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资源名称:ERPSYS.zip [点击查看]
Visual Basic
- Attribute VB_Name = "XtjbModule"
- '系统基本模块(主要用来放置公用函数及模块)
- '系统信息
- Public XtMenuList As String '系统菜单功能编码
- '系统日期
- Public Xtkjqjgs As Integer '用户设定会计期间个数
- Public Xtyear As Integer '用户进入系统选择年度
- Public Xtmm As Integer '用户进入系统选择会计期间
- Public Xtrq As Date '系统日期
- Public Xtrlbz As String '系统日历标志
- '系统往返参数值
- Public Xtcdcs As String '系统传递参数值(专门用来传递帮助信息)
- Public Xtcdcsfz As String '系统传递参数值(辅助信息)
- Public Xtfhcs As String '系统返回参数值(专门用来传递帮助信息)
- Public Xtfhcsfz As String '系统返回参数值(辅助信息)
- '系统通用编码参照代码
- Public Xtbmczdm As String '系统通用编码参照代码
- '(系统等待调用窗体)
- Public XtCxgnsm As String '调用程序功能说明
- Public Xtczy As String '系统使用操作员
- Public Xtczybm As String '系统操作员编码
- Public Xtztbm As String '系统帐套编码
- Public Xtdwm As String '系统打开帐套单位
- '帐套基本参数
- Public Xtjezws As Integer '金额总位数
- Public Xtslzws As Integer '数量总位数
- Public Xtdjzws As Integer '单价总位数
- Public Xtjexsws As Integer '金额小数位数
- Public Xtslxsws As Integer '数量小数位数
- Public Xtdjxsws As Integer '单价小数位数
- Public XtSCurrCode As String '本位币编码
- Public XtSCurrName As String '本位币名称
- '其它全局变量
- Public Unload_TF As Boolean '窗体是否卸载
- Public P_RecordCount As Integer '记录条数
- Public YesNo_str As String
- Public SsqlHelp As String
- Public P_Code As String: Public P_Name As String '编码、名称
- Public AddExit_TF As Boolean '添加或编辑状态
- Public P_Ssql As String 'Sql 语句
- '引用API函数
- Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
- Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetComputerNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
- '======================以下为打印文本内容格式输出控制过程函数======================='
- Public Function Fun_FormatOutPut(InputText As String, OutPutLen As Integer) As String '文本内容按一定标准格式输出(主要用于打印使用)
- '参数说明:InputText 需要格式化的文本内容 OutPutLen 输出文本占用长度(包括加空格)
- Fun_FormatOutPut = Trim(InputText) + Space(OutPutLen - Strcdcs(Trim(InputText), OutPutLen))
- End Function
- Public Function Strcdcs(Lrcsstr As String, Lrzdcd As Integer) As Integer '测量并限制字符串长度(汉字与字符区分)
- '参数说明:Lrcsstr 需要测量和限制输出的字符串 Lrzdcd 限制输出长度
- lrtextlong = Len(Trim(Lrcsstr))
- lrcscd = 0
- For Jsqte = 1 To lrtextlong
- lrcszf = Mid(Lrcsstr, Jsqte, 1)
- lrzzcd = lrcscd
- If Asc(lrcszf) >= 0 And Asc(lrcszf) <= 255 Then
- lrcscd = lrcscd + 1
- Else
- lrcscd = lrcscd + 2
- End If
- If lrcscd > Lrzdcd Then
- lrstrjqcd = Jsqte - 1
- Lrcsstr = Mid(Lrcsstr, 1, lrstrjqcd)
- Strcdcs = lrzzcd
- Exit Function
- Else
- Strcdcs = lrcscd
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- End Function
- '======================以下为文本录入内容格式输入控制过程函数======================='
- Public Sub Lrfzszxz(Sjwb As TextBox, lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入整数值(负)限制
- '输入参数:sjwb 录入限制文本框 lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= Asc("0") And lrzfasc <= Asc("9")) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack Or (Chr(lrzfasc) = "-" And Sjwb.SelStart = 0)) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrzszxz(lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入整数值(正)限制
- '输入参数:lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= Asc("0") And lrzfasc <= Asc("9")) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrszzfxz(lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入数字及字符限制
- '输入参数:lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= Asc("0") And lrzfasc <= Asc("9")) Or (lrzfasc >= Asc("a") And lrzfasc <= Asc("z")) Or (lrzfasc >= Asc("A") And lrzfasc <= Asc("Z")) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrfhzxz(lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入非汉字限制
- '输入参数:lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= 0 And lrzfasc <= 255) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrrqxz(lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入日期限制
- '输入参数:lrzfasc 用户录入字符Ascii码值
- If Not ((lrzfasc >= Asc("0") And lrzfasc <= Asc("9")) Or Chr(lrzfasc) = "-" Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrxszxz(Sjwb As TextBox, lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入带有小数位及正负号数值字段
- If Not ((Chr(lrzfasc) >= "0" And Chr(lrzfasc) <= "9") Or (Chr(lrzfasc) = "." And InStr(1, Sjwb.Text, ".") = 0) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack Or (Chr(lrzfasc) = "-" And Sjwb.SelStart = 0)) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Lrxzszxz(Sjwb As TextBox, lrzfasc As Integer) '文本框录入带有小数位正>=0数值字段
- If Not ((Chr(lrzfasc) >= "0" And Chr(lrzfasc) <= "9") Or (Chr(lrzfasc) = "." And InStr(1, Sjwb.Text, ".") = 0) Or lrzfasc = vbKeyBack) Then
- lrzfasc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Sjgskz(Sjwb As TextBox, zsws As Integer, xsws As Integer) '保证数值录入字段录入格式
- '输入参数:sjwb 录入限制文本框 zsws 数值录入限制整数位数 xsws 数值录入限制小数位数
- Dim bccrd%
- Dim Ws, Zswstr As String
- Dim B_fu As Boolean
- zsws = zsws + xsws + 1 '总数位数
- bccrd = Sjwb.SelStart
- B_fu = False
- If Left(Sjwb, 1) = "-" Then
- B_fu = True
- Zswstr = Mid(Sjwb, 2, zsws)
- Else
- Zswstr = Mid(Sjwb, 1, zsws)
- End If
- Ws = InStr(1, Zswstr, ".") '整数位数+1
- If Ws > 0 Then
- Zswstr = Mid(Zswstr, 1, Ws + xsws)
- Ws = Len(Zswstr) - Ws '小数位数
- If Left(Zswstr, 1) = "." Then
- bccrd = bccrd + 1
- Zswstr = "0" & Zswstr
- End If
- If Ws < xsws Then
- Zswstr = Format(Zswstr, "#0." + String(Ws, "0"))
- Else
- Zswstr = Format(Zswstr, "#0." + String(xsws, "0"))
- End If
- Else
- Zswstr = Format(Zswstr)
- End If
- If B_fu Then Zswstr = "-" & Zswstr
- Sjwb = Zswstr
- Sjwb.SelStart = bccrd
- End Sub
- Public Sub InputFieldLimit(Ydtextte As TextBox, Zdsjlxte As Integer, KeyAsciite As Integer) '录入字段事中控制程序
- '函数参数:录入限制文本框,字段数据类型,录入字符
- Select Case Zdsjlxte
- Case 1 '1-录入(Ascii0-255)
- Call Lrfhzxz(KeyAsciite)
- Case 2
- Call Lrszzfxz(KeyAsciite) '2-录入(0-9,a-z,A-Z)
- Case 3
- Call Lrfzszxz(Ydtextte, KeyAsciite) '3-录入整数值(正负)
- Case 4
- Call Lrzszxz(KeyAsciite) '4-录入整数值(正)
- Case 5, 8, 9
- Call Lrxszxz(Ydtextte, KeyAsciite) '5-录入小数值(正负) 8-金额型(正负) 9-数量型(正负)
- Case 6, 10, 11, 12
- Call Lrxzszxz(Ydtextte, KeyAsciite) '6-录入小数值(正) 10-单价型 11-金额型(正) 12-数量型(正)
- Case 7
- Call Lrrqxz(KeyAsciite) '7-录入日期
- End Select
- End Sub
- Public Sub TextChangeLimit(Ydtextte As TextBox, Zdsjlxte As Integer) '文本框字段录入控制(事后、防止用户采用粘贴录入)
- '函数参数:录入限制文本框,字段数据类型
- Dim Str_JudgeStr As String '判断字符
- Dim Jsqte As Integer '临时使用计数器
- Dim Str_Result As String '结果字符串
- Dim KeyAsciite As Integer
- Str_Result = ""
- For Jsqte = 1 To Len(Trim(Ydtextte.Text))
- Str_JudgeStr = Mid(Trim(Ydtextte.Text), Jsqte, 1)
- KeyAsciite = Asc(Str_JudgeStr)
- If Str_JudgeStr = "'" Then
- Str_JudgeStr = ""
- End If
- Select Case Zdsjlxte
- Case 1 '1-录入(Ascii0-255)
- Call Lrfhzxz(KeyAsciite)
- If KeyAsciite = 0 Then
- Str_JudgeStr = ""
- End If
- Case 2
- Call Lrszzfxz(KeyAsciite) '2-录入(0-9,a-z,A-Z)
- If KeyAsciite = 0 Then
- Str_JudgeStr = ""
- End If
- Case 4, 6, 10, 11, 12
- If Str_JudgeStr = "-" Then '录入数值(正)
- Str_JudgeStr = ""
- End If
- End Select
- Str_Result = Str_Result + Str_JudgeStr
- Next Jsqte
- If Str_Result <> Trim(Ydtextte.Text) Then
- Ydtextte.Text = Str_Result
- Ydtextte.SelStart = Len(Ydtextte.Text)
- End If
- End Sub
- '==============================================================================='
- Public Function Xtxxts(xttsxx As String, xttslb As Integer, Tbtslb As Integer) '系统信息提示
- msgtitle = "百利/ERP5.0-考核管理"
- Select Case xttslb
- Case 0 '确定
- Xtxxts = MsgBox(xttsxx, Tbtslb * 16, msgtitle)
- Case 1 'YES/NO
- Xtxxts = MsgBox(xttsxx, vbYesNo + Tbtslb * 16, msgtitle)
- Case 2 '确定/取消
- Xtxxts = MsgBox(xttsxx, vbOKCancel + Tbtslb * 16, msgtitle)
- Case Else
- Xtxxts = "9"
- End Select
- End Function
- Public Function Kjjdzy(Zyjdzs As Integer) As Boolean '控件焦点转移(针对回车键)
- Kjjdzy = False
- On Error GoTo Cwcl
- If Screen.ActiveControl.TabIndex <= Zyjdzs - 1 Then
- Kjjdzy = True
- SendKeys "{tab}"
- End If
- Exit Function
- Cwcl:
- Resume Next '有些对象不支持TabIndex属性
- End Function
- Public Sub Pbwxzf(Zfc As Integer) '录入时屏蔽"'"
- If Chr(Zfc) = "'" Then
- Zfc = 0
- End If
- End Sub
- '======================以下为对网格操作基本函数========================'
- Public Sub BzWgcsh(Xsgrid As vsFlexGrid, Wgdmte As String, GridInf() As Variant, GridBoolean() As Boolean, GridInt() As Integer, GridStr() As String) '标准网格初始化模块
- '过程参数为:Xsgrid 生成网格对象名称,Wgdmte 网格参数编码,GridInf()返回网格设置信息(返回整体信息)
- 'GridBoolean() 网格列属性(返回布尔型信息),GridInt() 网格列属性(返回整型信息),GridStr() 网格列属性(返回字符型信息)
- Dim wglbt() As String '网格显示列标题
- Dim Wgxsls As Long '网格显示(主操作)列数
- Dim gdls As Long '网格固定列数
- Dim Gdhs As Long '网格固定行数(标题行数)
- Dim Gdhgd As Double '网格固定行高度
- Dim wglkd() As Double '每列默认字符个数
- Dim wglzz() As Integer '网格列组织形式
- Dim zdxsgs() As String '数值字段显示格式
- Dim Sfhide() As Boolean '网格列是否隐藏
- Dim Sfhxz As Boolean '网格列是否行选中
- Dim Qslz As Long '网格隐藏(非操作显示)列数
- Dim Sjhgd As Double '网格数据行高度
- Dim Wglsfkydpx As Integer '网格列是否可移动及排序
- Dim wgxsrec As New ADODB.Recordset '网格显示动态集
- ReDim GridInf(1 To 7) '整个网格设置信息
- Set wgxsrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("SELECT * FROM xt_grid WHERE Grid_Code ='" + Wgdmte + "' ORDER BY ColId")
- With wgxsrec
- If .EOF And .BOF Then
- Exit Sub
- Else
- .MoveFirst
- End If
- '如果网格为单据则设置网格大小、位置
- If .Fields("GridType") = 1 Then
- Xsgrid.Height = .Fields("GridHeight") '网格高度
- Xsgrid.Width = .Fields("Gridwidth") '网格宽度
- Xsgrid.Top = .Fields("GridTop") '网格上边距
- Xsgrid.Left = .Fields("GridLeft") '网格左边距
- End If
- Qslz = .Fields("BeginCol") '网格隐藏(非操作显示)列数
- Sjhgd = .Fields("DataRowHeight") '网格数据行高度
- GridInf(1) = Qslz '起始列值
- GridInf(2) = Sjhgd '数据行高度
- GridInf(3) = .Fields("KeepDataRows") '屏幕保持数据行数
- GridInf(4) = .Fields("AssistantRows") '辅助项网格行数(例如:合计行)
- If .Fields("SaveHelpWidth_Flag") Then '是否保留帮助宽度(字段提供帮助时,是否为按钮保留空间)
- GridInf(5) = True
- Else
- GridInf(5) = False
- End If
- If .Fields("DeleteRowAsk_Flag") Then '删除有效记录行是否提示
- GridInf(6) = True
- Else
- GridInf(6) = False
- End If
- If .Fields("ShowSumGrid_Flag") Then '是否显示合计网格
- GridInf(7) = True
- Else
- GridInf(7) = False
- End If
- Wgxsls = .RecordCount - 1 '网格显示(主操作)列数(原.Fields("wgxsls"))
- gdls = .Fields("FixCols") '网格固定列数
- Gdhs = .Fields("FixRows") '网格固定行数(标题行数)
- Gdhgd = .Fields("FixRowHeight") '网格固定行高度
- Wglsfkydpx = .Fields("explorerbar") '网格列是否可移动及排序
- If .Fields("SelectRow_Flag") Then '是否行选中
- Sfhxz = True
- End If
- ReDim wglbt(Gdhs - 1, Wgxsls + Qslz - 1) '网格显示列标题
- ReDim wglkd(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1) '每列默认字符个数
- ReDim zdxsgs(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1) '数值字段标志
- ReDim wglzz(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1) '网格列组织形式
- ReDim Sfhide(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1) '网格列是否显示
- ReDim GridBoolean(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1, 1 To 6) '网格列属性(布尔型)
- ReDim GridStr(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1, 1 To 20) '网格列信息(字符型)
- ReDim GridInt(Qslz + Wgxsls - 1, 1 To 7) '网格列信息(整型)
- .MoveNext
- Jsqte = 0
- Do While Not .EOF
- wglkd(Qslz + Jsqte) = .Fields("ColWidth") '网格列宽度限制
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("ColTitle1")) Then
- wglbt(0, Qslz + Jsqte) = Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) '网格列标题1
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("ColTitle2")) And Gdhs >= 2 Then '网格列标题2
- wglbt(1, Qslz + Jsqte) = Trim(.Fields("ColTitle2"))
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("ColTitle3")) And Gdhs >= 3 Then '网格列标题3
- wglbt(2, Qslz + Jsqte) = Trim(.Fields("ColTitle3"))
- End If
- If .Fields("ColFormat") Then '字段显示格式(千分符)
- If .Fields("Text_Int_Length") <> 0 Then
- zdxsgs(Qslz + Jsqte) = "#,##0." + String(.Fields("Text_deci_Length"), "0")
- Else
- zdxsgs(Qslz + Jsqte) = "#,##0.00"
- End If
- Select Case .Fields("Text_Data_Type")
- Case 8, 11 '金额
- zdxsgs(Qslz + Jsqte) = "#,##0." + String(Xtjexsws, "0")
- Case 9, 12 '数量
- zdxsgs(Qslz + Jsqte) = "#,##0." + String(Xtslxsws, "0")
- Case 10 '单价
- zdxsgs(Qslz + Jsqte) = "#,##0." + String(Xtdjxsws, "0")
- End Select
- Else
- If .Fields("Text_Int_Length") <> 0 Then
- zdxsgs(Qslz + Jsqte) = "##0." + String(.Fields("Text_deci_Length"), "0")
- End If
- End If
- wglzz(Qslz + Jsqte) = .Fields("ColAlignment") '网格列组织形式
- If .Fields("ColHidden") Then '网格列是否隐藏
- Sfhide(Qslz + Jsqte) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Edit_Flag") Then '网格列是否可编辑
- GridBoolean(Qslz + Jsqte, 1) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Help_Flag") Then '网格列是否提供帮助
- GridBoolean(Qslz + Jsqte, 2) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Combo_Flag") Then '网格列是否列表框录入
- GridBoolean(Qslz + Jsqte, 3) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("ColSum_Flag") Then '网格列是否合计
- GridBoolean(Qslz + Jsqte, 4) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Zero_Empty_Flag") Then '网格内容为零是否清空
- GridBoolean(Qslz + Jsqte, 5) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("BooleanFlag") Then '网格列是否为布尔型
- GridBoolean(Qslz + Jsqte, 6) = True
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Text_Data_Type")) Then '字段数据类型
- GridInt(Qslz + Jsqte, 1) = .Fields("Text_Data_Type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Text_Length")) Then '字段录入长度
- GridInt(Qslz + Jsqte, 2) = .Fields("Text_Length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Text_Int_Length")) Then '字段整数位长度
- GridInt(Qslz + Jsqte, 3) = .Fields("Text_Int_Length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Text_Deci_Length")) Then '字段小数位长度
- GridInt(Qslz + Jsqte, 4) = .Fields("Text_Deci_Length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("NotAllowEmpty_Type")) Then '字段不允许为空或为零
- GridInt(Qslz + Jsqte, 5) = .Fields("NotAllowEmpty_Type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Help_Type")) Then '帮助类型
- GridInt(Qslz + Jsqte, 6) = .Fields("Help_Type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("HelpReturnValue")) Then '帮助返回值(0-显示返回编码 1-显示返回名称)
- GridInt(Qslz + Jsqte, 7) = .Fields("HelpReturnValue")
- End If
- GridStr(Qslz + Jsqte, 1) = Trim(.Fields("ColIndex") & "") '网格列索引值
- GridStr(Qslz + Jsqte, 2) = Trim(.Fields("EmptyMessage") & "") '字段为空提示信息
- GridStr(Qslz + Jsqte, 3) = Trim(.Fields("Help_Code") & "") '通用帮助编码
- GridStr(Qslz + Jsqte, 4) = Trim(.Fields("FieldsName") & "") '连接字段(通用帮助)
- GridStr(Qslz + Jsqte, 5) = Trim(.Fields("Combo_Code") & "") '列表框编码
- .MoveNext
- Jsqte = Jsqte + 1
- Loop
- End With
- '网格列组织形式
- With Xsgrid
- .BackColorFixed = &H8000000F '固定行背景色
- .Rows = Gdhs
- .FixedRows = Gdhs '固定行数
- .Cols = Qslz + Wgxsls
- .FixedCols = gdls '固定列数
- .AllowUserResizing = flexResizeBoth
- .MergeCells = flexMergeFixedOnly '合并单元形式
- If Sfhxz Then
- .SelectionMode = flexSelectionByRow
- Else
- .FocusRect = flexFocusHeavy
- .ForeColorSel = &H80000008
- .BackColorSel = &H80000005
- End If
- .ExplorerBar = Wglsfkydpx '网格列是否可移动及排序
- .ScrollTips = True
- .WordWrap = True
- '填 充 网 格 标 题
- For Rowjsq = 0 To .FixedRows - 1
- .MergeRow(Rowjsq) = True
- .RowHeight(Rowjsq) = Gdhgd
- For Coljsq = Qslzte To .Cols - 1
- .TextMatrix(Rowjsq, Coljsq) = wglbt(Rowjsq, Coljsq)
- Next Coljsq
- Next Rowjsq
- '数 据 网 格 高 度
- For Rowjsq = .FixedRows To .Rows - 1
- .RowHeight(Rowjsq) = Sjhgd
- Next Rowjsq
- '定 义 录 入 字 段 属 性
- For Coljsq = 0 To .Cols - 1
- If Coljsq < Qslz Or Sfhide(Coljsq) Then
- .ColHidden(Coljsq) = True
- Else
- .ColHidden(Coljsq) = False
- End If
- .MergeCol(Coljsq) = True
- .ColWidth(Coljsq) = wglkd(Coljsq)
- .ColAlignment(Coljsq) = wglzz(Coljsq)
- If Len(zdxsgs(Coljsq)) <> 0 Then
- .ColFormat(Coljsq) = zdxsgs(Coljsq)
- End If
- If GridBoolean(Coljsq, 6) Then
- .ColDataType(Coljsq) = flexDTBoolean
- End If
- .FixedAlignment(Coljsq) = 4
- Next Coljsq
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub Bcwggs(Bcgsgrid As vsFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String, GridStr() As String) '保存网格格式(包括网格列宽,网格列顺序)
- '过程参数:Bcgsgrid 保存格式网格对象,Wggsdm 网格格式代码(网格参数),GridStr() 从中取网格列索引信息
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset '临时使用动态集
- Dim Qslzte As Integer '起始列值
- Dim Tsxx As String '系统信息提示
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.BeginTrans
- On Error GoTo Swcwcl
- If RecTemp.State = 1 Then RecTemp.Close
- RecTemp.Open "select * from xt_grid where Grid_Code='" + Trim(Wggsdm) + "' order by ColId", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Qslzte = .Fields("BeginCol")
- .MoveNext
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- For Jsqte = Qslzte To Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1
- If Trim(.Fields("ColIndex")) = Trim(GridStr(Jsqte, 1)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- If Jsqte <= Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1 Then
- .Fields("ColId") = Jsqte - Qslzte + 1
- .Fields("ColWidth") = Bcgsgrid.ColWidth(Jsqte)
- .Update
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.CommitTrans
- Tsxx = "表格格式保存完毕!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
- Exit Sub
- Swcwcl:
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.RollbackTrans
- Tsxx = "存盘过程中出现未知错误,程序自动恢复保存前状态!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Sub
- End Sub
- Public Sub Hfmrgs(Bcgsgrid As vsFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String, GridStr() As String) '恢复网格默认列宽
- '过程参数:保存格式网格对象,网格格式代码(网格参数),GridStr() 从中取网格列索引信息
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset '临时使用动态集
- Dim Qslzte As Integer '起始列值
- Dim Tsxx As String '系统提示信息
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.BeginTrans
- If RecTemp.State = 1 Then RecTemp.Close
- RecTemp.Open "select * from xt_grid where Grid_Code='" + Trim(Wggsdm) + "' order by ColId", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
- On Error GoTo Swcwcl
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Qslzte = .Fields("BeginCol")
- .MoveNext
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- For Jsqte = Qslzte To Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1
- If Trim(.Fields("ColIndex")) = Trim(GridStr(Jsqte, 1)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- If Jsqte <= Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1 Then
- Bcgsgrid.ColWidth(Jsqte) = .Fields("DefaultColWidth")
- .Fields("ColWidth") = .Fields("DefaultColWidth") + 0
- .Update
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.CommitTrans
- Exit Sub
- Swcwcl:
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.RollbackTrans
- Tsxx = "恢复过程中出现未知错误,程序自动恢复保存前状态!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Sub
- End Sub
- Public Sub Szxsxm(SzgsGrid As vsFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String) '设置网格显示项目
- '过程参数:调整显示项目网格对象,网格格式代码(网格参数)
- Xtcdcs = Wggsdm
- XT_BgxsxmszFrm.Show 1 '调整网格显示项目
- Call Cxxswg(SzgsGrid, Wggsdm) '重新定义网格显示
- End Sub
- Public Sub Cxxswg(Bcgsgrid As vsFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String) '根据用户定义显示项目重新显示网格
- '过程参数:调整显示项目网格对象,网格格式代码(网格参数)
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset '查询数据表动态集
- Dim Qslzte As Integer
- Dim Tsxx As String
- Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from xt_grid where Grid_Code='" + Trim(Wggsdm) + "' order by ColId")
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Qslzte = .Fields("BeginCol")
- .MoveNext
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- For Jsqte = Qslzte To Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1
- If Bcgsgrid.FixedRows = 1 Then
- If Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(0, Jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Else
- If Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(0, Jsqte)) And Trim(.Fields("ColTitle2")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(1, Jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- If Jsqte <= Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1 Then
- If .Fields("ColHidden") Then
- Bcgsgrid.ColHidden(Jsqte) = True
- Else
- Bcgsgrid.ColHidden(Jsqte) = False
- End If
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Function Sydz(Zdbmte As String, GridStr() As String, Szzls As Integer) As Integer '网格索引对照表(用来对照网格物理与逻辑顺序关系)
- '函数参数:索引编码,网格列属性(字符型),网格列最大数组下标值
- Sydz = 0
- For Jsqte = 0 To Szzls
- If Trim(GridStr(Jsqte, 1)) = Zdbmte Then
- Sydz = Jsqte
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- End Function
- Public Function FnBln_RefreshArray(int_StartCol As Long, int_FinishCol As Long, GridStr() As String, GridInf()) As Boolean '网格列交换后数组做相应变换函数
- '功能: 实现网格的列移动
- '说明:本函数是在模式工程的基础上创建的,请确认你的窗体中的网格是通过
- ' BzWgcsh(CxbbGrid, GridCode, GridInf(), GridBoolean(), GridInt(), GridStr()) 函数来定义的
- '参数:int_StartCol——网格开始移动列
- '参数:int_FinishCol——网格移动结束列
- '参数:GridStr()——网格的信息数组
- '思路:对于要移动的网格来说,所有的信息都保存在几个系统数组中,其中GridStr()数组保存着逻辑定位和
- ' 物理定位之间的转换关系,使我们可以通过逻辑值找到物理值,由于我们通常通过逻辑值来定位网格的
- ' 物理列(sydz(zdbmte as String,GridStr() as String,szzls as Integer)函数),所以我们只需要
- ' 改变GridStr()数组中物理列和逻辑列之间的对应关系,从而达到改变列的目的。
- '扩展:虽然本程序只是针对数据显示网格而作,但是此程序给大家提供了一个思路,通过交换GridBoolean()、
- ' GridInt()、网格列标题wglbt()等数组,就可以实现输入的列移动
- On Error GoTo Err_Ctrl
- Dim int_temp As Integer
- Dim Str_Temp() As String '用来保存移动开始列的GridStr()信息
- Dim i, j As Long
- '如果结束列小于用户定义网格开始列,则结束列=用户定义网格开始列
- '因为开始列以前的列都是隐藏列,由于要把当前开始移动列移动到隐藏列上
- '所以控件自动把隐藏列变为显示列,这样在刷新数据时,会把隐藏列上的数据
- '显示出来,并且,由于开始列以前的隐藏列在XT_Grid中,不对应逻辑值,所以在保存
- '网格格式时会出错
- If int_StartCol > int_FinishCol Then
- If int_FinishCol < GridInf(1) Then int_FinishCol = GridInf(1)
- Else
- If Col < GridInf(1) Then Col = GridInf(1)
- End If
- '保存移动开始列的GridStr()信息
- ReDim Str_Temp(0, UBound(GridStr, 2))
- For j = 1 To UBound(GridStr, 2)
- Str_Temp(0, j) = GridStr(int_StartCol, j)
- Next
- '[[在此加入你的代码,保存当前开始移动列的其他信息]]
- '依次移动各列的信息
- If int_StartCol < int_FinishCol Then
- For i = int_StartCol To int_FinishCol - 1
- For j = 1 To UBound(GridStr, 2)
- GridStr(i, j) = GridStr(i + 1, j)
- Next j
- Next i
- Else
- For i = int_StartCol To int_FinishCol + 1 Step -1
- For j = 1 To UBound(GridStr, 2)
- GridStr(i, j) = GridStr(i - 1, j)
- Next j
- Next i
- End If
- '[[在此加入你的代码,依照上面的代码格式,移动列的其他信息]]
- '恢复开始移动列的信息到结束列上
- For j = 1 To UBound(GridStr, 2)
- GridStr(int_FinishCol, j) = Str_Temp(0, j)
- Next j
- '[[在此加入你的代码,恢复开始移动列的其他信息到结束列上]]
- FnBln_RefreshArray = True
- Exit Function
- Err_Ctrl:
- FnBln_RefreshArray = False
- End Function
- '========================以上为网格操作基本函数==============================='
- Public Sub Drwbkxx(Wbklrbmte As String, Textvar() As Variant, Textboolean() As Boolean, Textint() As Integer, Textstr() As String) '读入文本框录入信息
- '过程参数:输入参数 Wbklrbmte 文本框录入信息组索引号
- ' 输出参数 Textvar() Textboolean() Textint() Textstr 文本框信息
- Dim Wbklrbrec As ADODB.Recordset '文本框录入表动态集
- Dim Zdszxb As Integer '最大数组下标
- Dim text_indexte As Integer '文本框索引值
- ReDim Textvar(1 To 1)
- Set Wbklrbrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("SELECT * FROM Xt_text_input WHERE Text_Group_Code ='" + Wbklrbmte + "' ORDER BY Text_index")
- With Wbklrbrec
- If Not (.BOF And .EOF) Then
- .MoveLast
- Zdszxb = .Fields("text_index")
- Textvar(1) = Zdszxb
- ReDim Textboolean(0 To Zdszxb, 1 To 5)
- ReDim Textint(0 To Zdszxb, 1 To 14)
- ReDim Textstr(0 To Zdszxb, 1 To 7)
- .MoveFirst
- Else
- Exit Sub
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- text_indexte = .Fields("text_index")
- If .Fields("help_flag") Then '是否提供帮助
- Textboolean(text_indexte, 1) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Help_ManuFlag") Then '手工设置帮助按钮
- Textboolean(text_indexte, 3) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Visible") Then '文本框是否显示
- Textboolean(text_indexte, 4) = True
- End If
- If .Fields("Enabled") Then '文本框是否可编辑
- Textboolean(text_indexte, 5) = True
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("text_data_type")) Then '字段数据类型
- Textint(text_indexte, 1) = .Fields("text_data_type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("help_type")) Then '帮助类型
- Textint(text_indexte, 2) = .Fields("help_type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("show_code_name")) Then '帮助返回值显示类型
- Textint(text_indexte, 3) = .Fields("show_code_name")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("judge_type")) Then '有效性判断类型
- Textint(text_indexte, 4) = .Fields("judge_type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("text_length")) Then '字段录入长度
- Textint(text_indexte, 5) = .Fields("text_length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("text_int_length")) Then '数值字段整数位长度
- Textint(text_indexte, 6) = .Fields("text_int_length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("text_deci_length")) Then '数值字段小数位长度
- Textint(text_indexte, 7) = .Fields("text_deci_length")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("NotAllowEmpty_Type")) Then '字段不允许为空或为零
- Textint(text_indexte, 8) = .Fields("NotAllowEmpty_Type")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("Judge_Time")) Then '文本框有效性判断时刻
- Textint(text_indexte, 9) = .Fields("Judge_Time")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TextHeight")) Then '文本框高度
- Textint(text_indexte, 10) = .Fields("TextHeight")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TextWidth")) Then '文本框宽度
- Textint(text_indexte, 11) = .Fields("TextWidth")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TextTop")) Then '文本框距离顶端高度
- Textint(text_indexte, 12) = .Fields("TextTop")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TextLeft")) Then '文本框左端距离
- Textint(text_indexte, 13) = .Fields("TextLeft")
- End If
- If Not IsNull(.Fields("TabIndex")) Then '文本框焦点顺序
- Textint(text_indexte, 14) = .Fields("TabIndex")
- End If
- Textstr(text_indexte, 1) = Trim(.Fields("text_index") & "") '文本框对应索引值
- Textstr(text_indexte, 2) = Trim(.Fields("text_field_code") & "") '文本框对应编码字段
- Textstr(text_indexte, 3) = Trim(.Fields("text_field_name") & "") '文本框对应名称字段
- Textstr(text_indexte, 4) = Trim(.Fields("help_code") & "") '通用帮助编码
- Textstr(text_indexte, 5) = Trim(.Fields("judge_base") & "") '字段有效性判断依据
- Textstr(text_indexte, 6) = Trim(.Fields("error_message") & "") '字段录入错误提示信息
- Textstr(text_indexte, 7) = Trim(.Fields("text_name") & "") '文本框名称
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Function Mmjm(Srmm As String) As String '密码加密对照模块
- Dim Zfcte As Integer
- Mmjm = ""
- For Jsqte = 1 To Len(Srmm)
- Zfcte = Asc(Mid(Srmm, Jsqte, 1)) + Asc(Mid(Srmm, Len(Srmm) - Jsqte + 1, 1)) + Len(Srmm) + Jsqte
- Mmjm = Mmjm + Trim(Str(Zfcte))
- Next Jsqte
- End Function
- Public Sub F1bz() '发送F1键
- SendKeys "{F1}"
- End Sub
- Public Sub Textyx(Textte As TextBox) '文本框有效
- Textte.Enabled = True
- Textte.BackColor = &H80000005
- End Sub
- Public Sub Textwx(Textte As TextBox) '文本框无效
- Textte.Enabled = False
- Textte.BackColor = &HC0C0C0
- End Sub
- Public Sub Drbmhelp(bzlx As Integer, Helpbm As String, Scdwnr As String) '调入编码参照窗体
- '函数参数:帮助类型(0-通用型 1-日期型 2-特殊型),帮助编码,首次定位内容
- Dim XT_TybmczFrmte As New XT_TybmczFrm
- On Error GoTo ErrHandle
- Xtcdcs = Scdwnr
- Xtfhcs = ""
- Xtfhcsfz = ""
- Select Case bzlx
- Case 0
- Xtbmczdm = Trim(Helpbm)
- XT_TybmczFrmte.Show 1
- Xtbmczdm = ""
- Case 1
- XT_calendar.Show 1
- Case 2
- Select Case Helpbm
- End Select
- End Select
- ErrHandle:
- End Sub
- Public Sub Drbmbj(Helpbm As String) '调入编码参照编辑窗体
- Select Case Helpbm
- 'Case "gy_dept" '部门编辑
- 'JC_BmszFrm.Show 1
- End Select
- End Sub
- '===================以下为固定项列表框处理函数========================'
- Public Function FillCombo(Combote As ComboBox, Lbkbmte As String, Dwnr As String, AddType As Integer) As String '填充列表框并定位
- '函数参数:列表框,列表框分组编码,定位内容,填充类型(0-无空记录 1-有空记录(1个空格) )
- Dim Lbknrrec As ADODB.Recordset
- '填充列表框内容
- Set Lbknrrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from xt_combolist where combo_code='" + Trim(Lbkbmte) + "' order by item_index")
- Combote.Clear
- If AddType = 1 Then
- Combote.AddItem " "
- End If
- With Lbknrrec
- Do While Not .EOF
- Combote.AddItem Trim(.Fields("item_content"))
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- '定位列表框内容
- With Combote
- For Jsqte = .ListCount - 1 To 0 Step -1
- If Dwnr = Trim(.List(Jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- If Jsqte <> -1 Then
- Combote.Text = .List(Jsqte)
- Else
- If .ListCount <> 0 Then
- .Text = .List(0)
- End If
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Public Function Fun_GetIndex(ComboCodeTe As String, FindText As String) As String '查找列表框内容对应索引号
- '函数参数:列表框分组编码,定位内容
- Dim Lbknrrec As ADODB.Recordset
- Fun_GetIndex = ""
- '填充列表框内容
- Set Lbknrrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select Item_Index from xt_combolist where combo_code='" & Trim(ComboCodeTe) & "' And Item_Content='" & Trim(FindText) & "'")
- With Lbknrrec
- If Not .EOF Then
- Fun_GetIndex = Trim(.Fields("Item_Index"))
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Public Function Fun_GetContent(ComboCodeTe As String, FindIndex As String) As String '查找列表框索引号对应内容
- '函数参数:列表框分组编码,定位内容
- Dim Lbknrrec As ADODB.Recordset
- Fun_GetContent = ""
- '填充列表框内容
- Set Lbknrrec = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select Item_Content from xt_combolist where combo_code='" & Trim(ComboCodeTe) & "' And Item_Index='" & Trim(FindIndex) & "'")
- With Lbknrrec
- If Not .EOF Then
- Fun_GetContent = Trim(.Fields("Item_Content"))
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- '==========================以上为列表框处理基本函数=========================='
- Public Function XtWaitMess(Str_IndexSub) '系统功能调用等待提示
- '函数参数:系统功能模块索引号
- Xtcdcs = Str_IndexSub
- XT_FrmWaitMess.Show 1
- End Function
- Public Function Sub_FillPeriod(Combote As ComboBox, Year As Integer, Period As Integer) '列表框填充会计期间
- '过程参数;填充列表框,会计年度,默认会计期间
- Dim Jsqte As Integer
- With Combote
- .Clear
- For Jsqte = 1 To 12
- .AddItem Mid(Trim(Str(10000 + Xtyear)), 2, 4) + "." + Mid(Trim(Str(100 + Jsqte)), 2, 2)
- Next Jsqte
- .Text = Mid(Trim(Str(10000 + Xtyear)), 2, 4) + "." + Mid(Trim(Str(100 + Period)), 2, 2)
- End With
- End Function
- '//* 功能: 金额小写转换为大写 调用参数:jesj...人民币小写金额
- '//* 返回变量: name..人民币大写金额
- Public Function Fun_Jezh(Jesj As Double) As String
- Dim Name1$, Name2$, Mje1$, Name$
- Dim len_mje1%, k%, Ws%, j%, ws1%, m%
- Dim Bz As Boolean
- Name1 = "壹贰叁肆伍陆柒捌玖"
- Name2 = "分角元拾佰仟万拾佰仟亿拾佰仟"
- Mje1 = Trim(Format(Jesj, "###.00"))
- len_mje1 = Len(Mje1)
- If len_mje1 > 16 Or Jesj < 0.01 Or IsNull(Jesj) Then
- Fun_Jezh = ""
- Exit Function
- End If
- '//取无小数的字符串
- Mje1 = Left(Mje1, len_mje1 - 3) + Right(Mje1, 2)
- len_mje1 = len_mje1 - 1
- k = len_mje1 * 2 - 1
- Ws = Int(Mid(Mje1, 1, 1)) * 2 - 1
- If len_mje1 = 3 And Ws < 0 Then '//如果金额<1 name=''
- Name = ""
- Else
- If Ws > 0 Then
- Name = MidB(Name1, Ws, 2) + MidB(Name2, k, 2) '//如果金额>=1,转换金额
- End If
- End If
- j = 2
- k = k - 2
- Bz = True
- xh1:
- Do While j <= len_mje1 And Bz
- ws1 = Int(Mid(Mje1, j, 1)) * 2 - 1
- If ws1 > 0 Then
- Name = Name + MidB(Name1, ws1, 2) + MidB(Name2, k, 2)
- j = j + 1
- k = k - 2
- GoTo xh1
- End If
- m = 0
- xh2:
- Do While ws1 < 0
- If len_mje1 >= 11 Then
- If k < 21 Then
- m = m + 1
- End If
- End If
- If k = 5 Or (k = 13 And m <= 3) Or k = 21 Then
- Name = Name + MidB(Name2, k, 2)
- End If
- If k = 1 Then
- Name = Name + "整"
- Bz = False
- Exit Do
- End If
- j = j + 1
- k = k - 2
- ws1 = Int(Mid(Mje1, j, 1)) * 2 - 1
- If ws1 < 0 Then
- GoTo xh2
- Else
- If len_mje1 = 3 Then
- Name = Name + "零"
- Else
- Name = Name + "零"
- End If
- End If
- Loop
- Loop
- '去掉元和角之间零(1230.32)
- wz1 = InStr(1, Name, "元")
- wz2 = InStr(1, Name, "角")
- If wz1 <> 0 And wz2 <> 0 Then
- wz3 = InStr(wz1, Name, "零")
- If wz3 <> 0 Then
- Name = Mid(Name, 1, wz3 - 1) + Mid(Name, wz3 + 1, Len(Name))
- End If
- End If
- Fun_Jezh = Name
- End Function
- Public Function FillImageCombo(Combote As ImageCombo, ComboCode As String, AddType As Integer) '填充列表框(ImageCombo)并定位
- '函数参数:列表框(ImageCombo),ComboCode列表框分组编码
- 'AddType 项目填充类型(0-填充索引+内容,无空记录 1-仅填充内容,无空记录 2-填充索引+内容,有空记录 3-仅填充内容,有空记录)
- Dim Rec_Combo As ADODB.Recordset '填充属性
- Dim Rec_FillText As ADODB.Recordset '填充内容
- Dim ci As ComboItem
- Dim Jsqte As Integer '临时计数器
- Dim str_sql As String 'sql语句
- Combote.ComboItems.Clear
- Jsqte = 1
- '填充列表框内容
- Set Rec_Combo = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From Xt_ImageCombo Where combo_code='" + Trim(ComboCode) + "'")
- With Rec_Combo
- Combote.Locked = True
- If AddType = 2 Or AddType = 3 Then
- Set ci = Combote.ComboItems.Add(, "@")
- Jsqte = Jsqte + 1
- End If
- str_sql = Trim(.Fields("Sql_String"))
- str_sql = Replace(str_sql, "#", "'" & Trim(Xtcdcsfz) & "'")
- Set Rec_FillText = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute(str_sql)
- Do While Not Rec_FillText.EOF
- Select Case AddType
- Case 0, 2 '填充索引+内容
- Set ci = Combote.ComboItems.Add(, "@" + Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemKey")))), Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemKey")))) + " " + Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemText")))))
- Case 1, 3 '仅填充记录内容
- Set ci = Combote.ComboItems.Add(, "@" + Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemKey")))), Trim(Rec_FillText.Fields(Trim(.Fields("ItemText")))))
- End Select
- Jsqte = Jsqte + 1
- Rec_FillText.MoveNext
- Loop
- If Combote.ComboItems.count <> 0 Then
- Combote.ComboItems.Item(1).Selected = True
- End If
- End With
- End Function
- Public Function GetComboKey(Combote As ImageCombo, KeyOrName As Integer) As String '取得用户选中列表框项目Key值或内容
- '函数参数:列表框(ImageCombo),KeyOrName 0--取项目Key值 1--取选项内容值
- Dim Jsqte As Integer '临时计数器
- If KeyOrName = 0 Then
- '去掉首位@
- For Jsqte = 1 To Combote.ComboItems.count
- If Combote.ComboItems(Jsqte).Text = Combote.Text Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- If Combote.ComboItems.count > 0 Then
- GetComboKey = Trim(Mid(Combote.ComboItems(Jsqte).Key, 2, Len(Combote.ComboItems(Jsqte).Key)))
- End If
- Else
- GetComboKey = Trim(Combote.Text)
- End If
- End Function
- Public Sub Sub_CodeScheme(ItemCodeTe As String, Int_CodeLev As Integer, Int_CodeScheme() As Integer) '生成相应各级编码长度到数组中(编码方案)
- '函数参数:ItemCodeTe 编码方案代码,Int_CodeLev 返回编码最大级数,Int_CodeScheme() 返回各级编码长度
- 'ForExample:会计科目编码:322222 结果:Int_CodeLev=6 Int_CodeScheme()=3 5 7 9 11 13
- Dim Rec_CodeScheme As New ADODB.Recordset '编码方案动态集
- Set Rec_CodeScheme = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select CodeScheme From Gy_CodeScheme Where ItemCode='" & Trim(ItemCodeTe) & "'")
- With Rec_CodeScheme
- If Not .EOF Then
- Int_CodeLev = Len(Trim(.Fields("CodeScheme")))
- ReDim Int_CodeScheme(Int_CodeLev)
- lenjsq = 0
- For Jsqte = 1 To Int_CodeLev
- lenjsq = lenjsq + Mid(Trim(.Fields("CodeScheme")), Jsqte, 1)
- Int_CodeScheme(Jsqte) = lenjsq
- Next Jsqte
- End If
- .Close
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub Sub_SetOperStatus(Str_OperStatus As String) '显示系统操作状态
- If Trim(Str_OperStatus) <> "" Then
- XT_Main.StatusBar1.Panels("OperStatus") = Str_OperStatus
- Else
- XT_Main.StatusBar1.Panels("OperStatus") = "就绪"
- End If
- End Sub
- Public Sub Sub_ReadBillInfo(BillCode As String, Frm_Bill As Form, Var_Bill() As Variant) '读入单据整体设计信息(录入)
- '参数说明:BillCode 单据编码(索引号) ,Frm_Bill 单据窗体 , VarBill 用来返回单据设计信息
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset '临时使用动态集
- ReDim Var_Bill(1 To 5) '返回单据设计信息
- Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From xt_BillDesign Where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Frm_Bill.Height = .Fields("FormHeight") '设置窗体高度
- Frm_Bill.Width = .Fields("FormWidth") '设置窗体宽度
- Var_Bill(1) = Trim(.Fields("BillName")) '单据描述
- Frm_Bill.Caption = Var_Bill(1) '单据描述赋予窗体Caption
- Var_Bill(2) = Trim(.Fields("BillTitle")) '单据标题
- Var_Bill(3) = Trim(.Fields("Text_Group_Code")) '单据所使用文本框组索引号
- Var_Bill(4) = Trim(.Fields("Grid_Code")) '单据所使用网格组索引号
- Var_Bill(5) = Trim(.Fields("Print_Code")) '单据所使用打印参数索引号
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub Sub_DPReadBillInfo(BillCode As String, Frm_Bill As Form, Var_Bill() As Variant) '读入单据整体设计信息(打印)
- '参数说明:BillCode 单据编码(索引号) Frm_Bill 单据窗体 VarBill 用来返回单据设计信息
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset
- ReDim Var_Bill(1 To 3)
- Set RecTemp = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("Select * From xt_BillDesign Where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Frm_Bill.Pict.Height = .Fields("FormHeight") - 375 '设置窗体高度
- Frm_Bill.Pict.Width = .Fields("FormWidth") '设置窗体宽度
- Frm_Bill.Lab_Title = Trim(.Fields("BillName")) '单据标题
- Var_Bill(1) = Trim(.Fields("BillName")) '单据描述
- Frm_Bill.Caption = Var_Bill(1) '单据描述赋予窗体Caption
- Var_Bill(2) = Trim(.Fields("Text_Group_Code")) '单据所使用文本框组索引号
- Var_Bill(3) = Trim(.Fields("Grid_Code")) '单据所使用网格组索引号
- End If
- End With
- End Sub
- Public Sub DPBcwggs(Bcgsgrid As vsFlexGrid, Wggsdm As String) '保存网格格式(包括网格列宽,网格列顺序)
- '过程参数:保存格式网格对象,网格格式代码(网格参数)
- Dim Tsxx As String
- Dim RecTemp As New ADODB.Recordset
- Dim Qslzte As Integer
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.BeginTrans
- On Error GoTo Swcwcl
- If RecTemp.State = 1 Then RecTemp.Close
- RecTemp.Open "select * from xt_grid where Grid_Code='" + Trim(Wggsdm) + "' order by ColId", Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
- With RecTemp
- If Not .EOF Then
- Qslzte = .Fields("BeginCol")
- .MoveNext
- End If
- Do While Not .EOF
- For Jsqte = Qslzte To Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1
- If Bcgsgrid.FixedRows = 1 Then
- If Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(0, Jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Else
- If Trim(.Fields("ColTitle1")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(0, Jsqte)) And Trim(.Fields("ColTitle2")) = Trim(Bcgsgrid.TextMatrix(1, Jsqte)) Then
- Exit For
- End If
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- If Jsqte <= Bcgsgrid.Cols - 1 Then
- .Fields("ColId") = Jsqte - Qslzte + 1
- .Fields("ColWidth") = Bcgsgrid.ColWidth(Jsqte)
- .Update
- Else
- GoTo Swcwcl
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- End With
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.CommitTrans
- Tsxx = "表格格式保存完毕!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
- Exit Sub
- Swcwcl:
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.RollbackTrans
- Tsxx = "存盘过程中出现未知错误,程序自动恢复保存前状态!"
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 1)
- Exit Sub
- End Sub
- '===================以下为系统权限控制与上机日志控制函数======================'
- Public Function Security_Log(gnsy As String, UserCode As String, Optional LogTF As Integer = 3, Optional State As Boolean = True, Optional msg As Boolean = True) As Boolean '权限判断和日志
- 'Gnsy 功能索引 UserCode 用户编码
- 'LogTF (1、判断权限,写日志)、(2、只写日志)、(3、只判断权限)
- 'State 状态 (True 进入 false 完成)
- '返回Security_Log=true表示有权限,Security_Log=false表示没有有权限
- 'Msg 没有权限时是否提示(True 提示 False不提示)
- Dim Tsxx As String '系统信息提示
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim aDo_userGroup As New Recordset
- Dim aDo_gnbm As New Recordset: Dim Ssql As String
- Set aDo_gnbm = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Xt_xtgnb where gnsy='" & Trim(gnsy) & "'")
- If LogTF = 1 Or LogTF = 3 Then
- Set aDo_userGroup = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Czygl where czybm='" & Trim(UserCode) & "'")
- If Mid(aDo_userGroup!AuthorityID, aDo_gnbm!Id, 1) = "1" Then
- Security_Log = True
- Else
- Security_Log = False
- End If
- aDo_userGroup.Close
- Set aDo_userGroup = Nothing
- If Security_Log = False Then
- Set aDo_userGroup = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from System_UserGroupInfo a ,System_UserGroup b where a.groupid=b.groupid and a.userid='" & Trim(UserCode) & "'")
- Do While Not aDo_userGroup.EOF
- If Mid(aDo_userGroup!AuthorityID, aDo_gnbm!Id, 1) = "1" Then
- Security_Log = True
- Exit Do
- Else
- Security_Log = False
- End If
- aDo_userGroup.MoveNext
- Loop
- aDo_userGroup.Close
- Set aDo_userGroup = Nothing
- End If
- If Security_Log = False Then
- If msg = True Then
- Tsxx = "没有权限,请与管理员联系! "
- Call Xtxxts(Tsxx, 0, 4)
- End If
- End If
- End If
- '------------------------------------
- If (LogTF = 1 And Security_Log = True) Or LogTF = 2 Then
- If State = True Then
- Ssql = "insert into System_Log(GeginDate,userid,WorkstationName,WorkList,SystemName,NetUserName,State)" _
- & " values(getdate(),'" & UserCode & "','" & MachineName & "','" & Trim("" & aDo_gnbm!gnms) & "','" & "考核管理" & "','" & NTDomainUserName & "','进入')"
- Else
- Ssql = "insert into System_Log(GeginDate,userid,WorkstationName,WorkList,SystemName,NetUserName,State)" _
- & " values(getdate(),'" & UserCode & "','" & MachineName & "','" & Trim("" & aDo_gnbm!gnms) & "','" & "考核管理" & "','" & NTDomainUserName & "','完成')"
- End If
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute Ssql
- End If
- aDo_gnbm.Close
- Set aDo_gnbm = Nothing
- End Function
- Public Function MachineName() As String '取得当前工作站名
- Dim sBuffer As String * 255
- If GetComputerName(sBuffer, 255&) <> 0 Then
- MachineName = Left$(sBuffer, InStr(sBuffer, vbNullChar) - 1)
- Else
- MachineName = "(未知)"
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function NTDomainUserName() As String '取得当前网络用户名
- Dim strBuffer As String * 255
- Dim lngBufferLength As Long
- Dim lngRet As Long
- Dim strTemp As String
- lngBufferLength = 255
- lngRet = GetUserName(strBuffer, lngBufferLength)
- strTemp = UCase(Trim$(strBuffer))
- NTDomainUserName = Left$(strTemp, lngBufferLength - 1)
- End Function
- Public Function GetPY(a1 As String) As String '返回拼音码字符串
- '输入参数:a1 输入字符串
- Dim Jsqte As Long
- Dim t1 As String
- GetPY = ""
- If Len(Trim(a1)) = 0 Then
- Exit Function
- End If
- For Jsqte = 1 To Len(Trim(a1))
- t1 = Mid(a1, Jsqte, 1)
- If Asc(t1) < 0 Then
- If Asc(t1) < Asc("啊") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + t1
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("啊") And Asc(t1) < Asc("芭") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "A"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("芭") And Asc(t1) < Asc("擦") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "B"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("擦") And Asc(t1) < Asc("搭") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "C"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("搭") And Asc(t1) < Asc("蛾") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "D"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("蛾") And Asc(t1) < Asc("发") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "E"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("发") And Asc(t1) < Asc("噶") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "F"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("噶") And Asc(t1) < Asc("哈") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "G"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("哈") And Asc(t1) < Asc("击") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "H"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("击") And Asc(t1) < Asc("喀") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "J"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("喀") And Asc(t1) < Asc("垃") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "K"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("垃") And Asc(t1) < Asc("妈") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "L"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("妈") And Asc(t1) < Asc("拿") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "M"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("拿") And Asc(t1) < Asc("哦") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "N"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("哦") And Asc(t1) < Asc("啪") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "O"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("啪") And Asc(t1) < Asc("期") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "P"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("期") And Asc(t1) < Asc("然") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "Q"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("然") And Asc(t1) < Asc("撒") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "R"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("撒") And Asc(t1) < Asc("塌") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "S"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("塌") And Asc(t1) < Asc("挖") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "T"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("挖") And Asc(t1) < Asc("昔") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "W"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("昔") And Asc(t1) < Asc("压") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "X"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("压") And Asc(t1) < Asc("匝") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "Y"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- If Asc(t1) >= Asc("匝") Then
- GetPY = GetPY + "Z"
- GoTo L1
- End If
- Else
- If UCase(t1) <= "Z" And UCase(t1) >= "A" Then
- GetPY = GetPY + UCase(t1)
- Else
- GetPY = t1
- End If
- End If
- L1:
- Next Jsqte
- End Function
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- Public Function Item_Info() '项目查询连接
- Dim aDo_Item As New Recordset
- Dim Ssql As String
- Set aDo_Item = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from DEV_item")
- With aDo_Item
- Do While Not .EOF
- If !yncode = 1 And Trim(aDo_Item!TableName) = "CorrelationList" Then
- If !YNRoot = 1 Then
- Ssql = Ssql & ",N_" & !ItemFieldName & "=(select ListName from DEV_CorrelationList c where convert(varchar(18),c.ListCode)=b." & !ItemFieldName & ")"
- Else
- Ssql = Ssql & ",N_" & !ItemFieldName & "=(select ListName from DEV_CorrelationList c where convert(varchar(18),c.ListCode)=a." & !ItemFieldName & ")"
- End If
- '-----------------
- Else
- If !yncode = 1 Then
- If !YNRoot = 1 Then
- Ssql = Ssql & ",N_" & !ItemFieldName & "=(select " & aDo_Item!CloumnName2 & " from " & aDo_Item!TableName & " c where c." & aDo_Item!CloumnName1 & "=b." & !ItemFieldName & ")"
- Else
- Ssql = Ssql & ",N_" & !ItemFieldName & "=(select " & aDo_Item!CloumnName2 & " from " & aDo_Item!TableName & " c where c." & aDo_Item!CloumnName1 & "=a." & !ItemFieldName & ")"
- End If
- End If
- End If
- .MoveNext
- Loop
- Ssql = "select b.dcode,b.tcode,b.lcode,b.dname,b.manage,b.dxh,b.mader,b.zflag,b.mlevel,b.pdate,b.state,b.dno,b.conno,a.*,N_Lcode=(select isname from DEV_ItemSort c where convert(varchar(18),c.isid)=b.lcode)" & Ssql & " FROM DEV_RootInfo a,DEV_main b"
- End With
- Item_Info = Ssql
- End Function
- '====================单据编号格式化==============
- Public Function BillCodeFormat(BillCode As String, Code As String) As String
- BillCode = Trim(BillCode): Code = Trim(Code)
- Dim Profix As String '前缀
- Dim Glida As Integer '流水方式
- Dim CodeLen As Integer '代码长度
- Dim aDo_re As New Recordset
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_BillNumber where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount > 0 Then
- Profix = aDo_re!Profix
- Glida = aDo_re!Glida
- CodeLen = aDo_re!CodeLen
- Else
- BillCodeFormat = "": Exit Function
- End If
- aDo_re.Close
- If Len(Code) >= Len(Profix) + CodeLen Then BillCodeFormat = Code: Exit Function
- If Glida = 0 Then
- If Len(Code) >= Len(Profix) Then
- If Profix <> Mid(Code, 1, Len(Profix)) Then
- BillCodeFormat = Profix & String(CodeLen - Len(Code), "0") & Code
- Else
- If Len(Code) = Len(Profix) Then BillCodeFormat = Code: Exit Function
- BillCodeFormat = Profix & String(CodeLen - Len(Code), "0") & Mid(Code, Len(Profix) + 1, Len(Code))
- End If
- Else
- BillCodeFormat = Profix & String(CodeLen - Len(Code), "0") & Code: Exit Function
- End If
- Else
- If Len(Code) >= Len(Profix) Then
- If Profix <> Mid(Code, 1, Len(Profix)) Then
- BillCodeFormat = Profix & Code
- Else
- BillCodeFormat = Code
- End If
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- '====================单据ID处理==================
- Public Function CreatBillID(BillCode As String) As Integer
- '参数说明: BillCode 单据编码
- Dim BillType As String
- Dim aDo_re As New Recordset
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_BillNumber where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount > 0 Then
- CreatBillID = aDo_re!IDNow
- BillType = aDo_re!BillType
- End If
- aDo_re.Close
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_BillNumber set IDNow=IDNow+1 where BillType='" & Trim(BillType) & "'"
- End Function
- '====================单据编码处理==================
- Public Function CreatBillCode(BillCode As String, Optional Add As Boolean = False, Optional KjYear As Integer, Optional Period As Integer, Optional WhCode As String) As String
- '参数说明: BillCode 单据编码,KjYear 会计年度,Period 会计期间,WhCode 仓库编码,Add 编号是累加(True 加,False,否)
- Dim BillCodeMode As Integer '编码方式
- Dim Profix As String '前缀
- Dim Glida As Integer '流水方式
- Dim CodeLen As Integer '代码长度
- Dim aDo_re As New Recordset
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_BillNumber where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- With aDo_re
- If .RecordCount > 0 Then
- BillCodeMode = !BillCodeMode
- Profix = !Profix
- Glida = !Glida
- CodeLen = !CodeLen
- .Close
- Else
- Exit Function
- End If
- End With
- Select Case BillCodeMode
- Case 0 '单据方式
- '=============
- Select Case Glida
- Case 0
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当编号记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "',1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & String(CodeLen - 1, "0") & 1
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "'"
- End If
- Exit Function
- Case 1
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear)
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当前年记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,Kjyear,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "'," & KjYear & ",1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & KjYear & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))), "0") & "1"
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & KjYear & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear
- End If
- Exit Function
- Case 2
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and Period=" & Period)
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当前年当前期间记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,Kjyear,Period,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "'," & KjYear & "," & Period & ",1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & KjYear & String(2 - Len(Trim(Str(Period))), "0") & Period & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - 2, "0") & "1"
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & KjYear & String(2 - Len(Trim(Str(Period))), "0") & Period & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - 2, "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and Period=" & Period
- End If
- Exit Function
- End Select
- '==============
- Case 1 '单据+仓库方式
- '=============
- Select Case Glida
- Case 0
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当编号记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,WhCode ,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "','" & Trim(WhCode) & "',1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & 1
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'"
- End If
- Exit Function
- Case 1
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当前年记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,Kjyear,WhCode,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "'," & KjYear & ",'" & Trim(WhCode) & "',1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & KjYear & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & "1"
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & KjYear & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'"
- End If
- Exit Function
- Case 2
- Set aDo_re = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from Gy_Maxnum where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and Period=" & Period & " and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'")
- If aDo_re.RecordCount < 1 Then '当前年当前期间记录没有时
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "insert into Gy_Maxnum(BillCode,Kjyear,Period,WhCode,NowNumber) VALUES ('" & Trim(BillCode) & "'," & KjYear & "," & Period & ",'" & Trim(WhCode) & "',1)"
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & KjYear & String(2 - Len(Trim(Str(Period))), "0") & Period & String(CodeLen - 1 - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - 2 - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & "1"
- Else
- CreatBillCode = Trim(Profix) & Trim(WhCode) & KjYear & String(2 - Len(Trim(Str(Period))), "0") & Period & String(CodeLen - Len(aDo_re!NowNumBer) - Len(Trim(Str(KjYear))) - 2 - Len(Trim(WhCode)), "0") & aDo_re!NowNumBer
- End If
- If Add = True Then
- Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute "update Gy_Maxnum set NowNumBer=NowNumBer+1 where BillCode='" & Trim(BillCode) & "' and KjYear= " & KjYear & " and Period=" & Period & " and WhCode='" & Trim(WhCode) & "'"
- End If
- Exit Function
- End Select
- '==============
- End Select
- End Function
- '图形分析
- Public Sub Txfxbb(CxbbGrid As vsFlexGrid, ChartCode As String, ParamArray charttype()) '图形分析模块
- '过程参数为:分析网格,图形代码,脚标,分析项目数,分析网格起始行值,分析网格终止行值
- On Error Resume Next
- Dim aDo_Char As New Recordset
- Dim Jsqte As Integer
- Dim i As Integer: Dim r As Integer
- Dim h As Integer: Dim s As Integer: h = 0: s = 0
- '---------------------
- Set aDo_Char = Cw_DataEnvi.DataConnect.Execute("select * from XT_GridChart where Chart_Code='" & ChartCode & "'")
- If aDo_Char.RecordCount = 0 Then MsgBox "图形基础设置错误! ", 16: Exit Sub
- '-----------------------------
- If CxbbGrid.Rows - aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows < 1 Then
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '---------------------
- XT_TxItem.ChartCode = ChartCode
- Set XT_TxItem.Grid = CxbbGrid
- XT_TxItem.Tag = "F"
- XT_TxItem.Show 1
- If XT_TxItem.Tag <> "T" Then Exit Sub
- '---------------------
- With XT_TxfxFrm.Txfxchart
- .Header.Text.Clear
- .Header.Text.Add aDo_Char!Chart_Titlete
- .Footer.Text.Clear
- .RemoveAllSeries
- .Aspect.View3d = False
- If XT_TxItem.Check1.Value = 0 Then '横标统计
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- For r = 0 To XT_TxItem.Item(0).ListCount - 1
- If XT_TxItem.Item(0).Selected(r) = True Then
- '---------------
- If UBound(charttype()) > 1 Then '显示的图形类型
- Select Case charttype(1)
- Case 1: .AddSeries scBar
- Case 2: .AddSeries scLine: Case 3: .AddSeries scArea
- Case 4: .AddSeries scHorizBar: Case 5: .AddSeries scPoint
- Case 6: .AddSeries scFastLine: Case 7: .AddSeries scFastLine
- End Select
- Else
- .AddSeries scBar
- End If
- '------------------'读取数据
- .Series(s).Marks.Style = smsValue
- XT_TxItem.Item(0).ListIndex = r: .Series(s).Title = XT_TxItem.Item(0).Text
- For Jsqte = aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows To Val(CxbbGrid.Rows - 1)
- If XT_TxItem.Item(1).Selected(Jsqte - aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows) = True Then
- .Series(s).ValueFormat = "#,##0.####"
- .Series(s).Add Val(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(Jsqte, XT_TxItem.Item(0).ItemData(r))), CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(Jsqte, aDo_Char!grid_FixedCols - 1), clTeeColor
- If XT_TxItem.Check2.Value = 0 Then
- .Series(s).Marks.Visible = False
- End If
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- s = s + 1
- '---------------
- End If
- Next r
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- Else
- '竖表统计
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- For r = 0 To XT_TxItem.Item(1).ListCount - 1
- If XT_TxItem.Item(1).Selected(r) = True Then
- '---------------
- If UBound(charttype()) > 1 Then '显示的图形类型
- Select Case charttype(1)
- Case 1: .AddSeries scBar
- Case 2: .AddSeries scLine: Case 3: .AddSeries scArea
- Case 4: .AddSeries scHorizBar: Case 5: .AddSeries scPoint
- Case 6: .AddSeries scFastLine: Case 7: .AddSeries scFastLine
- End Select
- Else
- .AddSeries scBar
- End If
- '------------------'读取数据
- .Series(s).Marks.Style = smsValue
- .Series(s).Title = CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(r + aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows, aDo_Char!grid_FixedCols - 1)
- For Jsqte = aDo_Char!grid_FixedCols To CxbbGrid.Cols - 1
- If XT_TxItem.Item(0).Selected(Jsqte - aDo_Char!grid_FixedCols) = True Then
- .Series(s).ValueFormat = "#,##0.####"
- .Series(s).Add Val(CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(XT_TxItem.Item(1).ItemData(r), Jsqte)), CxbbGrid.TextMatrix(aDo_Char!grid_Fixedrows - 1, Jsqte), clTeeColor
- If XT_TxItem.Check2.Value = 0 Then
- .Series(s).Marks.Visible = False
- End If
- End If
- Next Jsqte
- s = s + 1
- '---------------
- End If
- Next r
- '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
- End If
- End With
- '
- XT_TxfxFrm.Txcode = ChartCode
- Set XT_TxfxFrm.bbGrid = CxbbGrid
- XT_TxfxFrm.Hide
- XT_TxfxFrm.Show 1
- End Sub