itemcode='cwdjzws'"
- If Not Ztcsbrec.EOF Then
- Xtdjzws = Val(Trim(Ztcsbrec.Fields("itemvalue")))
- End If
- '金额小数位数
- .MoveFirst
- .Find "itemcode='cwjexsws'"
- If Not Ztcsbrec.EOF Then
- Xtjexsws = Val(Trim(Ztcsbrec.Fields("itemvalue")))
- End If
- '数量小数位数
- .MoveFirst
- .Find "itemcode='cwslxsws'"
- If Not Ztcsbrec.EOF Then
- Xtslxsws = Val(Trim(Ztcsbrec.Fields("itemvalue")))
- End If
- '单价小数位数
- .MoveFirst
- .Find "itemcode='cwdjxsws'"
- If Not Ztcsbrec.EOF Then
- Xtdjxsws = Val(Trim(Ztcsbrec.Fields("itemvalue")))
- End If
- .Close
- End With
- End Sub
- '---------------------------------------
- '编写人员:奚俊峰
- '函数功能:网格记录定位
- '输入参数:obj_Grid 网格对象
- ' int_Column 要搜索的列号
- ' 返回值:
- '---------------------------------------
- Public Function Fun_GridLocate(obj_Grid As Object, int_Column As Integer)
- Dim int_Count As Integer
- If obj_Grid.Row < obj_Grid.FixedRows Then Exit Function
- str_Code = ""
- CSH_FrmGridSearch.Show 1
- If str_Code = "" Then Exit Function
- With obj_Grid
- For int_Count = .FixedRows To .Rows - 1
- If UCase(Mid(.TextMatrix(int_Count, int_Column), 1, Len(str_Code))) = UCase(str_Code) Then
- .Select int_Count, int_Column
- .TopRow = int_Count
- Exit For
- End If
- Next int_Count
- End With
- End Function
- '---------------------------------------
- '编写人员:奚俊峰
- '函数功能:取出操作人员的子系统使用权限并填充列表框
- '输入参数:obj_Combo 列表框对象
- ' str_UserCode 操作人员编号
- ' 返回值:
- '---------------------------------------
- Public Function Fun_FillUserSystem(obj_Combo As Object, str_UserCode As String)
- Dim str_Sql As String
- Dim tRs As Recordset
- Dim str_Auth As String
- On Error GoTo ErrHandle
- '取出该用户的子系统使用权限
- ' str_Sql = "select isnull(AuthorityID,'') from Gy_Czygl where czybm='" & str_UserCode & "'"
- ' Set tRs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(str_Sql)
- ' str_Auth = Left(Trim(tRs(0)), 200)
- '取出该帐套的子系统ID
- str_Sql = "select * from gy_syscode order by sysnumb"
- Set tRs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(str_Sql)
- obj_Combo.ComboItems.Clear
- Do While Not tRs.EOF
- ' If Mid(str_Auth, tRs("ID"), 1) = "1" Then
- obj_Combo.ComboItems.Add , "@" + Trim(tRs.Fields("syscode")), Trim(tRs.Fields("sysnumb")) & " " & Trim(tRs.Fields("sysname"))
- ' End If
- tRs.MoveNext
- Loop
- obj_Combo.Locked = True
- ErrHandle:
- End Function
- '---------------------------------------
- '编写人员:奚俊峰
- '函数功能:
- '输入参数:str_Function 功能编码
- ' str_UserCode 操作人员编号
- ' 返回值:Boolean
- ' True : 有权限
- ' False : 无权限
- '---------------------------------------
- Public Function IsPermission(str_Function As String, str_UserCode As String) As Boolean
- Dim aDo_userGroup As New Recordset '存取功能索引ID
- Dim aDo_gnbm As New Recordset '存取用户权限
- Dim str_Auth As String
- On Error GoTo ErrHandle
- Set aDo_gnbm = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Xt_xtgnb where gnsy='" & Trim(str_Function) & "'")
- Set aDo_userGroup = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Czygl where czybm='" & Trim(str_UserCode) & "'")
- str_Auth = Mid(Trim(aDo_userGroup("AuthorityID") & ""), 201)
- If Mid(str_Auth, aDo_gnbm!Id, 1) = "1" Then
- IsPermission = True
- Else
- IsPermission = False
- End If
- Set aDo_gnbm = Nothing
- Set aDo_userGroup = Nothing
- ErrHandle:
- End Function
- '---------------------------------------
- '编写人员:奚俊峰
- '函数功能:校验输入的编码是否符合规范
- '输入参数:str_SystemCode 功能编码
- ' str_Code 操作人员编号
- ' 返回值:String
- ' ="" : 校验正确
- ' <>"" : 返回错误信息
- '---------------------------------------
- Public Function ConfirmCode(str_SystemCode As String, str_Code As String) As String
- Dim str_tInfo As String
- str_SystemCode = Trim(str_SystemCode)
- str_Code = Trim(str_Code)
- '长度不对提示
- If Len(str_Code) <= Len(str_SystemCode) + 1 Then
- ConfirmCode = "编码输入错误,应该为:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & str_SystemCode & "_名称"
- Exit Function
- End If
- '前缀不对提示
- If UCase(Left(str_Code, Len(str_SystemCode) + 1)) <> UCase(str_SystemCode & "_") Then
- ConfirmCode = "编码输入错误,应该为:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & str_SystemCode & "_名称"
- Exit Function
- End If
- ConfirmCode = ""
- End Function