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资源名称:ERPSYS.zip [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- VERSION 5.00
- Object = "{D76D7128-4A96-11D3-BD95-D296DC2DD072}#1.0#0"; "VSOCX7.OCX"
- Object = "{831FDD16-0C5C-11D2-A9FC-0000F8754DA1}#2.0#0"; "mscomctl.ocx"
- Begin VB.Form Query_Frm
- BackColor = &H80000004&
- BorderStyle = 3 'Fixed Dialog
- Caption = "通用查询窗体"
- ClientHeight = 6990
- ClientLeft = 3150
- ClientTop = 855
- ClientWidth = 7080
- Icon = "通用查询窗体.frx":0000
- KeyPreview = -1 'True
- LinkTopic = "Form5"
- MaxButton = 0 'False
- MinButton = 0 'False
- MousePointer = 4 'Icon
- ScaleHeight = 6990
- ScaleWidth = 7080
- ShowInTaskbar = 0 'False
- StartUpPosition = 2 '屏幕中心
- Begin MSComctlLib.ProgressBar PB_CheckStatus
- Height = 375
- Left = 150
- TabIndex = 24
- Top = 3030
- Visible = 0 'False
- Width = 6690
- _ExtentX = 11800
- _ExtentY = 661
- _Version = 393216
- Appearance = 1
- Scrolling = 1
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox Text1
- Enabled = 0 'False
- Height = 765
- IMEMode = 1 'ON
- Left = 315
- MultiLine = -1 'True
- ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical
- TabIndex = 23
- Top = 5880
- Width = 6555
- End
- Begin VSFlex8Ctl.VSFlexGrid vsFG_Choose
- Height = 2955
- Left = 4005
- TabIndex = 3
- Top = 375
- Width = 2865
- _ExtentX = 5054
- _ExtentY = 5212
- Appearance = 1
- BorderStyle = 1
- Enabled = -1 'True
- BeginProperty Font {0BE35203-8F91-11CE-9DE3-00AA004BB851}
- Name = "宋体"
- Size = 9
- Charset = 134
- Weight = 400
- Underline = 0 'False
- Italic = 0 'False
- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- MousePointer = 0
- BackColor = -2147483643
- ForeColor = -2147483640
- BackColorFixed = -2147483633
- ForeColorFixed = -2147483630
- BackColorSel = -2147483635
- ForeColorSel = -2147483634
- BackColorBkg = -2147483636
- BackColorAlternate= -2147483643
- GridColor = -2147483633
- GridColorFixed = -2147483632
- TreeColor = -2147483632
- FloodColor = 192
- SheetBorder = -2147483642
- FocusRect = 1
- HighLight = 1
- AllowSelection = -1 'True
- AllowBigSelection= -1 'True
- AllowUserResizing= 0
- SelectionMode = 1
- GridLines = 1
- GridLinesFixed = 2
- GridLineWidth = 1
- Rows = 0
- Cols = 10
- FixedRows = 0
- FixedCols = 0
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- RowHeightMax = 0
- ColWidthMin = 0
- ColWidthMax = 0
- ExtendLastCol = 0 'False
- FormatString = ""
- ScrollTrack = 0 'False
- ScrollBars = 3
- ScrollTips = 0 'False
- MergeCells = 0
- MergeCompare = 0
- AutoResize = -1 'True
- AutoSizeMode = 0
- AutoSearch = 0
- MultiTotals = -1 'True
- SubtotalPosition= 1
- OutlineBar = 0
- OutlineCol = 0
- Ellipsis = 0
- ExplorerBar = 0
- PicturesOver = 0 'False
- FillStyle = 0
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- PictureType = 0
- TabBehavior = 0
- OwnerDraw = 0
- Editable = 0 'False
- ShowComboButton = -1 'True
- WordWrap = 0 'False
- TextStyle = 0
- TextStyleFixed = 0
- OleDragMode = 0
- OleDropMode = 0
- DataMode = 0
- VirtualData = -1 'True
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_OK
- Caption = "确定(&O)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 4665
- TabIndex = 12
- Top = 6690
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin MSComctlLib.TreeView TV_PreField
- Height = 2955
- Left = 165
- TabIndex = 1
- Top = 360
- Width = 3090
- _ExtentX = 5450
- _ExtentY = 5212
- _Version = 393217
- Style = 7
- Appearance = 1
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Remove
- Caption = "<"
- BeginProperty Font
- Name = "宋体"
- Size = 10.5
- Charset = 134
- Weight = 400
- Underline = 0 'False
- Italic = 0 'False
- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- Height = 300
- Left = 3360
- TabIndex = 21
- TabStop = 0 'False
- Top = 930
- Width = 525
- End
- Begin VB.Frame Fm_Cond
- Caption = "条件选择"
- Height = 1095
- Left = 195
- TabIndex = 22
- Top = 3420
- Width = 6690
- Begin MSComctlLib.ImageCombo ImgCmb_Field
- Height = 315
- Left = 150
- TabIndex = 5
- Top = 345
- Width = 2505
- _ExtentX = 4419
- _ExtentY = 556
- _Version = 393216
- ForeColor = -2147483640
- BackColor = -2147483643
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_L
- Caption = "("
- Height = 270
- Left = 5407
- TabIndex = 18
- TabStop = 0 'False
- Top = 735
- Width = 500
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_R
- Caption = ")"
- Height = 270
- Left = 5985
- TabIndex = 19
- TabStop = 0 'False
- Top = 735
- Width = 500
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Add
- Caption = "添加条件(A)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 255
- TabIndex = 14
- TabStop = 0 'False
- Top = 735
- Width = 1300
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Clear
- Caption = "清除条件(L)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 1633
- TabIndex = 15
- TabStop = 0 'False
- Top = 735
- Width = 1300
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Or
- Caption = "或者(H)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 4209
- TabIndex = 17
- TabStop = 0 'False
- Top = 735
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_And
- Caption = "并且(B)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 3011
- TabIndex = 16
- TabStop = 0 'False
- Top = 735
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin MSComctlLib.ImageCombo ImgCmb_Relation
- Height = 315
- Left = 2940
- TabIndex = 7
- Top = 345
- Width = 810
- _ExtentX = 1429
- _ExtentY = 556
- _Version = 393216
- ForeColor = -2147483640
- BackColor = -2147483643
- End
- Begin MSComctlLib.ImageCombo ImgCmb_Value
- Height = 315
- Left = 4005
- TabIndex = 9
- Top = 345
- Width = 2505
- _ExtentX = 4419
- _ExtentY = 556
- _Version = 393216
- ForeColor = -2147483640
- BackColor = -2147483643
- End
- Begin VB.Label Lab_Note
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "项目(&M)"
- Height = 180
- Index = 2
- Left = 1275
- TabIndex = 4
- Top = 150
- Width = 630
- End
- Begin VB.Label Lab_Note
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "关系(&R)"
- Height = 180
- Index = 3
- Left = 3105
- TabIndex = 6
- Top = 150
- Width = 630
- End
- Begin VB.Label Lab_Note
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "比较值(&V)"
- Height = 180
- Index = 4
- Left = 4650
- TabIndex = 8
- Top = 150
- Width = 810
- End
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Choose
- Caption = ">"
- BeginProperty Font
- Name = "宋体"
- Size = 10.5
- Charset = 134
- Weight = 400
- Underline = 0 'False
- Italic = 0 'False
- Strikethrough = 0 'False
- EndProperty
- Height = 300
- Left = 3360
- TabIndex = 20
- TabStop = 0 'False
- Top = 525
- Width = 525
- End
- Begin VB.TextBox Txt_Query
- Height = 1200
- IMEMode = 1 'ON
- Left = 330
- MultiLine = -1 'True
- ScrollBars = 2 'Vertical
- TabIndex = 11
- Top = 4620
- Width = 6555
- End
- Begin VB.CommandButton Cmd_Cancel
- Cancel = -1 'True
- Caption = "取消(&C)"
- Height = 300
- Left = 5835
- TabIndex = 13
- Top = 6690
- Width = 1120
- End
- Begin VB.Label Lab_Note
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "待选项目(&S)"
- Height = 180
- Index = 0
- Left = 240
- TabIndex = 0
- Top = 90
- Width = 990
- End
- Begin VB.Label Lab_Note
- AutoSize = -1 'True
- Caption = "查询项目(&X)"
- Height = 180
- Index = 1
- Left = 4950
- TabIndex = 2
- Top = 120
- Width = 990
- End
- Begin VB.Label Lab_Note
- Caption = "显示条件 &T"
- Height = 1050
- Index = 5
- Left = 105
- TabIndex = 10
- Top = 4620
- Width = 225
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "Query_Frm"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- '**************************************************************************************************
- '* 模 块 名 称 :通用查询
- '* 功 能 描 述 :
- '* 程序员姓名 :张洪军
- '* 最后修改人 :张洪军
- '* 最后修改时间:2001/12/13
- '* 备 注:程序中所有依实际情况自定义部分均用[>> <<]括起,注意此种录入需要修改"Sub Scdqfl"
- '*
- '* 1.每次调入外部功能窗体,均要加锁ChangeLock=True,窗体关闭后解锁ChangeLock=false
- '*
- '* 3.Lab_OperStatus 用此标签来标识单据录入状态(默认值为1) 1-浏览 2-修改
- '**************************************************************************************************
- Dim cQuerys As New CQuery
- Dim sFieldOld As String '用以判断是否应该刷新所选字段的值
- Public sSqlWhere As String '返回Where语句
- Public collTableName As Collection '用以返回查询条件需要的表
- Public bChecked As Boolean
- Public QueryTableSql As String
- Private Function InitRelation(ImgCmb As ImageCombo)
- '添加操作符
- With ImgCmb.ComboItems
- .Add , , "="
- .Add , , ">"
- .Add , , "<"
- .Add , , "<>"
- .Add , , ">="
- .Add , , "<="
- .Add , , "Like"
- End With
- End Function
- Private Sub Cmd_Add_Click()
- Dim s As String
- s = Me.ImgCmb_Field.Text & " " & Me.ImgCmb_Relation.Text & " " & Me.ImgCmb_Value.Text
- With Me.Txt_Query
- If .SelLength <> 0 Then
- .Text = ReplByPos(.Text, s, .SelStart + 1, .SelStart + .SelLength + 1)
- Else
- .Text = .Text & " " & s
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_And_Click()
- With Me.Txt_Query
- If .SelLength <> 0 Then
- .Text = ReplByPos(.Text, "并且", .SelStart + 1, .SelStart + .SelLength + 1)
- Else
- .Text = .Text & " " & "并且"
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_Cancel_Click()
- bChecked = False
- sFieldOld = ""
- Unload Me
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_Choose_Click()
- Call TV_PreField_DblClick
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_Clear_Click()
- Me.Txt_Query.Text = ""
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_L_Click()
- With Me.Txt_Query
- If .SelLength <> 0 Then
- .Text = ReplByPos(.Text, "(", .SelStart + 1, .SelStart + .SelLength + 1)
- Else
- .Text = .Text & " " & "("
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_OK_Click()
- Set cQuerys.PB_CheckStatus = Me.PB_CheckStatus
- If cQuerys.CheckFormula(Me.Txt_Query) = True Then
- Me.sSqlWhere = cQuerys.FormulaSys
- cQuerys.GetTableName Me.collTableName
- bChecked = True
- Else
- bChecked = False
- Me.PB_CheckStatus.Visible = False
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Me.PB_CheckStatus.Visible = False
- sFieldOld = ""
- Unload Me
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_Or_Click()
- On Error GoTo ErrCtrl
- With Me.Txt_Query
- If .SelLength <> 0 Then
- .Text = ReplByPos(.Text, "或者", .SelStart + 1, .SelStart + .SelLength + 1)
- Else
- .Text = .Text & " " & "或者"
- End If
- End With
- Exit Sub
- ErrCtrl:
- Dim smsg As String
- Dim smsgSys As String
- smsg = GetError(Err.Number)
- smsgSys = Err.Number & Err.Description & "!"
- MsgBox IIf(smsg = "", smsgSys, smsg), vbOKOnly + vbCritical
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_R_Click()
- On Error GoTo ErrCtrl
- With Me.Txt_Query
- If .SelLength <> 0 Then
- .Text = ReplByPos(.Text, ")", .SelStart + 1, .SelStart + .SelLength + 1)
- Else
- .Text = .Text & " " & ")"
- End If
- End With
- Exit Sub
- ErrCtrl:
- Dim smsg As String
- Dim smsgSys As String
- smsg = GetError(Err.Number)
- smsgSys = Err.Number & Err.Description & "!"
- MsgBox IIf(smsg = "", smsgSys, smsg), vbOKOnly + vbCritical
- End Sub
- Private Sub Cmd_Remove_Click()
- Call vsFG_Choose_DblClick
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
- If Shift = 4 Then '按住Alt
- Select Case KeyCode
- Case 190 '>
- Call Cmd_Choose_Click
- Case 188 '<
- Call Cmd_Remove_Click
- Case 57 '(
- Call Cmd_L_Click
- Case 48 ')
- Call Cmd_R_Click
- Case 65 'A
- Call Cmd_Add_Click
- Case 66 'B
- Call Cmd_And_Click
- Case 72 'H
- Call Cmd_Or_Click
- Case 76 'L
- Call Cmd_Clear_Click
- End Select
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- ' InitView Me.TV_PreField
- Call InitView(Me.TV_PreField, QueryTableSql)
- InitGrid Me.vsFG_Choose
- InitRelation Me.ImgCmb_Relation
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
- Set cQuerys = Nothing
- End Sub
- Private Sub ImgCmb_Field_Click()
- With Me.ImgCmb_Field
- If .SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If Trim(sFieldOld) <> Trim(.SelectedItem.Key) Then
- FillImgCmb .SelectedItem.Tag, Me.ImgCmb_Value
- sFieldOld = .SelectedItem.Key
- End If
- Me.ImgCmb_Value.Text = ""
- End With
- End Sub
- Private Function FillImgCmb(sTag As String, ImgCmb As ImageCombo)
- '填充ImgCmb,Text=Name ,Tag=Code
- On Error GoTo ErrCtrl
- Dim s As String
- Dim sID As String
- Dim sTable As String
- Dim sCode As String
- Dim sName As String
- Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
- Dim Item As ComboItem
- With ImgCmb
- .ComboItems.Clear
- If Trim(sTag) = "" Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- GetFieldHelp Me.ImgCmb_Field.SelectedItem.Tag, sID, sTable, sCode, sName
- If Trim(sID) = "0" Then
- s = UCase("select #sTable.#sCode as TCode ,#sTable.#sName as TName from #sTable ")
- Else
- s = UCase("select #sTable.#sCode as TCode ,#sTable.#sName as TName from #sTable where SortID='" & sID & "'")
- End If
- s = Replace(s, UCase("#sTable"), UCase(sTable))
- s = Replace(s, UCase("#sCode"), UCase(sCode))
- s = Replace(s, UCase("#sName"), UCase(sName))
- Set rs = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(s)
- Do While Not rs.EOF()
- Set Item = .ComboItems.Add(, , Trim(rs!TName & ""))
- Item.Tag = Trim(rs!TCode & "")
- rs.MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- Set rs = Nothing
- Set Item = Nothing
- Exit Function
- ErrCtrl:
- Set rs = Nothing
- Set Item = Nothing
- Dim smsg As String
- Dim smsgSys As String
- smsg = GetError(Err.Number)
- smsgSys = Err.Number & Err.Description & "!"
- MsgBox IIf(smsg = "", smsgSys, smsg), vbOKOnly + vbCritical
- End Function
- Private Sub TV_PreField_BeforeLabelEdit(Cancel As Integer)
- Cancel = True
- End Sub
- Private Function ChooseItem(tv As TreeView, vs As vsFlexGrid, ImgCmb As ImageCombo)
- On Error GoTo ErrCtrl
- Dim nod As Node
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim Item As ComboItem
- Set nod = tv.SelectedItem
- If Not nod.Parent Is Nothing Then
- '添加网格
- i = nod.Parent.Index
- With vs
- .AddItem ""
- .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 0) = nod.Parent.Key
- .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 1) = nod.Parent.Text
- .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 2) = nod.Key
- .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 3) = nod.Text
- .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 4) = nod.Tag
- .TextMatrix(.Rows - 1, 5) = nod.Parent.Text & "." & nod.Text
- End With
- '添加下拉框
- With ImgCmb
- Set Item = .ComboItems.Add(, nod.Key, nod.Parent.Text & "." & nod.Text)
- Item.Tag = nod.Tag
- End With
- '删除节点
- If nod.Parent.Children = 1 Then
- tv.Nodes.Remove nod.Index
- tv.Nodes.Remove i
- Else
- tv.Nodes.Remove nod.Index
- End If
- End If
- Set nod = Nothing
- Exit Function
- ErrCtrl:
- Dim smsg As String
- Dim smsgSys As String
- smsg = GetError(Err.Number)
- smsgSys = Err.Number & Err.Description & "!"
- MsgBox IIf(smsg = "", smsgSys, smsg), vbOKOnly + vbCritical
- End Function
- Private Function RemoveItem(vs As vsFlexGrid, tv As TreeView, ImgCmb As ImageCombo)
- On Error GoTo ErrCtrl
- Dim nod As Node
- '删除ImgCmb
- With ImgCmb
- .ComboItems.Remove (Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 2)))
- .Text = ""
- End With
- '增加树节点
- With Me.TV_PreField
- If Not IsNodeExist(Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 0)), Me.TV_PreField) Then
- Set nod = tv.Nodes.Add("R", tvwChild, Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 0)), Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 1)))
- Set nod = tv.Nodes.Add(Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 0)), tvwChild, Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 2)), Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 3)))
- nod.Tag = Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 4))
- Else
- Set nod = tv.Nodes.Add(Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 0)), tvwChild, Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 2)), Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 3)))
- nod.Tag = Trim(vs.TextMatrix(vs.Row, 4))
- End If
- '删除当前行
- vs.RemoveItem (vs.Row)
- End With
- Exit Function
- ErrCtrl:
- Dim smsg As String
- Dim smsgSys As String
- smsg = GetError(Err.Number)
- smsgSys = Err.Number & Err.Description & "!"
- MsgBox IIf(smsg = "", smsgSys, smsg), vbOKOnly + vbCritical
- End Function
- Private Function InitGrid(vs As vsFlexGrid)
- On Error GoTo ErrCtrl
- Dim i As Integer
- '第1列:表的物理名
- '第2列:表的用户名
- '第3列:字段的物理名
- '第4列:字段的帮助信息
- '第5列:字段的用户名
- With vs
- .Cols = 6
- For i = 0 To .Cols - 2
- .ColHidden(i) = True
- Next i
- .ColWidth(.Cols - 1) = .Width - 100
- End With
- Exit Function
- ErrCtrl:
- Dim smsg As String
- Dim smsgSys As String
- smsg = GetError(Err.Number)
- smsgSys = Err.Number & Err.Description & "!"
- MsgBox IIf(smsg = "", smsgSys, smsg), vbOKOnly + vbCritical
- End Function
- Private Sub TV_PreField_DblClick()
- If Me.TV_PreField.SelectedItem Is Nothing Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- If Me.TV_PreField.SelectedItem.Children = 0 Then
- ChooseItem Me.TV_PreField, Me.vsFG_Choose, Me.ImgCmb_Field
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub TV_PreField_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
- If KeyAscii = 13 Then
- Call TV_PreField_DblClick
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub vsFG_Choose_DblClick()
- If Me.vsFG_Choose.Rows > 0 Then
- RemoveItem Me.vsFG_Choose, Me.TV_PreField, Me.ImgCmb_Field
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub vsFG_Choose_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
- If KeyAscii = 13 Then
- Call vsFG_Choose_DblClick
- End If
- End Sub